
Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Saga of the Mysterious Abdominal Pain Continues (Part 2 - June 2024)

If you missed Part 1 of this Saga, you can go back and read it HERE

I took off the morning of June 3 so I could take Hubby to his Nephrology consult, and what an experience that was! Dr. L is this tiny little Asian woman, maybe in her 60s, probably 100lbs soaking wet. She listened to his symptoms and reviewed previous labs he completed. Before the appointment, Hubby submitted a urine sample and the results were the same (Proteinuria). His blood pressure is responding to the Amlodipine (prescribed last month by Dr. K); he’s now in the high 130s/90s range. She asked about his medical history, what meds he takes, normal stuff. Any time we’d say something she didn’t like, she’d crinkle up her face and then lightly lecture us (like, you don’t go for walks at all?!? Or Oh, you shouldn’t eat ham sandwiches, they’re full of salt and nitrates! Or You should never eat fast food ever again and switch to a vegan diet!!! Okay that last one was an over-exaggeration). Like, yeah, we get it. We know that we don’t eat healthily. But it didn’t feel like there was any empathy or caring to her admonishments; it came across more like nagging. She also seemed a bit rude and disdainful about the fact that his current General Practitioner was a virtual doctor; she called Dr. K a “Doc in a Box” in a dismissive little way (kind of a she’s not a real doctor because she can’t touch you remark). Neither of us were huge fans of her bedside manner (spoiler alert, she’s growing on us).

One interesting thing that she discovered, though… She went back and looked at all of the labs from when he was in the hospital for his appendix last year, and he had Proteinuria then! None of the doctors ever said anything! (My guess is that, since it wasn’t appendix-specific, they didn’t care at the time). So, he’s actually had this problem for much longer than just the past month or two… we only discovered it because of an unrelated pain issue. 

At the end of the visit, she put in orders for 13 different blood tests, plus a 24-hour urine collection, and recommended a possible change to his Blood Pressure meds (one that would have more benefits for his kidneys than what he’s currently taking). We picked up the Pee Jug and took it home with us – the plan is to start immediately, finish on Wednesday before his Colonoscopy Consult, then take the jug over to the lab afterward. 

Stress and worry came to a head later when we got home… Hubby started his 24-hour "pee clock" at 10:44am, which meant that his last pee would be around 10:44am the next day. Unfortunately, his GI (coloscopy) consult was at 11, and we had to leave the house by 10:15 to get there. I kept joking that he could pee before we left at 10:15, and bring it with us in case he had to pee again before 10:44, but he was adamant that he wasn’t going to leave the house until 10:44. No matter how I tried to explain that this was a stupid idea (in nicer terms, of course), he kept pushing back (he’s an obstinate SOB), accusing me of demanding he “pee on command” (which I wasn’t) and that he can’t do that (doesn’t matter, since I wasn’t asking him to). Finally, I just threw up my hands and said fuck it and let him stew. We put it behind us by dinner time, with him apologizing for taking his stress out on me. 

The next day, we packed up his jug nice and secure, with some ice packs to keep it cold, and headed over to his GI consult. This ARNP had such a great attitude, with a good sense of humor, even going as far as to recommend that we watch the episode of Good Mythical Morning when Rhett & Link got their Bro-lonoscopies. 

We got him scheduled for his coloscopy on June 20th and got a personalized hand-out of what pills and drinks he’ll need, when to drink and take the pills, and what to expect during the prep and actual procedure (but that’s a post for another day). Then, back across town to the lab to drop off the pee, though it was way too busy to stick around for bloodwork (it was past lunch time and we were both hangry). We picked up food from Sonic and headed home. We’ll pop over to the lab in a few days to do the rest of what is needed. 

On Wednesday (June 5th), we met again with Dr. K and filled her in on the events of the past week or so. She found it interesting that he’d been dealing with Proteinuria since last year, and no one told him about it. She was okay with Dr. L taking the lead on his care, since it was seeming like there was a lot of kidney-related care that was needed, but asked that we continue to keep her in the loop with lab results and scan results. When we complained to Dr. K about Dr. L’s bedside manner she suggested that we ask for a new doctor within the practice (later, after discussing it again, he decided we should give Dr. L another chance, just in case this was a one-off bad day or something). 

After another night of insomnia (oh, that better not be coming back!), we got labs done again, and the high protein (1200mg/day) was still there, as well as a positive hit for random antibodies (nothing specific). His kidney function has dropped from 75% in 2023 to 66% in 2024. Dr. L reminded us to watch his diet (low sodium, no fast food, vegetarian options, no prepackaged food) which may improve his blood pressure and help with weight loss – which in turn may decrease the Proteinuria levels. 

