Sunday, December 10, 2017

It's Too Damn Cold! - Santa Suits on the Loose 5k Race Report

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Oooh, bundle up boys and girls, it was a cold run yesterday! Temperature-wise, I think it was warmer than last year, but there was sun last year. 

47º at 7am
This year was grey, dreary, and drizzly. I got there early enough to head towards the beach for some photos, but I was miserably cold.

I already can't feel my face
Welcome to Florida... it looks like Maine
As were most of the runners. There were a LOT of Santa hats (they keep your head warm!) and lots of layers.

Sure, this looks like a Florida race at the beach!
Everyone is soooooo cold!
She looks so thrilled...
Last year, I wore some basic tights (like what you'd get at the lingerie department of Walmart), but I went with my full Xersion leggings this year. I was still cold. I even kept my Columbia jacket on, making it my fourth layer (I also had a long-sleeve base layer, a red tank, an Xersion quarter-zip). On the bottom, I wore a Sparkle Skirt over my leggings. And gloves! Definitely gloves.

I'm festive, but you can't see all of it because of the jacket!
I didn't take a lot of photos this time around - in case you missed it, it was COLD! I didn't want to even take my hands out of my pockets (ooh, toasty Hot Hands!) So, here's some basic photos...

Her dog was decked out in the race tee and a jingle bell collar
Some SAYS kids braving the weather to cheer us on
Water elves! You still need to hydrate, even in this weather
Surfers in wetsuits, longboarding to the beach... yep, it's Florida
I missed Mile 1 somewhere... maybe in the snow?
There was a photo booth, run by Tin Can Photo Lounge (check 'em out!)
There must have been a heatwave... I unzipped my jacket!
My official time was 52:57 (17:03 pace). I came in 321st out of 372 total runners, beating 51 people. I was 202nd out of 242 in my Gender Place, and next to last out of 28 in F40-44.

After the race, I grabbed some snacks (they had some tasty Chek soda from Winn-Dixie), and then headed to breakfast at Chick-fil-A.

Merry Christmas from Chick-fil-A
I drove over the Vilano Bridge because - don't laugh at me - I'd never seen Vilano Beach during the day! We usually end up other there at night! I turned on A1A and played the "Hey,where does this road go?" and ended up in Ponte Vedra Beach! So, I turned around and headed back to St. Augustine. I skipped St. George Street (I think I mentioned that it was cold?) and did some Christmas shopping instead.

Once I filled up the tank and grabbed a soda, I headed home. It had only reached 52º. At 1pm.  

Cold and WET!
Did I mention it was cold?

It was cold.