Monday, November 30, 2020

Chop Fluey Covid Review for November 2020

Yeah, you guys... it might say it's a review of Covid shit, but it's not. It hasn't been for months, really. Why am I still doing this? 

So, we had an election. Kind of. Not really. 

If you believe the media, Biden won. But votes haven't been certified, so I refuse to say Trump lost until that happens. Am I holding on by a thread? Yeah. I knew the day after the Election that he'd lost. He didn't lose fair and square, but he lost just the same. Fraud isn't fraud if you can't prove it; it's just a conspiracy theory. If you're interested in reviewing said fraud, check out Louder with Crowder's "Fraud Week" series which covers Dominion Irregularities, Georgia, Nevada/Pennsylvania, and Michigan. I mean, I can see it clear as day... Not sure why no one else can  (oh, I know why...)

The election also had Oregon decriminalizing "small amounts" of heroin, cocaine, and LSD. That seems smart. Over in Arizona, they legalized recreational marijuana, as did Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota. 

The day after the election, Facebook (in one of many bans to come), shuts down a 300k+ member page called "Stop the Steal," which was being used by Trump supporters to organize protests. Zuckerberg stated that there were calls to violence by some group members. 

On November 7th, it was projected that Biden won the Election (even though at this time, there were still six states under recounts or lawsuits). Kamala will be the first female Vice President (much historic, so powerful). 

But the worst thing that happened in November (nee, possibly ALL of 2020)? Alex Trebek passed away on November 8th. He announced last year that he had pancreatic cancer, which is mean and deadly. We knew that he didn't have long (it's a fast cancer). But he was looking so well over the past month or so, I felt like it came out of nowhere. This was the message that was shown the next day. 

Apparently, he'd undergone surgery in mid-October, and returned to work two weeks later. He split his workload (5 days of shows) over two days, and those 5 shows would be his last. (Can you imagine being one of the three contestants on that episode?) His final show was taped on October 29, 2020. Thanks to quick thinking by the show-runners, they added in some reruns and tribute episodes so that his final show (fuck you, I'm not crying still!) was shown on Christmas Day. They ended with this lovely tribute video:

But I much prefer to share this one:

On November 9th, Trump filed multiple lawsuits alleging electoral fraud. While on November 12th, a "coalition of federal and state officials" declared the election "the most secure in American History" and said that there is no evidence that any system was compromised. Yeah, sure.  

Ten days after the election, Arizona was finally projected to be a win for Biden. 

Thousands (I'd bet a hell of a lot closer to a million) gathered in DC at the Million MAGA March to support Trump and the claims of voter fraud. 

Closer to home, on November 23rd, the Alachua County Mask Mandate was challenged in the First District Court of Appeal. Also on this day, Biden/Harris formally begin their "transition" as President-Elect, and Vice President-Elect.

Also, "closer to home" (figuratively), this post just made me fume. It's a Facebook post from an old school friend of mine. She's very liberal, recently got her Master's in Counseling & Development and specializes in serving "LGBTQIA, polyamorous, kink, and all sexual minority communities," and is working on her Doctorate in Marriage and Family Therapy. She's a smart girl. Smarter than I ever expected, given her childhood. I read a lot of her posts, many of which are political, and let them bounce off of me (according to her, Republicans are ass-backward Neanderthals who couldn't find our butts with two flashlights), but this was just proof of how much of the Covid KoolAde people have actually drunk. A woman had the audacity to pull her mask down so that she could better serve a customer, and it's seen as rude and selfish ("the most blindingly selfish thing {she} could imagine"). 

Basically, this post represents EVERY. SINGLE. THING. I hate about what has happened to us, as a society, and as a community. I'm just so fucking OVER IT. 

On Thanksgiving, we all spent lunch with Mom in Ocala. She told me all about her bout with Covid, and we compared "This is bullshit, I hate this shit" stories. 

Later that night, Alex Trebek offered a posthumous Thanksgiving message to all:

Happy Thanksgiving ladies and gentlemen. You know, in spite of what America and the rest of the world is experiencing right now, there are many reasons to be thankful. There are more and more people extending helpful hands to do a kindness to their neighbors, and that’s a good thing. Keep the faith, we’re going to get through all of this, and we will be a better society because of it.
The United States passed 13 million cases of Covid on November 27th. Not deaths, just cases. 

On November 30th, in what may have been a stupid or too optimistic decision, I signed up for a race. It's Miles for Meridian, which I ran last February. Even as I signed up for it, I was skeptical that it would actually RUN, but it had a few things going for it... 1) it was only $14, 2) it has an amazing medal, and C) FREE deferral to 2022 IF it was cancelled or changed to a virtual (ETA: Future Lazy here... it was changed to a virtual, just as I expected.)

So that's that. The world is getting stupider as we go along. Many northern states are locking down again, or instituting more strict mask mandates again. People are ramping up the "OMG, we're all gonna die!" mentality again. And I'm over here just chillin', hating everyone, and finding it very hard to keep a smile on my face.