On Friday (June 7) he woke up with that mysterious Left Lower Quadrant (LLQ) pain again, really bad pain this time. And hasn’t returned to work since. He put in for a second leave of absence, but Dr. K fears it will be denied, because there’s no medical proof that there’s anything wrong with him. At a follow up appointment a few weeks later, she said again that she was worried about it being denied (and she didn’t want him to lose his job because of this pain). The next Tuesday, he had a CT Urogram, which was a very easy test, and came back clean… No issues with the kidneys or bladder. Interestingly, they did see something on his L5 vertebrae, like an old stress fracture, but that has nothing to do with the current issues. 

On Thursday, June 20th, he had his colonoscopy, but wow… that was such an adventure in what not to do that I have a stand-alone post about that! 

We got lucky and scored an appointment for his Urology Consult the following week, and this doctor was a very direct, to the point, kind of man. He listened, but didn’t waste time, with small talk or unrelated questions. He palpitated the abdomen, fondled the goods (skipped the one-finger howdy, since his butthole was sore after his colonoscopy). He didn’t see or feel anything questionable, so he suggested a Cystectomy, where they use a small tube to go up the peeper and into the bladder, to see what’s happening up there. That’s set up for August. On the way home, I suggested that he take a few Tylenol before the procedure, similar to how women are told to take meds before an IUD insertion, just to be on the safe side (A bit of pressure is doctor-speak for This shit’s gonna hurt). Then, because I didn’t want him to be surprised on the day of the event,  I explained to him that Lidocaine would be delivered through a needle (spoiler alert… I was wrong abut the delivery method) into his peeper. He was freaked out, as any man would be! I patiently explained that Lidocaine is what the Dermatologist uses when they shave off my moles, and how it works instantaneously. The first shot would suck, but then he wouldn’t feel the other ones... I’m pretty sure he stopped listening at “they’re gonna put sharp needles on my dick head,” though. 

We followed up the next day with Dr. K again, and she was (rightly) frustrated that he still hadn’t gone back to work yet, and admonished him for thinking that he shouldn’t go to work when he has pain, like none of us wake up pain-free, we just deal with it. They set a date to return to work on July 8th. She recommended that we continue with Dr. L and find a local General Practitioner so that we have a hand-on doctor take a swing at this. Besides that, I asked her if she thought that this LLQ pain could be something as stupidly simple as muscle strain, or a pinched nerve, and she said it was definitely possible. Those types of things don’t show up on x-rays or CT scans. She agreed with me that he should be up and moving around – I’ve been saying this to him for weeks, but maybe having her say it would kick his ass into gear a little bit (spoiler alert… it didn’t). I mean… It’s gotta be a muscle thing, right? I am wondering now if he picked up something wrong, or bent over wrong? Did he pull something the last time we had sex? Or a small muscle sprain or tear? What else could it possibly be? I’m so frustrated! 

So at this point, we have a little bit of breathing room. We have additional labs and a 24-hour urine to do, but I don’t think there’s anything to do until July 8th, when he goes back to work, and then nothing until August. I’m hopeful that – once I get him up and moving again – that stretching and walking will help him some, especially if I can get him limbered up before he goes back to work. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

Pooper View - A Wife's Experience with her Husband's First Colonoscopy

I want to preface this by saying that I love my husband very much,
and the mean things I say about him in this post are meant in jest...
He simply tested some nerves!   

If you read my last post, you saw that Hubby has been dealing with some mysterious abdominal pain, and we've seen all sorts of doctors for this issue. One of the things that his primary doc suggested was that he go ahead and do a Colonoscopy, now that he's 50 (though, the age to start that has dropped to 45, so yay, I should be having one soon as well). It didn't have anything to do with his pain issues (or newly discovered kidney issues), but just a general preventative test. 

The weekend before his Prep days, I did a quick google search of what he couldn't and couldn't eat/drink, and many websites only said to avoid red and purple foods or beverages. So I picked up some Blue Powerade, Orange Jell-O, some vanilla pudding... all things that his actual Prep Packet said that we should also avoid (nothing orange or blue). I also picked up Apple Juice, White Grape Juice, and the Mag Citrate drinks. I put all the drinks (plus some organic Lemonade from Trader Joe's) in the fridge to chill before the Prep began. 

