Sunday, March 31, 2019

This is For the Vietnam Vets - Fallen Heroes 5k Race Report

Click the Flag to Sign up for 2020
Click Old Glory to Sign Up
After missing out on this race for a few years, I was finally able to do it again!

In previous years, it was run around the University of Florida campus, but since I'd stopped running it, it changed to Depot Park. I'd recently done a race at Depot Park, so I knew what to expect.

However, parking was in a different location, and I got to experience this weirdness:

What is this shit?
HUH? What is this craziness? According to our local news station, this back-in angled parking is "considered safer than parallel or traditional angled parking for several reasons, including increased traffic visibility, and safer unloading for children due to being protected from traffic by car doors."

while the photo doesn't show it, I wasn't the only one to have difficulties getting into an angled spot. It just seemed wrong. If you're gonna back in, you should be backing in perpendicularly, not at an angle. No matter how many times I tried, I couldn't get it... so I gave up. I'm in my lines, it's fine.

This was like my 5th attempt to do this... fail!
Once parked, I went and got my bib and my shirt (basic stuff here, no goodie bag), and returned to the car.

Basic thick tee (I don't think it fit me, either)
I forgot to bring a Sharpie for my bib, so I improvised.

Vietnam Vets were never welcomed home; I welcome every single one I see
After I geared up, I headed back towards the start line to check out what was happening. Trader Joe's truck was there.
The line for this truck was LONG, once the race was over
Other than that, there wasn't much happening.

One side was packet pickup; one side was a local gym, I think
Hot Men in Ranger Panties!
Closer to the waterline, they had this beautiful wooden flag out for people to sign or write messages on (I'm not sure where it went after the race... who did they give it to?)

I'm in there somewhere
After the National Anthem (of course!) and Color Guard, we were off. It was a small and uneventful race, so I won't bore you with, Hey, I'm at Mile 1!

Look at me, I'm a tree!
Lead Male returning after I've done 3/4 of a mile
Hard to see, but some guy is over there peeing in the bushes
LOL... wait for it...
Memes coming to life, right in front of me (the similarity is amazing)
Mommy taking time out for Kiddo's breakfast
The finish line was literally orange cones and white plastic tape, and some guy at a table. They used to have a ginormous flag at their races... maybe the City wouldn't let them hang it (wouldn't be surprised, stupid Liberal town).

They spared no expense on this finish line
Still gonna call it a Finish Line Photo
My official time was 52:40. There were 348 total runners. Their results were a simple Google Doc, with no other information in there.

After I finished, I drank some water and headed over to the Trader Joe's wagon, where I got a reusable grocery bag, a granola bar, and spun a wheel of fortune to win some TJ brand corn chips (I never even tried them!).

I hate to say it, but with the race being this bare bones, I'm hesitant to do it again. I know that all of their profits go to the Gainesville Fisher House, and I'm proud to donate to them, but it's just so boring! The UF route was a little more exciting, I guess. (ETA: They raised $4,000 for GFH this year).

BUT, I know me... if I can do it again in 2020, I will.

Narrator: She did not.

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