Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's Official!!! Princess, here I come!

January 2012 was the first time I said aloud to anyone that I was going to run a half-marathon. I'd thought about it a lot before then, but it became official in January of 2012.

I got training plans, I got a treadmill, I got fancy running clothes and the most expensive shoes I've ever bought.

Since then I've done an 8.6 mile March of Dimes walk in 3 hours. I've done three 5ks (well, two 5ks and a 3-miler).  I can do run/walk intervals of 1m/2m and I don't get shin splints any more.

Am I ready to do a half-marathon?

Not yet.

But I went ahead and registered for one. The one I've set all my sights on - the 5th Annual Disney Princess Half-Marathon.

I've been counting down the days until I could register. Once July showed up, I was like a little kid waiting for Christmas. Registration opened at noon today.

I was completely registered at 12:07.

I just plunked down a $165 bet on myself that I can run this race. If I can't, I'm out that money. I guess I should do the race!

This is the map that I've hung in front of my treadmill and the magnet I bought a while back.


  1. Hi there! Saw you on the DIS Boards and thought I'd stop by to say CONGRATS! I just registered this weekend...and I've never run farther than a 5K! I am beyond excited, and having this goal is so incredibly motivating. Best of luck to you! :)

    1. Thanks!!!! It is great to have a goal this big to work towards, right?!? We are going to have so much fun!

  2. Hi Amy,

    I followed you over here from the Disboards, (kayleesmomxo)

    The Princess will be my 1st half marathon as well! I'm nervous and excited too! I LOVE your idea of putting the race map on the treadmill! I am TOTALLY doing that!!! Good luck in your training:0)


    1. Thanks Tiffany!!!!! I've been away from my blog for so long that when I showed up today, I literally whoohoo-ed that I have comments here!

      Thanks for your support, I'm gonna need it :)
