Sunday, October 21, 2018

How Megacon Almost Got Me Killed

My kiddo loves anime, so it makes sense that she loves to go to Cons (you know, like Comic-Con). There is one in Jacksonville that she loves and wanted to go for the whole weekend. Last minute, her ride wasn't able to take her up there, so she and I loaded up in the car bright and early on Saturday and I drove her up there.  We grabbed some breakfast (which she proceeded to drip all over her nice, white shirt, causing us to take a side trip to Walmart for a new nice, white shirt), and got to the Con right before they opened.

This was my first time having the kiddo stay overnight somewhere in a different city, so I was a little apprehensive, but she's twenty years old, mom! Leave her be!

After dropping her off, I picked up some lunch and then headed over to my favorite mega-store - IKEA!  I don't really remember what I bought (I know I spent a lot of time there, looking at random stuff and making Big Plans in Remodeling, which never actually happen...), but I know I was there for quite a while. I left there around 1:30 or so, and, as I always do, grabbed some snacks and a drink at Wawa.

I left Wawa at 2, after texting hubby that I was on my way to pick him up, and I'd be there around 3:30.

I had to take J. Turner Butler Boulevard (JTB) to get to I-95. Usually I have no issues on this road, but today was not that day...

In the area of the Southside exit (115), heading West, there were no cars in front, behind, or next to me (looking back, it was kind of weird, actually...). I was jammin' along to my music, enjoying my frosty Wawa beverage, when I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw a grey vehicle in the middle lane (same lane as me) coming up really fast behind me. Now, I was going 80-85 to begin with, so he was going super-fast.

X Marks the Spot
Over the next probably two seconds, this discussion ran though my head:

My first thought was Dude, you need to go around me if you're gonna drive like that. 

Then, This asshole needs to go around me!
Followed by, I don't think he's gonna move!!

Then in a rush of thoughts, Holy SHIT! I don't think this guy is gonna move! If I move to the LEFT lane, he can keep going, but HE might go to the left lane, because that's the fast lane, so should I move to the RIGHT lane? What the fuck am I going to do? He's going to hit me, he's gonna hit me, gonnahitmegonnahitmegonnahitmemovemovemove!

His car, over in the ditch. He and his girlfriend are sitting down in the grass on the right
He was coming up VERY, VERY FAST on my tail, the whole time I'm having this split second dialog in my head. Without even consciously deciding what to do, I sped up and began to move to the right. He moved left, and I thought for sure he was gonna hit my rear end and either plow right in to me, or send me into a tail spin at 90mph. I could see neither his headlights nor his bumper in my rearview mirror when he cleared me. He swerved too hard to avoid me, and then overcorrected too much, and swerved back in front of me. I immediately slowed down and swerved back into the middle lane to try to avoid him. As he swerved in front of me, he almost clipped a vehicle in front of him (we'd caught up to traffic at this point). He began to fishtail and he spun 180ยบ before flipping off the road and into a ditch. He was facing EAST at this point, in a huge bog of mud and grass. I hit the brakes and pulled over, along with a few other cars, to offer assistance. I grabbed my cell phone and dialed 911 as I began to walk over toward the vehicle. Other people were down in the mud by the car; they had pulled out a man, but he said that his girlfriend was still stuck in the car. I stayed on the phone to speak to 911, but they already had multiple reports of this accident, so I got off the phone (they're not super-friendly, those Jax operators...).

I walked over to where the guy - and his now unstuck girlfriend - were sitting. Both seemed okay on first appearance - the girlfriend had a huge gash on her knee. The guy was on the phone with his mom (I heard him sob, "Mom, I flipped the car!"). There was a guy there in jeans and a tee shirt (he reminded me of Hank from Breaking Bad), who turned out to be an off-duty Jacksonville police officer. He shared that the car has blown past him earlier, and he called the cops on them at that point, before the crash even happened. While talking with the two of them, he discovered that the guy and girl were having an argument inside the car, and the driver kept accelerating while they were arguing and she wasn't paying attention. Because they weren't paying attention, they didn't see me until the last minute, hence the swerving and almost dying part.

I went back to my car and pulled out some napkins and some baby wipes I always keep handy and returned back to the girlfriend so she could clean herself up a little bit. I also bent over and yelled at them (in that stern, "Mom" kind of way), saying that their bullshit almost got me killed, and they needed to be more careful from now on. I've been in car accidents. I've flipped a car. I knew that yelling at them now would make no difference... they were still dealing with the aftermath... but softer, more stern words would stay with them forever. They'll replay this accident in their heads over and over, each time hearing me say "you almost killed me." They'll remember this forever.

I joked with one of the other onlookers that I was due home in 45 minutes, that I would be late, and Hank overheard. He said that there were enough witnesses, so I was able to leave. I asked if I should stay to give my statement, or if I should email a witness statement to him, but he said I was good to go. So I went.  I left about the time Fire Rescue arrived on scene.

I tried to check online to see if they were ever charged with anything, or if they were ticketed, but the Duval County website is very hard to navigate. I don't even know their names...

I called Hubby from the car and told him that I was going to be even later "because of an accident." I got to him around 4, and when I got home, I told him what had happened. I was messed up in the head by then, man... my brain loves the What If? game.  What if he hit me? What if I spun? What if I flipped? What if I died? What if...? What if...? What if...?  I spent the majority of the evening curled up on the couch with him, trying to make sense of this event. Why did this happen? Was the Universe trying to say something? Was God trying to teach me - or them - a lesson? I'm not spiritual by any means, but I felt that there was a reason for this... I settled on my being an obstacle for them to stumble over, so that they learn from this (and possibly NOT kill someone down the road).


Holy crap, man!
Adding this from the future (whoooo-oooo-oooo)...

Okay, so why did this happen? I still think it was to teach them a lesson.


Let's think back to what happened to ME in May...

I was in a small car accident that totaled my little Sentra and spurred me to purchase this bigger, faster, Altima...

What if...

What if THAT accident is really what saved my life?

Okay... if I hadn't had that accident, I would've still had the Sentra in October, right? So, I would have been driving the Sentra when this gal came up behind me. That Sentra didn't have the same amount of oomph or horsepower that the Altima does.

I don't think the Sentra would have been able to get out of the way of their car.

I think I would have been hit, and I think I would have died.

That little accident in May possibly saved my life.

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