Friday, August 31, 2012

I found a 10k!

I knew, when I signed up for the Princess, that I would need to find a race in or near my town that was a 10k or longer, so that I could get proof of time for the half. Proof of time, if a good time, would allow me to be placed in an earlier corral, giving me more breathing room between me and the Sag Wagon.

Problem?  Not a whole lot of races include a 10k and I didn’t want to do a half-marathon (I want to be a Half-Marathon virgin for Disney! Yes, I’m weird…) And all summer long, I never saw a 10k in my town, but there was one in St Augustine!  

 I debated it for a good month or so, wondering if I could afford it, can I take the time off of work, etc.  

Around the middle of August, a 10k in my town was advertised – a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day.  At that time, however, I didn’t know what the family plan was for Thanksgiving (my mother recently moved to the Gulf Coast of Florida), and I didn’t want to run if she was expecting us to go South for the day….

Today was the last day for registering for the St Augustine Half-Marathon Weekend before the prices went up, so I bit the bullet and registered today. I figured that worse comes to worst, I can drive over early in the a.m. if I can’t afford a hotel room, then I can walk around before driving home that night (It’s only about an hour and a half from home to the Old City).

Now to figure out what I’m going to wear, and if the family wants to come with me, and if I can afford a hotel room!

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