We'll see what December brings. I'm not hopeful, and honestly, I'm pretty sure I'm done with these "updates" at this point. I want to go back to a blog that's fun, and lighthearted, and snarky, and quirky. I'm tired of the hatred that I see when I try to keep up with the world. I dunno... We'll see what happens. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Election 2020 - The Only Thing We Did on Election Day was Tell Them How Many Votes Were Needed on Election Night

After sleeping through an historic election in 2016, I was ready to stay up late tonight and usher in the second term of President Trump. I was truly hoping for an epic Mainstream Media Meltdown even greater than the first time!

I made sure that I had two huge cups of Pepsi to keep me caffeinated throughout the day! I headed to bed around 8, curling up with Fox on the TV and flipping through Twitter. Coverage was pretty uneventful until around 9pm, when I began to wonder why Fox wasn't calling Florida for Trump. It was obvious that the Sunshine State would go red again! Florida polls close at 8pm, and we count our Absentee Ballots before Election Day, so there were few of those left to tabulate... it started feeling a little hinky, especially when it got to be 10pm and Florida still wasn't called. 

And then, they didn't call Georgia, either? Oh... okay, there's a water line break. Which just so happens to be located at a polling site in a strongly Democrat district? 
Around 10:30pm, Philadelphia stopped counting all mail-in ballots. Like, okay, guys, let's head on home and pick this up in the morning, mmmmkay?

Then, Fox (when even CNN didn't) called Arizona, with only 50% of the votes counted, as a Biden state, while Florida and Georgia still hadn't been called? What the actual hell is happening right now?
Following Philly's lead, the entire state of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin all stop counting, too! I feel like I'm in the twilight zone! 

At this point, I'm frustrated, I'm angry, and frankly... despondent. I believe that what I watched is blatant and actual cheating that will get Biden into the White House. I can't believe that in America, in 2020, that it would even be possible. I was seething, and I knew that if I didn't go to sleep, I would be up all night, getting madder and madder. I turned the TV off at 1:30am but couldn't get to sleep until around 2am. 


I woke up at 9am, and pried my crusty eyes open, expecting to see "President-Elect Biden" in my newsfeed, but I didn't, so that was a glimmer of hope! Instead I saw things like "too close to call," "recounts," and other encouraging phrases. After grabbing a very large soda for the day, I settled myself at my desk to see what I missed.

Boy, I missed a lot! 

As of 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, we were waiting on the outcome of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Alaska, and Nevada. At that point, I just sat at my desk, listening to the daily Chicks on the Right Facebook Live video, watching Louder with Crowder's 8-Hour Election Day Live Stream, and being absolutely pissed off at states who don't know how the fuck to count Absentee Ballots before the fucking polls close, like how Florida does it; Florida starts counting as soon as they are returned to the Supervisor of Elections so that by Election Night they aren't swamped by millions of ballots.

I got absolutely no work done on Wednesday... I was watching my country be taken from me, right from under my feet, while seeing Liberals on Facebook dance with glee. It was horrendous! It reminded me of 2018, when DeSantis was running against Gillum for governor, and Scott was running against Nelson. Broward County and Miami-Dade County kept just magically finding random boxes or bags of ballots, and gee, they are all for Democrats... how lucky!

It's happening all over again but on a National scale. Rahm Emmanuel once said "You never let a serious crisis go to waste," and boy howdy, Covid is the biggest crisis we've seen in years. They scared the country for months, ensuring that people would fear leaving their homes and be horrified at the thought of being within 10 feet of another human. People can't possibly vote in person! We will die! 

Enter the best gift to the Democrats... Mass-Mailed Mail-In Ballots. 

Mass-Mailed Mail-In Ballots are ballots that are mailed to every single person on that county or state's voter rolls. No checking to see if the person is alive, dead, a felon, no longer a resident, or otherwise ineligible to vote. Nope, just here's a blank ballot, do with it what you will

How do these differ from the Absentee Ballot that YOU used, Lazy? Well, there's a big difference. An Absentee Ballot is requested by the voter, and can only be requested after becoming a registered voter of the county one lives in (hence, they already have your info and know that you are an eligible voter). These types of ballots, at least in my county, must be re-requested after a certain amount of time, to ensure that you are still an eligible voter. 

On the other hand, no one is verifying that any of the people that are receiving Mass-Mailed Ballots are still eligible. They just see a name and mail it. Many people posted on-line throughout the Fall that they got ballots for people who don't live at that address anymore, ballots for dead people, multiple ballots for the same person, and the like. So now, in addition to ballots being sent to people who shouldn't be able to vote, we have ballots that are most likely just being thrown in the trash... and ANYONE can root through the trash, fill out a  ballot and send it back in. We assume that there is someone on the other end doing a signature validation, but we don't know for sure. 

So, now we have a population of voters who will vote by mail. On top of that, we have multiple states (such as Pennsylvania, again) who changed their election procedures without including the State Legislature. The biggest changes involved how those Mail-In Ballots can be received... Some states said that ballots received by midnight on Election Day can be counted. Some states said that ballots postmarked by Election Day can be counted. Some states said that ballots postmarked a week after Election Day can be counted!!! 

Okay... so now that we know the difference between ballots (especially because the Media likes to conflate the two, or combine them into one type), let's continue on with this shit show that is the day after Election Day. You can catch up with Crowder's Tuesday Night/Wednesday Morning Live Stream with election updates and video of election fraud. 


By about 3, I was frazzled... I couldn't focus on anything, so I closed all of my Social Media tabs and tried to get some actual work done.