Sunday, May 31, 2020

Opting for Virtual - Spud Run 5k Race Report

Originally scheduled for May 2nd,  one of my most favorite runs - the Spud Run in Hastings, FL - was changed (well in advance, in April) to a later date in May, due to Covid.

As we got closer to the day of the race, many things still seemed up in the air and Jacob, the race director, contacted everyone at the beginning of May with this email:

I really was hoping that by the end of May, for goodness' sake, the world would be in a much better place (Future Me from July is laughing), that races and outdoor events would be up and running again, but alas...

Of the two options, I decided to go with the virtual, even though I hate virtuals. I'm going to let you in on a little secret... I hate being judged for my size and running ability. I don't know what their Cross-Country style would look like, but in my head, it involved me running while a bunch of people watched (like a track meet), and there was no way in hell I was going to put myself through that. The thought of people seeing me jiggle while I jogged, or pitying me when I had to slow down and walk after only a quarter-mile, all the judging in their heads... I couldn't do it. Rationally, I know that none of that would probably happen. Hell, everyone (including myself to others) would be cheering each other on, but in my head, all I would hear is pity (come on, fatass, you can do it! Good job, lardo!

So I emailed Jacob and he changed me to a virtual run. I gave him my address to ship my shirt and medal, and joked that unless he could sneak some in a box, I would sure miss the farm-fresh potatoes they give out every year. I don't think he got my sense of humor, as he replied that no potatoes would be sent out...

On May 29th, Jacob sent out a reminder of the new race location and 5k start time options, and shared for the virtual runners (me) that their goodies would be sent out the following week.

Not feeling very motivated, I ended up walking this on May 30th (awww, I did a virtual ON race day for once), and despite what my Garmin says, I did a full 3.1 miles in under an hour. Barely.

I am tired of this stupid Covid bullshit - which yes has caused a lot of deaths nationally and globally - to end. We can't hide from a virus. It will find you... that's what viruses do. This virus isn't not as deadly as first thought and feared. We are verging into Totalitarianism territory, with many of our local, state, and national politicians, and I fear that in the months ahead, it's just going to get worse. Economies and societies cannot thrive if the People are not allowed to live freely. We are not thriving right now. We are only surviving. 

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