Saturday, May 2, 2015

Dudes in skirts! Hula Hustle 5k Race Report

Today I ran a new race on a course I've run before.  I did the Hula Hustle 5k, put on by Clay County Young Life. 

We were all encouraged to dress in our best luau costumes, so I went and got some cool stuff from the Dollar Tree: some leis and a cool table skirt I fashioned into a hula skirt. 

It was unseasonably cold this morning, dropping below 50 on my drive to Orange Park.
Don't Pic and Drive, kids.

Parking was at the Orange Park Kennel Club (like the last time I did this course) but we had to park much further away.  My first stop was packet pickup, which was very organized and easy. 

Very organized, easy to read tent labels
I headed back to the car to gear up and put on the rest of my costume (I'd affixed the plastic skirt to my Sparkle Skirt before I left the house).

I went back to the start area to walk around, warm up and just wander.

There is SO MUCH FOOD here!
Gurl, that skirt is busted!
There was a cute photo opportunity, so I took advantage of it and asked someone to take my photo. 

Costume - Table skirt wrapped and pinned to a Sparkle Skirt; leis around both wrists, both ankles, two on neck.
Soon, it was time to head to the starting area, which was a little bit further away.  

Start line, that way -->
There it is!
With no fuss or formalities, we took off, down the road that runs along the St. Johns River. I made it to Mile 1 quickly, and with no problems. The road is cracked and bumpy, but not too terrible for running on. 

Mile 1 in LESS THAN 15 minutes!!  Aw yeah!
Not long after Mile 1 did I see people already coming back.  Ah, the depressing side of an out-and-back course.

He may be a dude in a skirt, but he's fast!
I got to the turn around and began to make my own way back along the river to the finish line, taking a few really gorgeous photos as I went. 

Good morning, river!
I wonder what the cost is to have this as my wake-up view?
Here comes Mile 2 - only a mile left to go!

I've slowed down a little, but still a great pace for me!
I've been trying a new thing with my Garmin - NOT looking at it... I like knowing how far I've gone, but not my time; I've found that I'm a self-defeatist... if I look at my time and see that I'm not going to PR or I'm going realllllly slow, my brain says "why try any harder?" and I don't push myself.  So, I used one of my leis to cover my watch.

It's "Go Faster" time
Here comes Mile 3, with the finish right around the bend in the road! (As usual, the road is really empty here in the back).

And there goes my 15 minute mile pace
And I finished!! My official time was 48:52, which isn't bad, but I really wanted to PR!
Oh well. I got my medal, a pretty white lei, as well as a bottle of water and a coupon for Chick-fil-A from the volunteers at the finish line, then wandered over to the snack table. They had a HUGE spread including milk, chocolate milk, granola bars, LOTS of stuff!

Really nice medal for a $20 5k
VARIETY! Three different kinds of chocolate milk (well, 2 types of milk, and a chocolatey flavored beverage)
Free Chicken Biscuit or a trio of Chicken Minis
ONLY good at the Eagle Harbor location, wherever that is...
More importantly, though, was the free shave ice!!  I love a good shaved ice/sno-cone/whatever you want to call it!

The line wasn't too long (maybe 10 people), so I hopped in line. It took FOREVER though, for the line to move. But, because I'm such an obstinate bitch, I figured I'd already wasted that time, might as well get rewarded for it...

Please move faster, my blood sugar's dropping and I need some Sno-Balls!
Lots of flavors to choose from... what should I get?

BANANA, of course!  So much syrup though... too much for me.
While in line for my shaved ice, they gave out awards for the best costumes. I would beg to differ that these were the BEST costumes on the course, but I had no say in the judging (they were all friends with each other and ht race director, so ...). I guess dudes in coconut bras get bonus points.
I do wonder what they got as a prize - it was never announced.
I hit the photo op one more time to pose with my medal, but I'd had my limit of fun by this point. I was ready to get outta here!

Aloha, Mr. Hand!
I made my way to the Orange Park Mall, which is a joke of a mall, but they have a Chick-Fil-A, and I love refueling with nuggets!

Sometimes I Polynesian, sometimes I Mayo my nuggets. VARIETY! Waffle fries with Ranch is the best, though!
I also hit up JC Penney, then a convenience store for road trip snackage, crossed back over the St. Johns River and headed home.  I was tired!

Location: Orange Park, FL
Host: Clay County Young Life
Race Fee:$20
Packet Pickup: Pre-race, very easy
Parking: Lots of available parking at the Orange Park Kennel Club
Support: One water stop
After Party: Photo booth, free sno-cones, raffles, costume contest, lots of snacks/drinks

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