Monday, January 14, 2019

WDW Marathon Weekend Volunteering Report 2019

Hello, and welcome to 2019! Hard to believe it, but this year will be 20 years I've been out of college. In a few weeks, my treasure of a kiddo will be 21... Time is flying.

But anyway, back to the story at hand. This weekend was the big one... WDW Marathon Weekend!

As we always do, we got snackage and got on the road, checked in at ESPN Wide World of Sports and worked with handing out race shirts. No luck being Shirt Exchange, but that's okay.

Bathroom Selfie
I picked up some new KT Tape on my dinner break, and we picked up snackage at Wawa before we checked in at our hotel.

Saturday morning, we picked up breakfast at McDonald's and checked in at the volunteer tent for the half-marathon. This year, we are part of the Cheer Squad at Mile 7.

Right past the Mile 7 sign, we were kept company by Chip, Dale, and Clarice. Hubby and I popped over and got our photo taken before runners started coming.

Chip, Dale, Clarice, Me, and Hubby (in the shadows)
Clarice has the unobtainable body goals that I so desire!
Sometimes, Mile Marker signs have songs with them, to go with the theme of the sign. Our sign was Beauty & the Beat themed. We heard "Be Our Guest" for the next four hours.  I love Jerry Orbach, but I was ready to kill him, after just an hour...

This song is LITERALLY playing while I write this...
All of the cheer people broke up into little groups; some were screamers, some were high-fivers, I positioned myself right by the sign so I could be the Photo person (of course!). The time flew by!
I was only able to grab a few photos for myself, but I'm so glad it was this one... Dead-punzel!
What in the Ass?
Soon, the runDisney folks were out waving the Orange Flags of Doom, and the race was pretty much over (for this part).

"You're Behind Pace!" with Balloon Ladies in the background
This lady was doing her damnedest to stay in front of the bus... I really hope she was able to finish!

You Go Girl, You got This!!
Fuck this bus
Afterwards, we headed back to the hotel for a while to nap, then made our way to Epcot for lunch at Via Napoli (only $48 for a pie and a soda, after tax, tip and AP discount).

You can't tell, but these shirts coordinate with each other, awwwwwww
We wandered Epcot after, rode a few rides, but mostly just enjoyed being here together.

Hello, Beautiful!
From Epcot, we drove over to Disney Springs for a cool preview of Kingdom Hearts taking place. The wait was over an hour, but it was okay. Hubby was in heaven to play it!

A room FULL of different game consoles to play KH
Hubby enjoying his KH preview (shocker, he loved it)
After we left, we picked up dinner at Wawa, and a mint shake from Arby's (not as good as Chicken Guy, but CG was way busy), and took it back to our room. We have to wake up way early tomorrow and check out first, so we hit the hay pretty early.

On Sunday, we picked up breakfast from Wawa and made our way to volunteer check in.

We had signed up for Bus Direction again, since it'd been good the past few times. We got the speech from the Team Leader then was free to chill out until the race began.

So, uh, you hold a sign, and tell people to get on the bus...

I, of course, made a bee-line for the characters!

Hello, and welcome!
Goofy loves me
Minnie looking cute in pleats
The Main Marathon Man!
I love that we can do that, but of course, we need to do it before any runners come through - both because the characters are there for THEM, and the volunteers should be helping the runners, not themselves!

We took up our posts - I think he was Animal Kingdom, and I was All-Star Resorts (or vice versa) - and waited.

Such a boring spot!

Our spot this time was terrible! We were blocked by all of the potties, so we couldn't see anyone coming in from the finish line, except for the people looking for their bus. It wasn't as energetic like the other times. And, it was a LONG shift... we were here until like 2pm. We decided that we wouldn't do this shift again, at least for the full Marathon.

After checking out of our volunteer shift, we had a reservation for ice cream at Beaches & Cream. Why, yes, it IS January, and I'm wearing at least 4 layers of clothing - what better time for ice cream!!!

We drove to the Beach Club and parked in their visitor parking, and passed this sight on the way in. 

Meep Meep
Not sure if he was holding a spot and was going to bring an actual vehicle later, or if parked his scooter here on purpose, but it was too funny not to take a picture of.

Hubby and I - though we love the huge sundaes - opted to go with "smaller" sundaes this time. Each of us got a two-scoop sundae with a glass of water. Only $18 after tax, tip, and AP discount.

Vanilla Ice Cream with Caramel and Whipped Cream, No Cherry
Chocolate Ice Cream with Peanut Butter, No Whip, No Cherry
Holy Shit! I finished it!

Once they rolled us out of there, we walked around for a bit, but decided to just head home. I had an early day at work tomorrow (due to an important meeting, I couldn't take Monday off), so we hit up Wawa for drinks and headed north.

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