
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Saga of the Mysterious Abdominal Pain Remains Unclear (Part 3 - July 2024)

If you've missed any parts of this saga, you can catch up with the links below:
Part 1 (April & May)
Part 2 (June)

So, an upside of his continued playing hooky was that I was able to run the Celebration Run 5k in Jacksonville on Independence Day. It was hot, as always, but nice to just get away for a day and not have to worry about doctors and appointments and labs and pee and meds and, and, and.... I carried a medium flag this time (not the big boy on the flagpole), and it was better. I finished at almost exactly one hour (1:00:19), and I'm fine with that. This was cathartic, not athletic. Afterward, I hit up Dollar Tree and Walmart for a few things, had delicious cheese curds and custard at Culver's for lunch, then headed home. 

That Friday, he did another round of bloodwork and 24-hour urine collection, prompting Dr. L to change his blood pressure meds. 

He was set to go back to work on July 8th but another round of insomnia showed up and pushed his return back to June 11th, and it was good for a whopping two days. More pain showed up and he skipped work on Saturday - Monday (sure made going to Bridge of Lions in St. Augustine much easier, though). 

We got his colonoscopy results - one of the polyps that had been removed was a Tubular Adenoma. That kind of adenoma could develop into cancer, but they got it before it did, so all is fine, and they want him to come back in 2027. 

On July 25th, he met with his new Primary Care doc, ARNP LeBlanc. She listened to everything he said, and then had her attending (Dr. M) come in, as ARNP LeBlanc was stumped. Dr. M was the first doctor out of all of the people we'd seen to suggest that his LLQ pain may be something like scar tissue or internal adhesion. And unfortunately, the treatment is to go back in and try to fix what might be wrong, or learn to live with it. But it's not really something that can be seen on X-Rays or CT Scans. They also recommended a Gastroenterology consult, and an MRE of the abdomen and pelvis (similar to an MRI). Unfortunately (but as expected) their poking and prodding brought on a new bout of pain, and he was away from work until August 7th.