Friday, March 17, 2023

This is the Year I Get LASIK!!!

After debating about it for a few years, I finally decided it's time to take care of my eyes. I originally kicked around the idea of doing it in 2022, but the money wasn't there. When doing my Annual Enrollment at work for 2023, I upped my monthly contribution to my FSA (Flexible Spending Account) as high as comfortably possible so that I'd have the majority of the cost just sitting there waiting for me. 

I spent the first few months of 2023 debating whether I should have the procedure done locally, or if I should take advantage of "coupons" available through my health insurance; I could save up to $1000 IF I got the Super Mega Lasik at Eyeballs 'r' Us... you know the typical deal I'm talking about. 

The issue was two-fold. How expensive is the Super Mega Lasik? And Eyeballs 'r' Us only had offices in metropolises like Tampa, Miami, and Orlando. Was it worth driving to Orlando to go to the big office, to save a possible $1000? And places never give you any idea of what costs are like, so I didn't even know if Super Mega Lasik would cost $5,000 per eye, or anything like that! 

So I made the decision to visit the local office first, Gainesville Eye Associates, to get a better understanding of everything, and then decide if I should get a second consultation at Eyeballs 'r' Us. 

I took some time off of work and went over there by myself. Hubby had to work and since it was just a consult, I didn't think it was anything he needed to go to. They tested my eyes with just about every machine they had, and I got the all-clear that even with my astigmatism in my right eye, I was a good candidate for Lasik!!

I asked the nurse (are they nurses if it's not, like a regular doctor's office? Are they iNurses, haha?) her opinion on why I should get it done here instead of Eyeballs 'r' Us. She said that GEA has been in town for decades, they've done thousands of procedures, and treatment here is caring and personal. Just from the 20 minutes I was there, I understood the "caring and personal" claim... everyone was just so nice!

She told me that to have both eyes done would be $3,600. That included the pre-op appointment, the procedure, and four follow-up appointments at one day, one week, one month, and three months post-op. I choked a little when I got the price, I won't lie, but after thinking about it, it didn't seem that bad. A single eye doctor appointment could be $100, so there's $500 right there. 

And once I knew that there needed to be multiple follow up appointments, I knew that staying in town was the smartest idea. If we went to Eyeballs 'r' Us, we'd need a hotel the night before and after, plus gas to and from, for five trips. And we'd both have to miss work, wasting precious Vacation Time we wanted to use for other things. 

So it's a no-brainer. I'm going to stay in town and go to the local guy for my Lasik.

I'm hoping for around June 2023, because there won't be a lot of work stuff to deal with, and I can afford the time off to recover for a few days. 

I'm getting Lasik!!!!! 

If you made it past Kermit, here's a joke for you...

How many eye doctors does it take to change a lightbulb?

One… or two? One? ……..or Two?

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