Since the Kiddo is enjoying her summer vacation way too much, and Hubby had to work this morning, I was flying solo for the Bridge of Lions 5k in St. Augustine. Not that I'm totally sad about that - I've mentioned it before that Hubby doesn't really enjoy the whole running scene, and it's boring for him to wait around an hour for me.
I was up and ready to go by 4:30 (I had to take hubby to work before heading to the race), and I was so proud of my gorgeous 2-day hair, I felt the need to take a selfie. My skin needs some work, but my hair is great!
Second Day Hair Selfie |
No road trip photo this time around, but the trip was uneventful, and I got there around 6:30a.m. The sky, just beginning to light up was beautiful and I spent way too much time shooting the water!
Good Morning Sunshine |
Eventually, though, I made my way over to packet pickup, which was two tables. We got a shirt in a nice reusable grocery bag provided by a local chiropractor. The handles of the bag are obnoxious, so I probably won't use it much (they're too short).
Getting to races early is much less stressful |
I took my stuff back to the car to chill out before the race started.
There's not a lot of folks here yet |
I got a great spot! (And free until 10am) |
Once the sun came up fully, I was out and about again, taking more photos (no seriously, I have more photos of the sunrise than I do of the entire race... but I'll spare you the majority of them).
Bridge of Lions over Mantanzas River |
You idiot, a schooner IS a sailboat |
More people gathering now |
Chillin' at the Castillo |
Lots of people chillin' at the Castillo! |
Soaking my chill towel before the race |
Jump! |
Do it! Jump! |
LOL, JK! Not gonna jump! |
I truly love St. Augustine |
Back at the starting line, crowds had really grown! This is much bigger than last year, I think!
Wow, lots of people this year! |
We started shortly after I got back to my car (conveniently within the 12mm pace zone) and we headed down the road. From behind me, near the bridge, I heard the
weirdest noise... like a flapping noise, like someone running in a windbreaker and flip flops. Yeah, he beat me to the finish line.
How he didn't pass out in there, I don't know! |
Crossing the Bridge of Lions |
Once we crossed the bridge, we went into the Davis Shores neighborhood and quickly came up to Mile 1.
Water! Water! |
I love this guy's political sign. There's a shitstorm coming this fall, I can feel it.
Sweet Meteor of Death '16 |
Another view of the Mantanzas River |
We made it to Mile 2, which was actually very close to the finish line.
2/3 done and I'm not ready to die? Good day! |
I can see the finish!
I finished with a fair amount of people! Good day! |
official time was TERRIBLE, the worst I've ever done. 53 freakin' minutes!!! I was 84th out of 90 in my age group. BUT! I beat 86 people!!! And I had fun, so really, isn't that all that matters?
After the race, though, I had to walk all the way back across the bridge to my car. I passed these classy bitches who think that historical statues are there for you to stand on for photos. I wanted to push them.
Get your rude, fat asses off the canons! You aren't cute. |
I chose the very tasteful selfie instead.
That is ice in my boobs, but I am glad to see you |
Back to the car I go! I had fun taking lots of medal photos while I walked.
This is such a typical Florida neighborhood street, I love it |
Modeling my medal with Firm the Lion (or is it Faithful?) |
One of the drawbridge towers on the bridge |
A fellow finisher took my photo for me... I'm smizing |
Money Shot |
Faithful the Lion (or is it Firm) on the other side of the river |
Back in the car, I decided Arby's was the lunch for me.
It's no Chick-fil-A, but it'll do |
I'm literally the only customer here... |
And I shit you not, they're playing Christmas music on the radio here. |
After lunch, I did some exploring of the non-tourist side of the city and discovered a large shopping center. It had a
Kirkland's, which I'd heard from coworkers was a cute place to look for home decor.
Will I like Kirkland's? |
No. It's not.
Unless you want your house to smell like a redneck whorehouse, do not buy stuff from Kirklands. Gah, it's everything I hate. Wine jokes, too many tacky Tervis tumblers (lol, alliteration), ugly-ass mirrors and huge wall hanging signs with cutesy slogans like "Grateful, Thankful, Blessed" or "Find Happiness in the Little Things." If it's distressed, it's here. If it's tacky, it's here. If you're 67-year old grandma likes to drink wine in the afternoon and get botox on Saturdays, she shops at Kirklands.
Can you tell I wasn't impressed? Yeah, no.
Anyway, after that little excursion, I went next do to explore Party City (yeah,
the Party City, the one with the horrible commercials). Yeah, we have party stores in my town. I think we have two. They're very boring. You walk in and it looks like a circus exploded, because there are eighty bajillion balloons either stapled to the walls or hanging from the ceiling. PC has that going for them too, but only in the Balloon Area, off to the side. When I walked in, there was lots of luau stuff, lots of summer stuff, lots of patriotic stuff (for the just-passed Independence Day and upcoming Election Day). I liked how it was sorted by section. In the back of the store was a rainbow section - a bunch of items that come in specific colors. So if you wanted purple sunglasses, purple legwarmers, purple wigs or purple hats, you could go to the purple section. I think there were about 10-12 different colors (obviously all red through purple, plus black, white, neon, gold, silver and rainbow; probably others I can't remember).
🎵 Cuz this is Thriller! Thriller Night! 🎶 |
And in each section, oh dear lord, each section had
head boppers! (I love head boppers, and recently Hubby told me that they made it easy for him to spot me at finish lines, so I've been searching for inexpensive options - I found 'em!) I ended up getting blue, purple, red and multi-color boppers. I also picked up this "
Men On" style tiny cowboy hat for an upcoming work function (and eventually, I'll give it to the cat).
On the way out, I discovered another awesome feature of Party City - the wall of candy. 15 pieces for a buck. Cost efficient? Not really. A nice inexpensive treat for me? Definitely! I scored some Rolos, Brach's Royals, Sixlets, and Atomic Fireballs. Not bad for a buck! (And it will save me from wanting to get candy at the gas station on the way home, too!)
My stash for when I'm driving |
My last stop of "We don't have those in my town" stores is Aldi's. We have a Sav-a-Lot at home, but it's always struck me as dirty, and one step away from a dent-and-bent store. Aldi's was supposedly the upscale version of a SaL, so I was curious how they compared.
There is a lot of similarities - off-brands or house brands, that look remarkably similar to their name-brand counterparts. But what Aldi's does much better than SaL, I think, is their produce. I don't eat a lot of produce, but I can tell that what Aldi's carries is pretty good lookin' stuff.
I got some Happy Farms whipped cream cheese and HF spreadable cheese (similar to Laughing Cow wedges) to take home and taste test. (I'm happy to report that the spreadable cheese is good and 10 calories per wedge less than LC; but the cream cheese wasn't as whipped as Kraft, so I may stick with Kraft).
Once I got back to the car, the sky opened up, so I took it as a sign it was time to go home (also, it really
was time to go home; Hubby would be getting off of work and he needed a ride home!)\
Rain Rain, Go Away (or not, that's cool too) |
All in all, in was a great race (well, except for the fact that it took me so long...) and a great afternoon. I hit up the closest 7-Eleven for some Gas Station Nachos, then headed home and chilled out for the rest of the day.
Hello, My Name is Lazy, and I'm Addicted to Electric Cheese |
Oh, Palatka, you do you - there is a store called "Dollar Wang" |
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