Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What an eventful year! Some reflections....

So…. It’s New Year’s Eve. That’s when everyone either gets dressed up and parties, or sits around wallowing in self-pity that another year has slipped by. Generally, I am not much of a partier (drunks don't appeal to me, especially on the roads), so we stay home. I've never been one to stay up UNTIL midnight, so it's become a tradition that I go to bed whenever I'm tired, but the family wakes me up at 11:45 or so and we all cuddle in bed together and watch the ball drop.  Every year, I get weepy and a few tears run down my face. I've never understood why, I think, until this year. Before, I was sad for another uneventful year gone by.
I don’t’ think I will be doing either this year. I’ve done too much this year to wallow. This year, I am hopeful for the year to come.

I started 2012 with a secret desire to do something that, only a short time ago, I would have laughed about.  I wanted to run a half-marathon. My life before was filled with “can’t”. I can’t – I have a headache. I can’t – I’m too fat. I’m can’t – I don’t have enough time.

I still have an I Can’t – I can’t keep that word in my vocabulary, unless “can’t” is followed by “yet”, as in “I can’t run a marathon yet – I need to train more” or “I can’t go on vacation yet – I need to save money”.

Just in 2012, I did an 8.6-mile March of Dimes walk. I also did a 2 mile fun run, a 3 mile fun run, three 5ks and a 10k.  For someone who, up until this year, never ran unless chased, I consider this a pretty good damn year.

I am looking forward to what 2013 will bring. I know it will bring a half-marathon and a huge feeling of accomplishment! And a huge medal!

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