Tuesday, May 30, 2017

58,220 - Memorial Day 5k 2017

This is a new race for me! In the past, Hubby worked later in the morning, and I wasn't able to do it, but now that his schedule is different, I can take him to work and then head right up to Jax, so that's what I did!

I was up around 4, had some OJ, then woke up J. I got him to work and was on the road by 6am. Five minutes later, my new favorite song came on!

Put some PERM on that attitude!
I made pretty good time and got to Orange Park just shy of 7am. I found a great parking spot in front of Select Physical Therapy.
This spot is right across the street from the start line

Packet pickup was super easy. I think it took longer to walk over there than it did to get my stuff.

The running store is at the end of this shopping center

I debated getting in line for the potties (in the park), but I saw that the laundromat was open, so I popped in there. Apparently, a few other runners had the same idea, so there was a bit of a wait. Thank you to this Laundromat for letting us tinkle there!

Wish I knew the name of this place, I'd plug them!
After that, I headed back towards my car and I noticed that one of my pom-poms fell off!  Luckily, I found it and I was able to shove that bitch up under my shoelaces.
No Pom-Pom Left Behind
A lot of times, people write on themselves who they run for (IR4), or they'll put it on their bib. I didn't have a specific person I ran for today.

I am the daughter of a Vietnam Veteran. My father came home. He came home broken, and he was welcomed with taunts, vindictive threats and trash. He had diapers thrown at him. He was called "Baby Killer." All for simply fighting in a war he didn't even want to participate in.

He didn't talk about Vietnam much, as you can imagine. I never knew why my dad had a bum knee or why he wore dentures at such a young age. I never knew why my dad was so vehemently against guns - I was never allowed to have toy guns, Nerf guns, cap guns, squirt guns or even go "pew pew pew" with my fingers. There were many parts of his life that were secret, and this was one of them. As I grew up, I discovered that many Vietnam Veterans were similar to my father. Vietnam wasn't seen in the same light as World War 2. The soldiers were not celebrated as heroes. They were treated like shit. For DECADES.

After I grew up, I learned more about the Vietnam war, but more about the Vietnam VETERANS. Many were never welcomed home. Many were spit on. None of them were celebrated as American Heroes.

I want to change that. At every turn, when I see someone with a Vietnam Veteran hat, or pin, or sticker on their car, I welcome them home (Dammit, I'm crying right now, for real). I thank all service men and women for their service, but that "Welcome Home" to a Vietnam Veteran is so special, both for me and for them, I hope.

58,220 soldiers who went to Vietnam never came home. I ran for them today. I welcomed them home.

Welcome Home, Soldiers. You are my heroes.
Okay, suck up those tears! Back to the race recap!!

I wandered around the park for a bit, checking things out. There were huge lines at the potties, so I'm extra-thankful for that laundromat! There were lots of kids playing on the playground, waiting for their parents to finish running.

There are a LOT of people here
Soon, it was time to line up, and WOW! There were a lot of runners!  You can see from the photo below that I'm in front of the finish line... the Start Line is actually about 1000 feet further past that. 

Wear Blue to Remember
We, of course, had a performance of The National Anthem - which was sung by pretty much every single one of us - and then we were off!

Yeah, it's hot today. I'm not pushing myself today.

Yep, that's a Big Momma pushing a stroller... in front of me
The route was nice; it was mostly through old neighborhoods, so that meant shade! Also, Orange Park has a large military community, so there was a lot of patriotism on display. Almost every yard had a flag.

The lead runners came back way before I even got near Mile 1!

Front runner
More fast runners
Finally - Mile 1!
Lots of shade on the route
It was a pretty uneventful race, so here's the Mile 2 sign. 

Mile 2
And then the Mile 3 sign. I like when they have final mile signs (Mile 3 at a 5k or Mile 13 at a half-marathon). Maybe it's because I'm OCD?

So close!

And I finished! My official time was 52:07, which of course is terrible for me! But that's par for the course at this point. I was 56th out of 60 in my age group and 853 out of 915 total finishers, which means I beat 62 people.

I got my medal, which is super awesome, then went to find some water.

