Monday, February 24, 2020

Oh, Crap, That's my Wave! - Gasparilla Race Weekend 2020
Click on the photo to register for 2021
It's that time again, boys and girls! Time for my 2-day, 20-mile tour of Bayshore Boulevard in Tampa... it's Gasparilla time!!

Because I didn't have many plans for the day, we didn't leave the house until 12:30, picking up lunch on the way, and got down to Tampa around 3 or so. Instead of parking at a garage, I decided to park at the Publix across the river so that I'd be able to pick up some groceries once we were done with the expo.  

Publix is the green star; the Expo is the blue star
I'll tell ya, crossing the river was a cold and blustery experience, and it didn't bode well for the weekend. Packet pickup was easy, and the expo seemed even more boring (and yet more jam-packed) this year than last year. I told hubby that I thought that this was the final year I'd even walk around the expo, unless there was something specific I needed (Goos and Chews are usually for sale at a good price at these expos). I think we were only in there for a half-hour before we headed back to Publix, picked up milk and OJ, and headed to our hotel. 

Challenge Jacket (front), 15k shirt, 5k shirt, 8k shirt, Challenge Jacket (back)

After checking in at the hotel (the Hampton Inn off of the Veteran's Expressway), I was looking forward to a nice soak in a bathtub, but according to a staff member (who I asked later), apparently only Queen rooms get a tub, per the "Hilton Standard," whatever that is. What I can tell you, is that the Hilton Standard just told me that I'll be booking somewhere else from now on... I need a tub, man! Especially for big-ass races like this! i took a hot shower anyway, enjoyed some lovely Nekkid Time with hubby, had Subway for dinner, and got to sleep around 10:30. 

Saturday had me up and out of bed by 4:30, KT taping my feet and getting dressed. We left by 5:45 and made our way to Ft. Brooke garage, which we smartly reserved for both days this weekend (so much easier than driving around to find a spot!). We stayed in the car as long as possible, because just as I suspected last night - it's cold as balls out here!

We got to the 15k start line with only a few minutes to spare, and hubby decided that he'd walk with me until we got to Publix, his designated hang-out spot.

Look at me, I'm a baked potato
Before I left him at Publix, I gave him my Mylar and my jacket and went on my way. Of course, after about 1/2 mile, I was cold again, so I swiped an abandoned Mylar from the side of the road and used it for a few more miles. 

The race was pretty uneventful; I think I walked more than I ran, which is about par for the course this season...

 I won't bore you with pointless photos.  

The Empire and The Resistance were both out to cheer on the runners today
He was not well received (well, by a certain percentage of people, I guess)
When I got to Mile 6, I pulled out my GasparWeen medal. Last fall, I signed up for the GasparWeen 10k Virtual Race, on a whim. After I got the medal and shirt (I love the shirt), I decided to hang onto the medal and "earn" it during Gasparilla weekend in February.

Celebrating my GasparWeen finish
Finish strong!
My official time was 2:43:47, finishing 396/400 in my Age Group and 4556/4575 Overall.

After I finished, I got my medal, some Gatorade, some water and some snacks, and then we made our way to the 5k start line, not in any hurry. I swapped out my 15k stuff for my 5k stuff, and gave Hubby my 15k bib so I could put on my 5k bib (different tracking numbers).

As we got closer to the 5k start line, I looked at my watch and I realized that it was the last wave, and we had to hoof it to get into the corrals. Hubby got in the corrals with me again, so that he could walk to Publix with me.

In the back of the final wave (I hate that)
So many newbs behind me!

After I dropped him off at Publix, I began paying attention to other runners and it was kind of fun to listen to some of the other runners, many of whom seemed to be first-timers. They had no idea that there'd be water, or that you could throw the cup on the ground. They had no idea why there were so many pieces of clothing on the ground (toss-away layers). One girl didn't know why there was a big "1" sign (a mile marker). It was an interesting perspective, but, it eventually got on my nerves and I just upped my speed to get into a faster group that wasn't out for a stroll.

This homeowner laid out the clothes nice and organized for runners, in case they come back later
There were still donuts from the Rough Riders at the turn-around, which was great, since my Goo & Choo plan was basically non-existent this point...

At about Mile 2.5, my back began to scream at me, and I had to slow way down. I was completely out of fucks, and I just trudged my way to the finish line.

