Sunday, June 2, 2019

Heart Hands! - Beck Cupcakes & Capes 2019 Race Report

Click the Photo to Sign Up
Click the photo to sign up!
Yesterday was one of my most favorite races - the Beck 5k!  Yeah, it's June and it's hot as hell, but I love the energy of this race.

I got a pretty good on-street parking spot and headed over to pick up my bib and then came back to gear up.

After I got my cape on (the theme was Capes and Cakes again), I walked around the start area.

Not too busy yet, but just wait...

There was a cute mirror with a sign that said "This is what a Superhero Looks Like."

I tried to center myself, but I guess I still failed
There were over 200 runners this year, so the start line was very crowded!

So many bodies...
So many more bodies...
We all sang the National Anthem and took off to run through beautiful downtown Palatka.

Oooh, I forgot I ran past my car!
Will walk quickly for cupcakes
As always, it was hot as hell, so there wasn't a lot of running this time. There wasn't a lot of action either, so here's some boring photos.

Mile 1, nicely uncrowded in the back
Mile 2, in the shade
Let's hear it for entrepreneurship!
Woo hoo, turn around!
ARC Spectators and Cheer Squad
Click HERE To read more about this abandoned Florida Furniture Industries Building
I have to cut in here, though, to brag about this photo...

This race always benefits the ARC of Putnam County, which provides advocacy and assistance to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the community.

If they are able, ARC residents love to participate in this race. Some will spectate, as seen above, or will actually run/walk in the race itself. There was a large group of residents behind me, and I passed them again after the turn-around point.  While I was taking a photo of the building (above, I love the sign), this adorable guy slammed on his brakes and threw up some heart hands. He looked so sweet and happy, that I stopped and asked him to do it again for me, and I shot this photo of him (and shared it with ARC and Beck after the race). Every time I see this photo (eta: even a year later when I read this blog post again...), he makes me smile!

Heart Hands!
With a happy heart, I continued on my way to the finish line.

I'm actually feeling pretty good in this photo
There it is!
With temperatures in the 80s and humidity in the 70s, my time was absolute shit.  My official time was 55:15 (pace 17:47). I ws 213th out of 237 total runners, and 12th out of 14 in my gender/age group.

I spent a bit of time in front of the large misting fans while I drank a bottle of water, before venturing over to the food tent to pick up a beautiful cupcake from Happy Cakes (eta: they have since closed) and take randomly weird photos with it.  

Vanilla/Vanilla cupcake, a beautiful medal, and a beautiful river
I. Am. So. Sweaty.
I wish the background was darker; you could see the cupcake better
They had a photo booth, so of course I stopped by with my cupcakes and my cape. I wish you could see the lettering better on my cape...

Oooh, a GIF
Oooh, a collage
Once my Cupcake Photo Shoot was over, I sha-mashed that bitch right into my face! They are so good, I grabbed another one for the road. There's nothing better than sha-mashing a cupcake at 80mph with the windows down! (Bonus points if you know where "sha-mash" comes from).

Stay safe, little cupcake, until I can devour you!
I spent the afternoon in St. Augustine before heading home to pick up Hubby and check out my awesome goody bag.

Iridescent white sling bag
Lanyard, random plastic box, snacks, floating key chain, coozie, pen
Ah! It's a silicone straw inside that small white box
Very large (unisex) tech tee
Long Cool Towel
ETA: ARC posted this great photo on Facebook - they raised over $10,000! I'm so happy to have been able to help.  

See you next year, guys!!

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