To recap from the end of June, my city and county leaders are crazy dictators, the country is burning to the ground, and no one seems to fucking care, because... sigh... one death is too many. Our county had a total of 12 deaths, and 1,197 recorded cases.
After an attempt at reopening the County Government Offices (of which I work), I was back to working from home by the end of June. Also by this time, I was back to not giving a fuck.
At the beginning of July, the Department of Homeland Security, the US Marshall Service, US Customs & Border Patrols, and the Federal Protection Service arrived in Portland, OR, due to ongoing Floyd "BLM" protests. They stationed at the Federal Courthouse to keep protesters away from the building.
Locally, our County government is heavily enforcing signage for the new Mask Mandates.
Also, our County updated their Emergency Order to restrict all gatherings to groups of 50 people or fewer.

On Independence Day, where we as a nation were unable to celebrate our own freedom with shows of fireworks, Kanye West (yes, THAT Kanye West) announced he was running for President, on the Birthday Party ticket. Because of his love for Trump, he is branded a house nigger, an Uncle Tom, and many other disgusting terms that black people call each other when a black person has the audacity to step away from the Democrat Groupthink Plantation. Also on Independence Day, Border Patrol sends additional agents to Seattle to handle more Floyd "BLM" riots. These agents were withdrawn just a week later. Here in my County, our Dear Leaders made sure to tell us crybaby citizens how to celebrate our freedoms responsibly. And then shared the image below to really drive home how desperate they are to force you to wear a mask.
And, certainly, you'd think after all the Independence Day shaming, they'd be done, right? Nope!
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I'm so fucking tired of this stupid phrase! |
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Notice how they just slid Mitch McConnell right on in there |
Many people had been saying that Facebook was beginning to really crack down on Conservatives on the platform, which I totally believed, but it didn't really hit home until I shared a black and white photo of Goebbel and his propaganda. I scored a 24-hour Facebook ban for that one.
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They double-checked and reconfirmed in just two minutes... Sure. |
On July 18th, after taking Hubby to work, I decided to treat myself with a bagel from the local bakery. As I drove there, I passed one of the County's new "Be Safe" signs (it says Social Distance, Wear a Mask, Wash Your Hands). However, as I got closer to it, I could see it had been vandalized! Well, I whipped my car around and parked near it and took a photo of it, to both share with this post, and to show my friends. After I took a quick photo, I got back in my car, drove around the building I was parked near, and waiting for traffic to clear so I could pull onto the road.
While I sat there, I saw this guy in what looked to be fireman pants, and a black tank top. I thought he was out for a run or a walk, so I stayed where I was and motioned that he could cross in front of me (i.e. I won't run him over trying to get into traffic). As he got closer, he veered off the sidewalk with his phone in his hand, and I simply assumed that he was going to walk behind me anyway, just to be safe. I happened to glance back in my rear view mirror and realized that he was taking a photo of my license! WTF??? Then he turned around and took more photos (or video, who knows!) of the side of my car, then began to quickly walk away toward the bank next door. I have absolutely no idea why the hell he did that, but it was totally unnerving! Was he the vandalizer, and wanted to document me, in case I turned him in? Was he pissed off at the sentiment, and wanted to document everyone who stopped to see the sign? Was he a Trump supporter who assumed I was mad about the sign? I have no freakin' clue! But to cover my own ass, in case anything happened, I took some completely shitty photos of him, once my brain caught up and realized what he was doing. He was white, middle-aged, muscular, bald head, wearing fireman pants and a dark/black wifebeater.
On July 21st, three officers in riot-riddled Portland suffered eye injuries when "protestors" shined lasers directly into their eyes. The next day, President Trump sent in a surge of federal officers into Democrat-led cities, following an earlier crackdown on protests (riots) in Oregon. Mayor Ted Wheeler addressed protest crowds in a "listening session" but was (ironically) interrupted when the crowd was tear-gassed by Federal Agents. Six officers were also injured in this event.
On July 28th, the CDC called for reopening all government schools, which sent a lot of people into a tizzy (Oh, my god! We're going to kill all the children! Think of the children!)
On July 29th, Mike Pence and Oregon Governor Brown agree to a phased withdrawal of Federal officers from Portland (who are still "protesting" over the "murder" of George Floyd in May. May. 62 days at this point). This withdrawal will allow State and Local police to take the reins.
To round out this depressing month, I leave you with this quote that I shared on Facebook:
In only 4 months, the U.S. transformed into an obedient Marxist country. Government dictated what events are acceptable to attend. Violent protests that instill fear are OK but church services, family funerals and patriotic celebrations are dangerous. And you bought it without a fight.
Standing in a graduation line is a "safety hazard". Small businesses were forced to close but crowds to support the corporate money machine at Wal-Mart, Lowes and Home Depot are OK.
Come on. It's "just a mask" & "safety precautions".
How about a little hush money. Here's $2,400 that we stole out of your pay check in the first place. Enjoy. Buy something with it. From a big corporation.
Cash is dirty. We can't give change. There's a coin shortage. Use your card. In 4 months, they convinced you to use a traceable card for everything.
In less than 4 months, government closed public schools then "restructured" education under the guise of "public safety". In less than 4 months, our government demonstrated how easily people assimilate to "guidelines" that have NO scientific premise whatsoever when you are fearful.
In less than 4 months, our government successfully instilled fear in a majority of the population in America that allows them to control every aspect of your life. Including what you eat, where you go, who you see and your toilet paper.
And the most dangerous and terrifying part? People are not afraid of the government who removed their freedom. They're afraid of their neighbors, family and friends.
And they hate those who won't comply.
It's absolutely terrifying to me that so many people don't question "authority". They are willing to surrender their critical thinking skills and independence. They just... gave up without thinking. Without a fight.
Do you know what's coming next?
"It's just a vaccine. Come on. It's for the greater good".Wait until you're told that you can't enter any store or business without proof of the Covid-19 vaccine. Wait until you can't go to public events or get on a plane without proof of receiving the vaccine.
To everyone that doesn't believe this is possible - DO YOU UNDERSTAND that government successfully dictated to people WHEN they were allowed to be outside, where they were allowed to go, and how their children would be educated in less than 4 months? And that a majority of the population followed blindly because they were told to do so.
You're kidding yourself if you think this behavior won't be repeated with a vaccine. Or whatever the next step is.
"I don't follow politics."
"Who cares about that stuff?"
"I don't like to think about it."
6 million Jews were exterminated in Germany because 97% of the population cowered to populist control. Nobody wanted to think about it. It's easier to just ignore it.But that couldn't happen here, right?
They got you. Without a thought. Without a fight. Just like France. Just like Russia. Just like China. Welcome, comrade.
Random Meme Dump
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