Before I got there, I saw this family, waaaaaay back there, and though the photo doesn't do it justice, it was fun to see this family, including a very old woman (Betty), doing this race. They were having fun, they were smiling, the little girl was skipping around her grandmother (great-grandmother?). It made me smile.

Betty and her Family, having fun during the 5k
I finished. Not strong. But I finished. Due to some timing mat errors, my 5k isn't showing up, so my Unofficial time (from my Garmin) is 1:04:07 (pace 20:12). An absolutely TERRIBLE time, but since part of it was walking with Hubby, and part of it was walking with a seizing back, I'm not complaining all that much. 

Betty and her family finished, with smiles on their faces

I got my second medal, picked up a few more snacks and some water, then hobbled down to the car and back to the hotel.

It would have felt so good to have a nice hot bath, but the fucking "Hilton Standard" doesn't let people who enjoy King-Size beds to also enjoy bathtubs (I'm salty. Can you tell I'm salty? Because I'm salty.)

Once I rested a little, it was time for Adventure! First off, we drove across the bay over to St. Pete to visit Haslam's Bookstore, Florida's largest new & used book store. It was started in 1933 to simply provide readers with used books and magazines at bargain prices. Now, in it's 3rd generation, and 4th location, it covers 30,000 square feet with over 300,000 new and used books. 

Unfortunately, it wasn't as awesome as I was hoping. I guess I was more hoping for a joint closer in line with the Friends of the Library book house; a space filled with old bookshelves, and that sweet, sweet smell of used books. Paperbacks as far as the eye could see. Fill-a-Bag specials, or Ten for a Dollar deals. Instead we got a place that looked like, well, a bookstore, from 1976. The building was old and vintage, and there were a lot of old books, but they fell more towards every subject under the sun (from philosophy to religion to washing machine repair to ballet to sign language) instead of a mecca of undiscovered fictions. We found nothing we wanted, which made me sad, but the place was very busy, with a long line the entire time we were there, so they must be doing something right! 

After Haslam's, I drowned my bibliophile sadness with clam chowdah and fried shrimp at the 4th Street Shrimp Store

2 of 3 Race Medals, and tasty, tasty chowdah
Fried shrimps and french fries
We picked up donuts and Wawa on the way back to the hotel, where I did prep for the morning, as well as packing a little so we didn't have to rush so much on the way out. Once in bed, we snacked, napped, had a lovely time with each other, and eventually fell asleep for good.

On Sunday, we were able to sleep in a little since the 8k didn't start until 9 or so. It wasn't as cold today, so I skipped leg sleeves or tights, and no base layer. We packed up the car and got to the garage around 8:30.

No one parked near us
I left Hubby at the corner so that he could go back to Publix (this is the race where the start line is past the finish line) and I stretched and warmed up. Before it was race time, I'd begun to wish I'd left my quarter-zip with him (no way was I going to toss it!).

Finish line on the right... see you in 90 minutes
Soon it was time to go, and I headed out on another uneventful 8k race.

They were so cute, holding hands almost the entire time! (Except for one time he smacked her ass at a water stop)
Turn around! (And more hand-holding)
Do. NOT. Walk. Like. This. During. A. Race!!!!
Random Nonna out here silently watching people walk by
After Mile 4, I put on my two medals from yesterday and clanged my way to the finish line. 

On my way to get two more medals
My official time was 1:31:53 - so close to under 90 minutes!!!
Finish line photo (before I got my other two medals)
After my finish line photo, I picked up some water and Gatorade, a Finisher towel, and finally (they were so far away!) my medal for the 8k, and my medal for the 15k+8k challenge. All in all (but not counting the GasparWeen medal), I now had 4 shiny new medals hanging around my neck. 

Challenge completed - 4 medals acquired
(Counterclockwise:) 5k Medal, Finisher Towels, GasparWeen Medal, 15k Medal, 8k Medal, Challenge Medal
Unfortunately, once we got back to the hotel, there wasn't enough time for a shower, so we just finished packing up and headed out. Hubby put his tablet in the glove box while I pulled out the Garmin to figure out what we wanted to do for lunch. We decided on Miller's Ale House, and headed towards the closest one, on Dale Mabry.