I guess I need a better marker...
Whoo, you can see how red my face is!
Ooooh, artsy
After that, I wandered a bit, letting my body cool down. I got some Gatorade and part of a cinnamon bun from Panera (not bad, but it's Panera, so I ain't goin'), then made my way over to the bandstand for the raffle and awards

The announcer had a great way of ensuring that most runners would stick around for the awards - he did the raffle and the awards at the same time!  Started with M74-79 and did a few categories, then did a few raffles, then more awards, then more raffles. It was a bit tiresome, but I thought it was very smart. There were two little jackass teenagers standing near me that, after about 10 minutes, I wanted to fucking Purple Nurple them!  They bitched that the announcer started with "the old fuckers" instead of the young kids - because, I assume, that would give them their award first and they could leave then. Then, they bitched that the raffle prizes sucked. They kept standing there saying "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" under their breath. Assholes.

I stayed through the entire thing, won nothing, and eventually headed back to the car.

Yes, that says 97ยบ (I took it at 2pm)
I stopped at a nearby Walgreen's and changed my clothes. I purchased 2 pimp Diet Cokes as Tinkle Tax™ then drove over to the Orange Park Mall.

Size comparison to a 20-oz bottle

I scored a great new "everyday" purse from St. John's Bay for only about $10 after sale and coupons.I also got a few work shirts.

Lunch was my new favorite - Chick-fi-Moe's: Chick-fil-A nuggets and Moe's chips and Queso.  CFA was awesome as always, the employees at Moe's need some serious lessons in customer service.

After lunch, I walked out some funk around the mall, but no other stores caught my eye. I grabbed a soda at RaceTrac and headed home. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

It's Not Music; It's Not Jewelery - Pandora: the World of Avatar Preview Day at WDW

Long, long, ago, in a movie galaxy far away, there was a movie called Avatar. It was released in 2009. It was a great movie, if you solely looked at the cinematography and special effects. Many people made fun of it, and honestly, I have never seen it.

In 2011, two years after this movie slid off into oblivion, Disney Parks announced that they were going to build Avatarland at Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom. A lot of folks were either confused - how does this fit in with Animal Kingdom? - or pissed - this doesn't fit in with Animal Kingdom! I was more the latter than the former (while Hubby was the latter). I always held out hope that they would find a way to incorporate a Beastly Kingdom land, but alas... it will never be.

So, after three years (!), construction began on the Avatar project in January of 2014. Camp Minnie-Mickey was closed forever and big blue aliens were coming. 

And then... it seemed like it took forever for progress. We spent three years watching construction until finally, in the Spring of 2017, it was announced that there would be Passholder Previews for what is now officially called "Pandora: The World of Avatar." (I'm gonna try to call it P:WoA from now on).

Now, Hubby hates Avatar. He hated all the stupid hype. When this land was announced, he said he would never step foot in that land, or even in Animal Kingdom. 

So what did I do? I signed us up for the previews, of course! I told him that he didn't need to come with me; I'd go alone. Or he could go spend time at another park while I went. I didn't really care what he did - I was going to go check it out!
The email we got beforehand
He gave in and decided - with a grumble - to go with me, so on the morning of May 17, we all piled in the car, hit up Circle K and then made our way to Disney. 

Last time we were able to do a Passholder Preview, it was on a weekend day, and there weren't "reserved times." This time, they had reserved time periods, and I was only able to get Wednesday at 3pm. So, to make a whole Disney day of it (because the fam isn't a fan of DAK anyway), I'd made some FastPass+ (FastPass+s? FastPass's+?) for Hollywood Studios. 

A simple perk!
After sliding in the official Passholder entrance, feeling like Wayne and Garth...

I reference this way more than you can imagine in regards to FastPass+
... we noticed that it was really busy on the main drag. Turned out Captain Phasma and March of the First Order was coming down the road! So of course, I had to get a few pix, even though I give no shits about Star Wars.

I got really lucky with the location!
I'd made FastPass+es (let's go with that) for Rockin' Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror, but neither of them were up for it, so I went alone.

...make it a super-stretch!
I still don't know if I like it!
Another reason we were here is because one of the original MGM Studios/Hollywood Studios rides - The Great Movie Ride - was slated to close at the end of the summer, and we wouldn't be back after this weekend to give it a "one last ride." I loved this ride as a kid, so I hope whatever they replace it with (I think a Mickey-centric ride), it better be good.

Thank you, CB, for years of journeys through the movies!
We got the cowboy scene
Next up, Star Tours. I'm getting old, so I have to take Dramamine before riding this. I neglected to take Dramamine this time... I survived though. (Going to lightspeed messes with me something fierce!)

C3PO welcomes you to Star Tours
Our last stop was to Toy Story Midway Mania! Hubby and the Kiddo rode together so that they could compete, while I rode alone. 

The Etch-a-Sketch is animated now
The screen in the ride vehicle before you begin playing
Sweet, we went to the new track!
As always (and has become a joke at this point), I got a beaver.

