Sunday, July 7, 2019

I'm a Tailwalker, I'm a Tailwalker...

Last week, I had an adventure and tried out something new - I joined other runners at a local free, timed, 5k in our local park. It's called parkrun, and it's gaining popularity all over the world.

After I finished my 5k, I decided to sign up as a volunteer. I mean, if I'm going to be slow, I might as well, right?

So today was my first time as a parkrun volunteer.

I arrived a little earlier than last week, in case there was anything I needed to do, and I got to meet some of the other volunteers (none of whose names I remember). As a volunteer, I get to wear a snazzy yellow safety vest, so I got that goin' for me.

Don't be hatin', I know I look good
Basically, as a Tailwalker, all I had to do was be the last person to cross the start line, stay behind everyone, and be the last finisher. Super simple! I still get a 5k, I still get an official time, and it doesn't matter if I'm last because I'm supposed to be last! Awesome!

As before (and apparently, they do this every week), we took a group photo beforehand, and everyone went off to have a good and sweaty time. 

parkrun #41 Group Shot (I'm by the flag)
Once I crossed the finish line, (and we ensured that there were no other people), the run was officially over, and we even took a fun photo of just the volunteers this time. 

Rare Group Volunteer shot
Yeah, I'm liking this group of people... I'm definitely going to make this a regular thing as much as possible... on weeks that I don't have races, or weeks that I don't have to accommodate Hubby's work schedule, I'll be here, with my new running buddies!

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