There was supposed to be a Miller's where the green roof is

Except that, um... there wasn't one. According to Yelp, the last active review was from over a year ago, and even though it's still a point of interest in Garmin's database, and Google Maps still shows that it's there... it ain't. But there was another one on Fowler, so we went over to that one. 

Y'all, I was not impressed with this Miller's. At. All. We were seated right next to one of the kitchen doors, so our table was being passed constantly. We were also seated next to a table of Karens and all of their overly-rambunctious tweenagers. The moms spent all of their time eating appetizers, drinking wine, and complaining, while the kids were running around, or playing loudly on their phones, or just being generally obnoxious.  

And honestly? I could have put up with that... if the food was good. But it wasn't. Hubby got their Zingers™, which for some stupid reason, doesn't come as an actual meal, so he had to also get a side of fries (which were of course too big, and cost more than a normal side dish). I vacillated between fajitas (running does weird things to me, I want to eat random stuff) or ribs. I foolishly believed the menu, saying they're a top seller, and went with the ribs. 

The ribs looked really good, but...
Yeah... that's a half-rack, with fries (slaw is out of frame)
Dude, they were bad. Okay, well, not totally bad, like make you sick bad, but they were why the hell did I order this? bad. The meat was fatty (but tender, +1 for them). The sauce was horrendously sweet, but not sweet in a good way, if that makes any sense. The fries were fries. And the Zingers™, the very THING this chain is famous for? Meh. I make better chicken fingers at home. With seasoning. Between the food and the crowd, I wasn't happy with my waste of $40. 
We picked up a half-dozen donuts to bring home, and headed to Wawa. I parked at a gas pump, since I was going to need gas, and we headed inside. While in line for the fountain drink machine, this tiny woman who didn't look a day over 22 or a pound over 100 came barging in the back door, grabbing two cups and shoving her way in front of everyone. She was talking and muttering to herself the entire time, telling the machine filling her drinks to hurry the fuck up, over and over. She then bolted out the back door. Um... Methlissa just stole from you, Wawa. 

If you don't know who these two are, go to their website IMMEDIATELY.
I was so surprised by the balls on the meth head, that I completely forgot about gas, but we paid at the pump instead, and headed home.

As we always do when we get home, we first get all of our stuff from the front seats of the car (phones, drinks, sunglasses, etc) and Hubby started freaking out... He couldn't find his tablet. Oh, shit... where the hell is it?

We checked the entire car, under the seats, in the glove box (where he put it when we left the hotel), in the trunk, everywhere. We checked all the luggage, all the tote bags, everything. No tablet.  He pinged it (using Google Locate or whatever), and it said it hadn't been tracked since the hotel. Since it needs WiFi, it would have been recognized if it were near the house, because it would have automatically connected to home WiFi. 

After an exhaustive search, we concluded that one of us must have forgotten to lock the car, either at Miller's, or at the gas pumps at Wawa, and someone broke into the car (and yet, stole only a single item from the glove box). I called Wawa, no luck. He called the hotel, no luck. I emailed both Miller's and Wawa's corporate emails, in case there was anything they could do. 

By the end of the night, he resigned himself to the fact that his brand new (seriously, less than a year old) Galaxy tablet was gone. He refused to wipe it, though. He said he was going to keep pinging it over the next week or so; maybe he'd get lucky.

Oh. My. God! You GUYS! I just had to come and update you! It's the weirdest thing! A few days after Hubby lost his tablet, he bought a new one (a bigger 10" one that he didn't really like). He still kept pinging the old one though, and never wiped it. And HOLY SHIT! He just found it!! It was in the glove box THE ENTIRE TIME!! 

Apparently, in the glove box, there is a tiny shelf at the top, originally designed for the Owner's Manual, probably. We think what happened is that he slid his tablet in there without even realizing it was a secret spot, and then he couldn't see it (you have to really know the slot is there, or bend over). But the big mystery is... why didn't it ping back? He probably pinged it a hundred times... but just NOW (March 6th) it decided to ping back. Of course, now that means Hubby has two tablets... I think we're going to give the bigger one to the Kiddo as a late birthday present. She'll love it.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Muffins as Big as Your Head - Miles for Meridian 5k 2020

Today was my 3rd race in as many weeks, a small 5k benefiting Meridian Behavioral HealthCare, Inc, our county's local Substance Abuse and Mental Health support. I work with them a lot because of my job, so this was a no-brainer.

