Monday, February 26, 2018

GASParilla Distance Classic (Pt 1 - Expo and Hotel)

Okay, so for those of you who read my Celebration Half Marathon race report, you know that I kind of had an epiphany about my marriage: 
I have taken Hubby for granted. For far too long. Married people get in a rut, I think, and it's really hard to see the rut, much less dig yourself out from it. I saw the rut this weekend. NakedTime helped me see it. I need more NakedTime with him, to just talk, and share, and feel him next to me. The change I see in myself, and how I feel towards him, is amazing. When two people love each other - but don't express it - it can be devastating to physical feelings, and you become complacent.  
I am resolute in making sure that the feelings I'm feeling right now don't end. How do I keep this alive? How to I avoid that rut? I don't know yet... but I sure am looking forward to finding out!
Once we got home, and I reflected again on how happy I was to have seen the rut, I tried to think of a great way to show it. The Kiddo wasn't going to go to Gasparilla with us - she'd much prefer to stay home without her annoying parents - so I knew I had free reign to really do anything. I devised a plan to hit the gym at least 3 days a week, so that I was really high on that Body Positivity Meter. When I feel good about myself, I feel better about... well... you know! Don't worry - I'm not going to go all porny on you, but this will be a more R-rated version than any other report I've ever done (all 3 days).

I'm not there yet, but I'm on the right track

I was up around 8 and hopped in the shower, then Twittered on the couch with some juice until it was time to pack and leave, around 10:45. We grabbed Arby's for lunch and ate it on the road. 

We parked again at the Amalie arena (total cost $3.20 for 2 hours). We headed into the expo, got all the way to the bib pickup then realized I didn't know my number! (This right here told me where my brain was...). We went back out to the Info Booth, got my number, then went back to packet pickup and got my bib. Then, over to shirts. Ironically - the 5k shirt this year was purple... the color I really wanted! The teal and orange are very pretty though, and the challenge jacket is cool, too. 

15k, 8k Shirts, and Challenge Jacket
I made sure the shirts fit this time, although I usually have good luck with Leslie Jordan shirts (I go 3x with these so they are roomy, and good for the gym).

There wasn't a whole lot to look at at the Expo. I got some Cabot cheese samples, a cool sweat rag from the Publix booth and a few cute spectator signs from Tampa Bay Times.

Random "swag"

On the way out, I hit the ladies' room to put the GASParilla Plan in motion. I was getting really psyched for this weekend's festivities. Oh, and the race, too.

Super-clean hair, light makeup, I'm ready to go!
We made it back to the car without being hit by the trolley, and grabbed some snackage at WaWa (right across the street from the hotel!). We'll probably be pretty hungry and thirsty later.  (Spoiler Alert: We were)

We checked in at Country Inn & Suites and got a really good room, right by the elevator, and the stairs down to the first floor. King size bed with a separate sitting area and sleeping area. I took care of my Logical Side first, unpacking, getting my race gear together and whatnot.

Once that was done, I got the weekend started.  On many occasions in our lives together, he's asked for nudes. I've never been really into it; always ashamed at my body, or feeling prudish, like doing that is somehow slutty or "not what good girls do." We've done a few over the years, but probably only once since the kiddo was born (last century!). I would always tell him, "when I lose 10 pounds," or "when I weigh less than 175." So, I really wanted to do this for him. And for me, too; hence, kicking ass at the gym, looking pretty, wearing makeup. And because I'm always in my own head, I'd researched ways to pose, how to hide fat, fun angles, stuff like that...

Dammit, Bobby
He wasn't expecting me to offer photos, so he was surprised when I presented him with an SD card. I gave him a sexy little speech about my giving him this if he gives me mine, and gives it to me good.

We had fun, and the process reminded me just how bad he is at taking photos! Eventually, it was my turn, and well, he did, in fact, make it good.

Get you a nice guy

Reluctantly, hours later, we put on some pants and wandered back over to Wawa for some dinner. As you can imagine, we were starving. After dinner, there was a little more fun, but I had to wake up early, so we fell asleep around 11.

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