Sunday, November 5, 2023

Wounded Warrior Project Carry Forward 5k Race Report

This'll be a super tiny race report, mostly because I forgot all about it! I've been focusing so much on my Lasik surgery, I didn't even realize I'd registered for this until it popped up on my calendar a few weeks ago! Whoops! 

We Still Miss Each and Every One of You
Anyway, I got the okay from Dr. Sweeney that I could do it, so I headed to Jax and walked a 5k with almost two thousand other folks. Everything was fine except for one issue of severe dry eye... I'm still so new to this "good eyeball" thing that I didn't even think to tuck some eye drops into my pocket. Ever try to walk down the road with your eyes closed? I don't recommend it. 

Here's just some random photos from my morning. Finished in about 58 minutes. 

Masses of bodies all over
Ready to walk on this chilly November morning
So many people!
He pulled a TIRE and still beat me!
We all earned the same medal, though
Afterward, I had a thoroughly pathetic breakfast at Whataburger (the biscuit was good, the chicken was not), then I spent way too much time and money at Hobby Lobby and Dollar Tree (it's Christmas DIY time!)

Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit & Hash Brown Sticks
Now, it's time for me to give my eyeballs some more time to get better!

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