Friday, May 17, 2013

New Date for FAM

FAM Fest, which was originally scheduled for May 4th, has been rescheduled to June 1. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

FAM Fest Day!

About a month ago, I signed up to run the FAM Fest 5k again this year. I know last year I said that I didn’t know if I would do it again or not, but I really wanted to do it again so that I could beat my LAST PLACE time from last year.  I vacillated back and forth, but finally went ahead with it.

The race was supposed to be today. Why do I say “Supposed to”?  Because last night, due to extremely heavy storms in the area, FAM Fest was cancelled. No Farmer’s Market. No Live Music. No run.   No redemption for me…this weekend.

When I asked Stephanie (the coordinator) what options we had, she said that we could run it when it was rescheduled, defer to next year, or run a different Haven race. I told her that I’d probably run it when it was rescheduled. 

So now I wait to hear when this race will be.