Thursday, April 30, 2020

WuFlu Review for April 2020

As you can see, we're still under Safe at Home orders across the country. I'm going a little stir-crazy, to be honest. I think it's because I want to be actually doing things, like other people are doing, but since I"m working from home, I have to actually, you know, work.

On April 1st, Governor DeSantis enacts a Stay at Home order for all Floridians, good until May 2nd.

On April 2nd, Covid-19 cases exceed 1 million, worldwide, as well as over 51,000 deaths.

After weeks of saying otherwise, the CDC advises Americans that we should be wearing masks (they've since spun their orginal story to say that they told us NOT to wear masks because all the doctors needed them... sure).  Also on this day, April 3, with Impeachement a big nothing-burger for the Democrats, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff announce an investigation into President Trump's handling of the Coronavirus Crisis.

Locally, on April 4th, our City/County reminded citizens that "County Emergency Orders remain in place, will be enforced, and must be followed." This is because the Governor's orders a few days ago were less strict than the County orders. Unfortunately, the Governor allowed Counties to enact stricter orders, which of course, or power-hungry Liberal commissioners chose to enact.  Many businesses were shuttered. Restaurants were closed, or restricted to drive-thru/takeout only. My massage therapist was ordered to shut down, so I don't know how long I'll have to survive without treatment for my headaches. Gyms were shut down, so I couldn't go to Planet Fitness.

On April 7th, China ends the lockdown in Wuhan, after 76 days, and reports no new deaths. Anyone who has been paying attention knows that China is a lying liar who lies, so it's very hard to believe that there's no deaths. 

Interjecting a bit of humor into the pandemic, Julie Nolke posted a funny video on YouTube where she explained the pandemic to her Past Self.

A new study, released on April 9th, showed that there were new cases in New York City that originated in Europe (not China) as early as February.

Unemployment hits 22 million on April 11th, wiping out almost a decade of job gains.

Also on April 11th, I decided it was time to venture out into the world for some supplies. We needed meat, so I went to Sam's, thinking that my Plus membership would allow me to enter early. It didn't, and I ended up waiting in line for almost three hours. But I was able to get 2 trays of chicken (I usually buy 5-6 at a time), 3 trays of ground beef, a tray of steak, and 2 trays of pork chops. Also, I was able to score a case of toilet paper, which has since become my new favorite toilet paper (and it's only 45c per roll! For comparison, a 12-pk of Quilted Northern is 85c per roll.) Later I realized that the line was so long because Easter was the following day, and the store would be closed. How is it Easter already?

Speaking of Easter... in Kentucky, churchgoers defied orders from Governor Andy Beshear, and held an in-person (gasp!) service on Easter Sunday. There was a heavy police presence in the parking lot, and at least one box of nails blocking each entrance to the church's parking lot. This all came about because Beshears threatened a 14-day quarantine for anyone who attended a mass gathering, and said officials would record their license plates and give that information to health officials. Beshear stated that he was "just doing my best to save lives." This is just one of the first examples of a Democrat Governor believing he knows better than his constituents or the Constitution of the United States. There will be many more instances of tyranny in the months to come, we can be sure of that...

On April 13th, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo stated "I believe the worst is over if we continue to be smart." (Spoiler alert...he wasn't smart). Don't forget, of course, that at the end of March, Cuomo ordered released Covid-19 patients to recover at nursing homes, which allowed the virus to spread among the most vulnerable and has resulted in 5,800 deaths, as of May 22).

Closer to home, on April 15, our County Manager instructed us that all County employees would be returning to work on May 4th, and our office began to create plans on what needs to be done to reopen safely, both for citizens and for employees. I finally feel like there's a light at the end of this tunnel.

The next day, our County Commissioner increased the occupancy limit of local stores; it had been one person per 1,000 square feet (so, for a Super Walmart, that would be about 150 people). Now it's one person per 750 square feet (200 people).

On April 23rd, the House passed its second stimulus bill, which contained more money for Small Businesses (after the House SAT on it for over a week!). Also on this day, President Trump suggested that the virus might be treated by injecting disinfectant or UV light into the human body. Liberals immediately spin this in the media and social, saying that Trump said we should all drink Lysol and shove lights up our ass.

Before the current order expired, DeSantis ordered a new Safer at Home Order, which will go into effect on Monday, May 4th. And following that new order, yep, you guessed it... my return to work was extended again to May 11th. 

So, that's about it for April, here in crazy town. Some states are better than others. Some states are worse. Some counties and states are run a little more tyrannically than others...

We'll see what May brings, when I head back to work.

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