Hey! I beat the other guy!
We finished up with Hollywood Studios around 1pm, trammed back to the car and went over to Disney Springs for lunch. We grabbed some delicious burgers at D-Luxe. Pro tip - If you get the Classic Duo (2 classic cheeseburgers, 1 order of fries and 2 sodas) it's actually cheaper then going a la carte. We do that, and add in an additional burger/fry/soda for me. With our AP discount, this meal - which is leaps and bounds above typical Disney burgers - only cost $36.  Thirteen bucks for a delicious - and HUGE - burger, hand-cut fries and refillable soda? Oh, yes!

I'm sure there were some people ticked that we got the big booth!
Classic Cheeseburger (plain)
Hand-Cut Fries, and Classic Cheeseburger (unwrapped)
Desert was at Sprinkles, a cupcake shop that apparently is very famous in LA and recently opened up here. They have really good looking cupcakes, but none of them called my name. I got a Fudge brownie, while Hubby got a Milk Chocolate mini cupcake (each was $3.50, tax included... not horribly expensive desserts, but I don't think either one was worth it). Pro-tip - Sprinkles does not have a fountain drink dispenser, but they have a little tiny water fountain with tiny cups, so if you're thirsty, I think only bottled drinks are available... no free water (of a human size) here.

The display is at the end of the counter; I'm standing in the "Wait for your order" section
Mini Milk Chocolate Cupcake (Chocolate cake, chocolate frosting, chocolate sprinkles)
Fudge brownie (no nuts!), sprinkled with powdered sugar
Completely full now, we waddled our way to the car and drove over to Animal Kingdom - it was time to explore AVATARLAND! Okay... P:WoA.

We parked in Peacock 2, and walked up to the front. We don't come to Animal Kingdom a lot so I never really even knew that there was a sidewalk! Derp.

I love the little bits of info like (94 elephant steps to the Main Entrance)
Of course, we entered in the Passholder Entrance!

Make way! Here we come
We hung a left at Pizzafari towards PANDORA: The World of Avatar.

I wish the sign specified it was for Passholder so it didn't confuse guests
10 more days and this place is gonna be CRAZY!
I didn't take many photos of walking into P:WoA because I knew I'd be spending a lot of time taking photos after we rode the two rides. It was pretty cool though. I did feel like I was slowly moving from one area (Florida) to a completely different area (not Florida). First ride was the Na'vi River Journey.

This is the only photo I have of the queue and loading area...
The queue was massive, with a lot of permanent queue lines (rather than large areas that can be cordoned off with ropes). This meant that, even though there was no wait, we still had to walk all the way through, like a maze. It was pretty cool in there; probably cooler if I'd seen the movie.

The ride itself was very ... pretty. There was no "pre-show" or anything to get an idea of why I was going on this ride. We literally had no idea what this ride was about. We got in a boat - much lower to the water than a Pirates of the Caribbean boat, thus hard to get in and out of - and drifted through black-lit "bio-luminescent" forests, while on some digital screens we saw some Pandoran (Pandorean?) creatures, until we got to the end and saw the ginormous Avatar Shaman chick with  funky toes.

All three of us got off the ride looking confused! As we looked at each other, we saw that we weren't the only ones who were confused, and felt a little bit better. Honestly - what was the point of that ride? There was no "there" there.

Our next stop was the simulator ride Flight of Passage. There had been a lot of secrecy about this ride, including bloggers not being able to take photos on the ride itself. Tom Corless from WDWNT  was there a few days before we were and was able to put up a review. Even if you don't read his review of this, you should TOTALLY be following WDWNT on Twitter and Facebook. They are one of my two go-to sources of info for all things Disney. Plus they snark.

The line was really short, so we didn't actually stop for a lot of photos. We took a few though.

The Na'vi on the wall are "actual size" - humans go up to about their thigh area
After you pass through the lab and get to the GIANT Avatar Room, you are sent to different lines by a Cast Member. These lines don't seem to have a lot of rhyme or reason. We were sent to the yellow line (I think it was "3").

Waiting to be sent to a specific line
After a very long time, we were first in line! Another cast member came out and counted out 16 people from each line, and we were then sent in to one of these rooms.

Some doors lead to rooms, some to stairs, some to storage areas - it's like Let's Make a Deal!
We made it though both (yeah, both) pre-shows, but we kept being told that it would be "one more minute," but eventually, there were no more minutes... everyone was being removed from the ride because it was malfunctioning.

