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Yesterday was my last big race of the year (ETA: and possibly my last in person race of the year?)
I was up at 4, drank some OJ and got dressed, woke up Hubby and we were out the door by 5:15. We hit up Circle K for soda, had an uneventful drive, actually made our exit (usually it's so busy we go to the next exit and backtrack)! However, that exit was so busy! We sat in traffic for probably 20 minutes, and by the time we got to the turn off for the garage we wanted to park at, it was full and we were directed to the next turn-off, where we ended up having to park on the opposite side of the arena. At least the parking spot I found in Lot D was very close to the field and the finish line, so I didn't have to walk so far on the way back.
I geared up and we debated which way we should walk around the field to get to packet pickup. Hubby said we should go toward the finish line so we headed that way. After a minute or so, I asked some rando where packet pickup was, and he pointed us in the opposite direction... Hmm. Hubby and I argue, but we eventually go the way rando pointed, which, yes, did end up being longer than the way Hubby originally said to go... he's still gloating. Because I wanted to know, when I got home I pulled up Map My Run to measure... Hubby's way was .58 miles, Rando's way (the way we went) was .72 miles. Not a huge difference, but still, it'll teach me to always trust my navigator.
At the Expo, when I tried to walk over to where packet pickup was for Out of Town folks (me), I was totally cock blocked by a volunteer, and she was very rude. She told me it was closed. No reason why it was closed. After telling her three times that I needed to pick up my packet, I added that I paid extra for the privilege of Out of Town pickup, and she finally let me in. No apologies. No acknowledgement that she was rude. Jeez.
It only weighs FOUR ounces! It's so light and airy |
Gear bag included a pint glass, some snacks, some weird shave goo, a cup of instant rice, and drink mix |
We stayed inside where it was warmer while I pinned on my bib and tried to set up Glympse (an app for tracking runners). After that, we headed towards the corrals - I was in Wave 4 again, booooo. Because of construction, the waves were set up terribly, and I had no idea which way we'd exit the wave, so I decided to shove my way all the way to the back of the corral, only to see that it was an L shaped corral and it kept going... I stayed there for a while, scoping the area out, then realized that the wave would empty from the front, so I pissed off people again, shoving my way towards the front. When I got up there, Wave 3 was already leaving, and I saw Wave 4 bibs mixed in, so I said fuck that noise, I'm outta here and joined the back end of Wave 3.
Hanging out in the back of the corral, before I decided to move up front |
Up near the front again |
C'mon, let's go! |
This year, due to construction near the starting line, the first mile or so of the race was different. As I walked through the start chute, my skirt was feeling slippery, and then my undies started falling down! It felt like they were slowly shimmying down with each step I took. After about 1/4 mile, I had to stop, because my undies had completely vacated my tush area, and was now residing underneath my cheeks. What the heck? (I blame it on winter skin and no sweat; it stopped doing it once I got sweaty).
Crisis averted - my panties are again firmly on my hips |
The change in the course gave us an extra tiny little bridge to run on, before we got to the first of the two famous bridges. I made it up the Main Street Bridge (lawd, it's so windy!) and I took my bridge photo.
Using a Buff to keep the wind off of my ears - worked well! |
We took a slightly different route on the way down, exiting
right instead of
left, and taking the long way to the next road.
'Murica! |
Once we made it to Mile 2, we were back on course (ba dum tsss). Because everything is so familiar, much of the race is a blur.
It's hard to explain, but this always "gets real" at Mile 2 (as if the first two were fake?) |
Who gives out perfume at a race? I still haven't even smelled it! |
A very visible (and intrusive) SAG Wagon this year |
5k down, 10k to go |
River Road was part of the course this year! |
I tried a mimosa while I was on Atlantic Blvd... I had maybe 2 sips before I chucked it |
10k down, 5k to go |
I see you, Green Monster, off in the distance |
I'm coming for you! |
Oh. My. God. I hate this hill! |
I don't know how I'm able to breathe! I'm still not at the top! |
Right about here, I decided to run it in... |
...and two steps later, my left calf said otherwise! |
But I finished!! My official time was
2:59:25 (19:24 pace). Hallelujah, I came in under 3 hours this time! My 5k split was 57:36. I was 12,088 out of 12,309 total finishers, and 865/884 in my age group.
Success! I finished! |
I immediately pulled over to the side of the chute and stretched out my calf, giving Hubby time to make his way over to me. I limped my way to get my medal and my water, then took my finisher photo and headed back to the car.
We decided on lunch at Cracker Barrel, and after a pit-stop at Daily's to change clothes, and a 20-minute wait for a table, I settled down to a massive plate of food - Grandma's Sampler (grandma likes the meats!). The pancakes were exactly what my body craved, though the bacon and ham were good as well.
2 Pancakes, 2 Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Ham, Hashbrown Casserole, and Biscuits |
We picked up drinks for the road, but halfway home, stopped for ice cream at
Carl's Ice Cream (fun fact; I never even knew the name of this place until just now, when I googled it for the Yelp link!).
2 scoops on a Sugar Cone - $1.90 (seriously!) |
When we got home, we put all of our stuff away and I chilled out on the couch until about 7, when I gave up and just went to bed. This race always kicks my ass, in that good way, and I'm always so tired afterward. And very sore, the next day!
This about sums up the day after the race! |
Hi, folks! Lazy here...
Coming back and editing some of my posts from this year...
On February 24th, Speaker Pelosi visited Chinatown and told people to come down and join the crowds, on the same day that the President asks for $2.5 Billion for Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and vaccine development. The next day, the CDC warns about a likely spread in the US, urging citizens to "prepare for the expectation that this might be bad." The day after that, the CDC announced the first person to test positive for Covid-19 where the infection source was unknown. This person lived in California. Mimicking other Disney Parks, Tokyo Disney Resort closed on February 27th.
On February 29th, the US announces what is then believed to be the first Covid-19 death, in Washington. WHO states that "travel bans to affected areas or denial of entry to passengers coming from affected areas are usually not effective in preventing the importation of cases, but may have a significant economic or social impact." (In other words, you can't stop it, but you gonna fuck up the country.)
On March 2nd, not to be outdone by the craziness in California, New York City Mayor
Bill DeBlasio urges New Yorkers to "get out on the town, despite
coronavirus" and go to the movies.
Closer to home, the county I live in publishes it's first press release about Covid-19, simply suggesting testing for anyone who feels they may have been exposed.
On March 6th, Trump signs an $8.3 billion Aid Deal.
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