Friday, March 20, 2020

Hong Kong Fluey Sent Me Home

Welp, the world is going haywire folks.

In December and January, a weird virus (Coronavirus, or Covid-19) started working its way throughout Asia and eastern Europe. For a while, it didn't seem like it was going to be a huge deal, but in January, it crossed the ocean and showed up in Western America. At first we were told it still wasn't that big a deal, because there was no human to human contact (due to faulty intel from China), but then there was human to human contact, so hand washing and sanitizing became uber-important. President Trump (again, relying on intel from China) didn't seem all that concerned and told us that it was all under control. At the end of January, Hong Kong Disneyland was the first Disney park to shut down.

A few days later, the White House created a Coronavirus Task Force, and restricts travel from China (except for American citizens returning home), which of course, Democrats deem racist. At this time, the World Health Organization declares a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. USA also declares a Public Health Emergency.

To discredit President Trump, New York City's Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot tweeted her suggestion that NYC'ers "Join the parades {for Lunar New Year} and don't believe misinformation from POTUS." NYC Health Council member Mark Levine reiterated that a huge crowd is powerful defiance against the "scare tactics" of Trump. WHO stated that there was no need for measures that interfere with travel and trade to halt Covid-19.

The Democrats, who have been spending the past years trying to discredit President Trump, completed their Impeachment Trial, impeaching President Trump on two counts (the Senate, of course, threw them out or whatever it's called). I only bring this up, because if they had spent as much time paying attention to Covid-19 as they did trying to find something to charge Trump with, many states would be much better off right now. But then again, a lot of things would be better off right now, if they stopped the Trump witch hunt... but I digress.

In February, the first death occurred, in California (though it was not identified or reported as such until after April). Also in February, the doctor who raised the covid-19 alarm in China (back in December) died (many say that he was murdered by the Chinese government for whistle blowing).

Speaker Nancy Pelosi also decided again to "stick it to Trump" and while in a visit to LA's Chinatown, she tells people to "come down and join the crowds" on the same day that Trump asks for $2.5 billion for personal protective equipment and vaccine development. The next day, the CDC warns about likely spread in US, urging citizens to "prepare for the expectation that this might be bad." The first positive test in USA was announced on February 26. Tokyo Disney Resort opts to close until March 15th due to Covid-19 (it was later extended for many more months).

On Leap Day, US announced (what was then believed to be) the first Covid-19 death in Washington State. The WHO stated "travel bans to affected areas, or denial of entry to passengers coming from affected areas, are usually not effective in preventing the importation of cases, but may have a significant economic and social impact." (In other words, WHO is joining the Fuck Trump dog pile). Also joining the dog pile, is NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio, who urged NYC'ers to "get out on the town despite coronavirus" and visit the cinema.

Closer to home, my county published its first press release, simply suggesting testing for anyone who may have been exposed.

On March 9th, Governor DeSantis declared a State of Emergency for Florida. Two days later, WHO redefined the outbreak as a Pandemic (dun Dun DUN!). Trump restricts additional travel from Europe (and later UK and Ireland). On March 12, Broadway went dark, and the NBA cancelled March Madness. Closer to home, my county urged the public not to participate in mass gathering (much of this was centered around Gator Nationals, which was later postponed). The next day, Trump declared a National Emergency. On this same day, our county library system suspended all of their programs, and the government schools were shut down until March 30th (one week of that was Spring Break anyway). Over in California, Disneyland shut down through the end of March.

On March 15 (the Ides of March, interestingly enough), a lot of stuff happened... The CDC warned against holding or attending gatherings with more than 50 attendees, for at least eight weeks (which would be through mid-May); Walt Disney World and Disneyland Paris both close through the end of March; locally, the county library closed all of their branches through the end of the month.

On March 16, NYC closed all of their government schools, and Trump urged people to congregate in groups of 10 or fewer, and to restrict discretionary travel (though no mandatory quarantine or curfew). Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti ordered bars/movies/gyms closed, and restaurants could only offer takeout and delivery.

On March 17th, while I was out of pocket at the polls, our county issued their first County Emergency Order, limiting public assembly at 50% capacity for non-essential places, restrictions on restaurant hours, and restrictions on gathering sizes and mandatory social distancing. It was announced that all County offices would be closed to the public (though the county employees would work from home when possible). Also, at this point, all Disney construction was ceased, resorts closed, and Disney Springs shut down. And sadly, the Star Wars Rival Run Weekend was cancelled (only weeks before the race was scheduled to run). 

On March 19th, California issued a Stay at Home order for all 40 million state residents (NY followed suit the next day).

On March 20th, NYC was deemed the US Outbreak Epicenter, and DeSantis gives Floridians "Safer at Home" Orders (though, again, no mandatory quarantine or stay at home orders).

I really wanted this Year in Review thing to be a lot more succinct, but no dice, I guess...

Anyway, closer to home, that brings us to Thursday, March 19th.

While I was recovering from working on Election Day, word came down from the Board (I work for the county government) that the County was going to be shutting down on Friday (as mentioned above). My boss texted me on Wednesday about this, so I wasn't sure what to expect when I got to work on Thursday.

When I got there, it was already pretty quiet, with many staff members already working from home. I used all Thursday to get things in order, setting up a VPN on my work laptop, making notes of passwords, grabbing various office supplies like highlighters and staples to use while at home. We were told that the office would be closed until the end of March. I made sure I had everything I needed for 2 weeks' at home and I closed up my office.

So, as of right now (Friday afternoon), I'm stuck working from home until March 30th, and then I'll go back to work.... We'll see how this goes!

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