I was scolded for taking this photo and told to stop
We were given a special FastPass+ to come back on though, so this time, we were able to go through the FastPass+ line. It's a lot more boring!

The FastPass was valid until 5/22, even with the weird time restrictions
The FastPass+ line is much more boring
This time, the line was much longer (probably due to a lot of people still waiting due to the malfunction that booted us), and at the section where Stand-By and FastPass+ meet up, there was a guy being a complete ass about how he stood in line all this time, he should go to the front of the line and "God dammit, I'm a fucking Passholder! I don't deserve to be treated this way!"

Dude, slow your roll... we're all fucking Passholders. Most of us aren't assholes. Anyone who's ever done a preview, or a beta test or anything like that knows that there may be some glitches. Our purpose here is two-fold: One, to 'treat' us to an early look at the land, but more importantly; Two, to work out the glitches before it opens to millions of full-price paying guests!

Thankfully, the CM working this section of the line wasn't taking any of his shit and basically told him to sit the hell down. He was not a happy camper, but he sat the hell down.

As for the rest of us, we just went where she told us and thanked her (I later sent a Cast Compliment to Disney about her performance - good CMs like that definitely need to be rewarded!).

I think we waited in this area for about an hour this time until again, we were sent to the first pre-show, then the second and then finally! We entered the super double-top-secret room. Which was actually two rooms. Each room holds 8 simulators that you sit on, motorcycle-style. Once you sit down, a flap comes up from the back to hold you securely, as do two restraints on your legs. It's a little, um, creepy, until you get used to it. Also, the restraints inflate to ensure a perfect fit around your legs and torso. Again, creepy.

You "pair" with the Na'vi that you matched with in the pre-show and then whoosh! You're off!

Shut up, Knockoff Kramer!
I'm not going to spoil it, not even for people who haven't ridden it yet and are reading this a year after I went. There are plenty of other sites that will do that.

All I can say is HOLY SHIT. I mean, H.O.L.Y...S.H.I.T! I was literally screaming, whooping, wheeing, and laughing! Luckily, I didn't throw out the "F" bomb like I did on Tower of Terror a few years ago!

After the ride, we had to exit the building. One mystery of the building is how we ended up on the 3rd floor. I know that the queue inclines the entire length of the line (you know what I mean...), but because you can't see where the doors go when you load, it's almost magical how you end up! My guess is that 3 doors go to the 1st floor, 3 to the floor you're currently on (which is the 2nd floor) and 3 to the upper floor (which is the 3rd floor). 

I bet this will be fun with kids or old folks
We debated getting right back in line, but I was a bit queasy from a feature of the ride, so we took a break and investigated Satu'li Canteen, the quick service restaurant in Avatarland.

They have outdoor seating, which was taken up by loafers as we passed by.

I expect to see CMs policing this area when it opens to the public later
Indoor seating is plentiful, with lots of different areas to sit, and they offered both banquette seating and table seating. We scored a corner seat (which meant all booth) after getting some cups for water at the counter. Since we are still in Animal Kingdom, they did not have lids for the cups, and only paper straws. Another thing they don't have is disposable tableware - all food is served on stoneware plates with real silverware, a first for any Disney counter service restaurant (remember, counter service is "fast food")

Corner booth - the drink station is behind the grey wall, there is a LOT of seating in this place!
After refreshing with some tasty Disney water (which is always free!), we took one more ride on the back of a banshee, then Hubby and the Kiddo proceeded to follow me around P:WoA while I took way (way!) too many photos. I won't bore you with all of them.

Why are there not more of these awesome bottle-filler water fountains in the parks?

Action Shot™ - Courtesy of some rando in line behind us
Florida Ducks don't give a crap about your alien plants
Ooooooooooooooooh, pretty
"Floating" Mountains
Why is the "Floating" Mountain sky much bluer than this one? #PhotogProblems
If there's a waterfall, I'm gonna shoot it
Sweet! Spitting animals... this pond will be surrounded by 7-year old boys and drunk fathers
Aforementioned spitting animals
We were actually sticking around to see if they would turn on the cool bio-luminescent effects (the GROUND glows!!), but we found out (after wasting a good hour of wandering) that they were saving that for the official opening in a few weeks. So, we headed out.

Goodnight Beastly Kingdom
Hubby and I debated heading over to the Magic Kingdom to catch the new nighttime show, but one look at the kiddo, straggling behind us, told us that it'd be better to wrap it up and head home. I didn't request tomorrow off, so I'm gonna be a tired mama!

We got gas and snackage at WaWa, and made it home around midnight.

Yeah, one tired mama!