On Wednesday morning (Prep Day), I set up the bathroom with a little TV tray that had air freshener, washcloths, baby wipes, butt cream, a USB cord for his phone, a space heater (the room gets cold), and an extra bottle of water. He set reminders on his phone for when he was supposed to start drinking his first Mag Citrate, and I put the timeline on the whiteboard on the fridge. He was supposed to drink a Mag Citrate at noon, take two Dulcolax at 2pm, then a second Mag at 6pm, in addition to 64oz of plain water. Hubby (to my irritation) doesn't ever drink a lot of any type of liquid, so there was no way he was going to be able to drink a half-gallon of water in a day! 

He opened the first Mag at noon, and immediately made a face. It was super-salty and tasted terrible and he wasn't able to drink a lot of it quickly. While he sipped, I made ramen for lunch (hey, I'm not on a liquid diet!) I think it took him about an hour to make it through the first bottle of Mag, and it was sitting loudly in his stomach. He followed it with the Dulcolax at 2pm, and it was fine... until about 3pm or so...

And the pooping began. 

At first, there wasn't too much of an issue; he went in, he pooped, he came back out, he went back in. But around 5pm, he started getting really nauseated and there was no way he would be able to start the next bottle at 6pm. He called the nurse-on-call and they said that it was totally normal; he should try to relax, breathe, blah blah blah. 

He started the second bottle of Mag at 7pm (about an hour behind schedule), but he was having a terrible time, only able to take tiny sips. I suggested that he mix it with any of the juices (he poo-pooed, heh, that idea) instead choosing to dilute it 4-to-1 with room temperature tap water. Sigh... all this did was stretch out how much water/mix he had to drink! Oh, and he decided to just camp out in the bathroom to drink this, instead of sitting on the couch during the non-poopage times. 

Throughout the day, I just randomly munched on snax, spending time working on the blog. I had a bagel with melted cheese for dinner around 9pm then just zoned out to YouTube videos and Reddit. Once in a while, he'd come out of his cave to check in with me and tell me to go to bed, but I told him that I was staying up however long it took him to finish the Mag, to make sure he was okay and didn't need any help. Around midnight, he was nauseated again, having a hard time drinking so much liquid (well, duh, you're drinking 4x as much liquid as you really need!). I had to put on my Nagging Wife hat and try to force him to finish the second Mag. 

He still had about a quarter-bottle of Mag left to drink at 2:15am, and he attempted to chug it which, unfortunately, ended up with vomiting (while pooping, bless his heart). Thankfully, most of the Mag had done what needed to be done, so we called it a night around 2:45am and went to bed (and damn, that bed felt so good! When I woke up on Thursday, I don't think I'd moved at all during the night). 

On Thursday morning, he was feeing a little better, and started his third bottle of Mag at 9am. I again suggested he mix it with any of the juices, and he again turned his nose up at the idea, choosing to go with plain, room temp water (okay buddy, sucks for you). 

I left at 10am for a previously scheduled hair appointment across town, picked up Chick-fil-A and a drink on the way home for lunch. While I was gone, he got all the Mag down, but a little came back up at the very end. He said that his output was the color and consistency that it should be, so I had to hope that he would be okay for the actual procedure (if the exit's not clean, they'll make you do it all again). 

Later in the afternoon, we got to the facility, checked him in, and only had to wait about 10 minutes before they called him back for his procedure. I wasn't allowed to go back with him, so I went on a field trip to find the hospital cafeteria. I didn't need any food, so of course, I ordered a plate of Bacon Cheese Fries! They weren't the best, but certainly not the worst I've ever had. The fries were hot and fresh, with tons of cheese sauce, and hand-chopped bacon (not 'bits') for about five bucks. 

I found a nice table outside in the shade, and ended up only eating about half of the fries (again, I didn't need fries...this was self-soothing with food). I walked back to the facility and sat in the main lobby near the elevators (quieter than the lobby where we checked in). I was there for about 45 minutes, and then the office called me to tell me that Hubby was coming around and that I should meet them at the front door, and they'd bring him down for me. 

On the drive home, we reviewed the After-Visit summary - they removed three polyps (one of which was a Tubular Adenoma, could become cancerous, but not cancerous right now), with no other issues found (including any reason for his mysterious LLQ pain). 

At home, he relaxed on the nice, soft couch, though he didn't feel a lot of pain or violation from the actual procedure. He had a little blood in his poo later (we were told that was to be expected), and over the following few days he had a painful butthole. All in all, this was an uneventful successful procedure, that he gets to do again in 3 years. 

Maybe then he'll listen to my suggestions more, do it my way, and have an easier Prep!