Monday, October 26, 2020

Bridge of Lions 5k - Rescheduled

Well, okay... it's not cancelled at least. And it's not automatically virtual. 

I got an email from RaceSmith on April 22nd that the Bridge of Lions 5k was going to be rescheduled, because of Covid guidelines. They gave the racers the opportunity to come race in August, run virtually, or receive a refund. 

As much as I hate virtual races, the thought of doing this specific race in the August heat made me nauseated, so I opted for virtual.

We'll see how long it takes me to actually do it. 

Well... I didn't do it on the original date in July. 

And I didn't do it on it's rescheduled day, August 29th (though I really wanted to). 

I tried to do it on September 16th, but that didn't happen either. 

I actually didn't do this until October 25th! The upside is that it was much cooler than it would have been if I did it earlier!

So... why did it take this long? Well, I'm sure you've noticed in some of my posts that I've not been nearly as active as I should be... This working from home shit is a mindfuck for me and I sink into random days of... not despair... but non-fuckery. I give no fucks. I've surveyed my field of fucks, and behold it is barren. I have a To-Do list a mile long that could be To-Done, but I never do it. I could have improved my pace time dramatically, but I never push myself. 

One night, when Hubby and I were in bed, I had a Come to Jesus moment with myself, and since then, I've gotten myself back up on the Give a Fuck horse. I'm in a better mindset and I think (I hope) that this time, it'll stick. 

So, with the new Can Do Attitude, I geared up in my loosest-fitting skirt and headed down to Depot Park. With it being so close to Halloween, the park was still dark at 7am, which worked in my favor, keeping people away until it got lighter. Also, I was able to enjoy the new path lights the City recently installed (I sure wish they went all the way around the park, but this is okay too.)

Good morning!

I like looking at the edges of the pond to see what type of wildlife are out and about; I've seen deer, fish, snakes, possums, too many bird varieties to count, turtles, bunnies, and as of today... alligators.

The pond in daylight, so you can see what I'm referencing
Sitting right in the grassy edge of the pond, I saw something that looked like a small log, but being a Florida native, I knew it wasn't a log. So what did I do? Of course! I got off the path and got within a few feet of the head! I whipped out my cell phone to take photos, but unfortunately, there's not much to see. You can see one of the eyes, though (alligator eyes glow, just like cats). I estimate that his head was the size of my foot, so he was maybe a 4-6 foot gator? I looked for him again when I looped for the remaining laps of the park, but he disappeared.
The eyeball looks really spooky here
Once done (in just over an hour... I didn't rush at all, as you can tell by the Gator detour), I put on my medal and got my "finish line" photos. It felt a little less pathetic that way... I still don't like virtuals, but being able to put on my medal right away made it feel al little more real.

(This is the hat I got on sale!)
Nice medal this year, too

Sweaty and proud of myself, I picked up breakfast and headed home. To sit in my office chair some more.

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