This morning got off to a very chilly start, at only 37º at 8am. I was smart enough this time to wear tights under my skirt, as well as my typical quarter-zip, gloves, and base layer. Also, yay, I found my earmuffs!

I. Don't. Like. Cold!
I've not been to the Tioga Town Center in years, so I wasn't really sure where I was supposed to park, and when I got there, it was busy! I drove around a little bit and found a little nook of parking spaces, dedicated to some of the businesses (which weren't open because it was the weekend), and scored a spot there. And it turned out to be a great spot, I was just a little bit away from the packet pickup area, as you can see on the map.

I parked at the Red arrow; the race was near the Green diamond
The lines for packet pickup were long, but went quickly. (Funny note: The guy in the white shirt in the photo below is actually the County Fire Rescue Chief, and I bumped into him a few weeks later at Gasparilla!)

Long, but quick lines
I ran back to the car to dump my stuff then came back just in time to see some Zumba action, but wasn't feelin' it, so I headed up towards the start line to find some sunshine.

Stretch it out, dude
That dude is ready for love
The race itself, like I said, was very small, so not a lot to take photos of. The residential area of Tioga is very lovely with some first phase development blending into some of the newer phases of development and lots of condos near the center's town square. It was originally billed to be it's own community which would have everything it needed and be a walkable community. So many years later (15? 20?), the actual Town Center is full of pretentious overpriced restaurants and hair salons, grocery shopping is not walking distance at all, and the massive amount of people who live here contribute to the bloat and blight of the nearby highways. Good job!

Unintentionally artsy... Nice
Here I come
My official time was 54:03 (pace 17:26), coming in 410th out of 477 total runners. Coincidentally, I was 40th out of 44 runners in my age group (F4044!). 

I am still so cold!
I got my medal, which was amazing! It weighs almost half a pound!

Photo Credit: the Race's Facebook Page
Then I walked around the few booths that were out afterwards, picking up random swag.

Reusable Bag, Plastic cups, Gu, candy and snacks, random Nutella and Cream Cheese
The bag squishes down into itself for easy storage! Neat!
But unfortunately, it was just too cold for me. I headed back to the car and made a beeline for a local bakery (The Mill Bakery) I never get a chance to hit up (due to it's location) for a muffin.

Despite how quiet it looked from outside, the inside was packed! I felt like I was shoving my tushie in someones face, their table was so close to the bakery case. I didn't know they did a sit-down business as well, so I'll definitely have to come back for that.

But what I was here for? Oh, I'm in trouble... Originally, I was here for a Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffin.

But then I saw the case... (this photo is one of two cases, jampacked with delicious baked goods).

Photo Credit: The Mill Bakery on Yelp
And then I saw the menu board, which really did me in... If you bought 5 muffins, you got one free. Since I'd already planned on buying two muffins (just for myself), I decided why the hell not? and went for a half-dozen. I got a Butter Rum, a Cinnamon Streusel, a Chocolate Peanut Butter, a Blueberry, and two Chocolate Chocolate Chip muffins. For only $10! That made each muffin only $1.75 or so... What a freakin' steal! (Oh, and they were So. Freaking. GOOD.)

Hi, folks! Lazy here... 
Coming back and editing some of my posts from this year...
On February 3rd, the WHO chief stated "widespread travel bans were not needed to beat China virus" (only a few days after Trump was accused of racism). On February 5th, after three years of bullshit, months of hearings and inquiries, and almost a month of an official trial, President Trump was impeached by the US Senate, and acquitted by the US House. Why is this important? Well, if Congress had spent as much time worrying about Chinese coronavirus as they did on things that Trump didn't do, the country might be better off right now... 

This tweet (and accompanying story) is still up as of 6/4/2020
On February 6th, the first Coronavirus death was recorded in California (though it wasn't identified or reported as such until after an autopsy months later in April). The next day on February 7th, Dr. Li Wenliang, the Chinese doctor who tried to raise the alarm on Covid-19 back in December, suspiciously died in China (many say he was murdered by the Chinese government for whistleblowing). Before his death, he'd said "I realized... I would probably be punished."

And on February 9th, two prominent New York officials took to Twitter to encourage people to come out of their homes, to join in Lunar New Year festivities, and stick it to the President. 

This tweet is still up as of 6/4/2020
This tweet is still up as of 6/4/2020