Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Hey... Let's Go Away for Christmas?

So... a few months ago (before Halloween, if I remember correctly), Hubby and I chatted with The Kiddo about Thanksgiving and Christmas plans, and knew that she wouldn't make it home for either (though she was planning more of a New Year's trip). At first, I was bummed and a little... adrift? I've been a parent for over 20 years! We always have Christmas together, and on Christmas DAY! I wasn't sure how to plan a Christmas that didn't happen on Christmas. 

And then it happened (that wily old man, my husband)… He casually commented that there was no reason that we needed to be home on Christmas day either, and suggested that we plan a quick little getaway somewhere? Nothing came from that little comment for a week or so, but it festered in the back of my head. Could we do this? Where would we go? Would it be expensive? So, I started up the Google Maps to see what would be within a day's driving distance that would be a fun "weekend getaway" type vacation. I started looking at Chattanooga, which would be about a seven hour drive from where I live. 

But as I started looking at the area and fun things to do, I wasn't getting that feeling, that "ooooh, I can't wait" feeling. I mentioned it in passing to Hubs, and he used a cool website called Within Hours, that will give you a list of places that are within parameters that you say. So, we looked up what was within 8-10 hours of home, and we landed on Gatlinburg. It's been a place I've wanted to go to, but never had a reason to go (he's not a hiker, we aren't skiers, we didn't think there was anything that would be fun for us). 

But now, I'm getting that ooooh, I can't wait feeling. I'm hoping to go see the lights at Anakeetsa, walk around the main drag, maybe pop over to Pigeon Forge, and drag hubby out to do some hiking in the Great Smokey Mountains

I haven't bought tickets for anything yet, and I'm way behind on booking a room... I just know that all the good stuff is either going to be taken, or way expensive! But I really want a hotel right on the Parkway, so fingers crossed! 

Right now, the plan is to drive on Christmas Day (I'm hopeful for low traffic levels), stay in Gatlinburg for two days, and then drive home. This will also give us a day between returning and Faux Christmas to do any last minute shopping and cooking prep. 

So, I guess this is one perk of being Empty Nesters... we can just pack up and spend a holiday in a whole other state! 

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