Well, here we are again... another month has passed. I'm another year older. Another year more cynical, maybe.
When we ended August, BLM and Antifa were again tearing apart an American city in the name of "Equality" or some such bullshit. This time around it was Kenosha, Wisconsin, where domestic abuser Jacob Blake had been shot and paralyzed by local cops after being called out to a domestic disturbance (and, apparently, kidnap in progress.) In the riots that followed, 17-year old Kyle Rittenhouse defended his life against the mob and shot two attackers, maiming a third. On September 1st, Trump visited Kenosha to see the post-riot damage first hand, but does not meet with Blake's family, despite many calling for him to do so.
Two days later, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris also visit Kenosha and do meet with Blake's father, as well as Blake himself, who conference calls from his hospital bed. Also on this day, Michael Reinoehl (who murdered Aaron Danielson just a few days ago) is shot by US Marshals and FBI agents in Washington, just a day or so after Michael was interviewed by Vice TV while on the run for murder, stating he killed Danielson in self-defense.
On September 9th, Trump was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by a Norwegian lawmaker for "his role in facilitating a peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates." On this same day, a book by Bob Woodward got all the haters in a tizzy, suggesting that Trump knew in February that Covid was "deadly" stuff, and intentionally downplayed the severity of the virus to the public. Good!!! We all see how people react when there's a blizzard or a hurricane; can you imagine the entire country acting that way in the face of this Covid crisis? I remember how insane people acted about toilet paper for Christ's sake (again... WHY...?) If, in fact, Trump did downplay the severity of this, I still think it was a smart idea. There are too many stupid people in the country that would have freaked out.
Mid-September, FBI Director Wray warned us of Russian interference in the 2020 election, aimed at harming Joe Biden. My belief is that this is laying groundwork for a defense when Biden loses. The dirty Democrats can scream Russia, Russia, Russia again for the next four years.
Sadly, on September 18th, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away. She was a Justice since 1993, sitting at the bench through five bouts of cancer (including colon and pancreatic.) Yes, she was a ground-breaking woman. Yes, she did many things to advance women's rights. But the way the Left treats her as some sort of deity because of Roe v Wade is absolutely disgusting. Personally, I felt that she should have retired before she turned 80, but she felt physically fit enough to continue presiding over cases. After her second surgery for cancer, I again thought that it was time for her to step down. She needed to spend this time with her family and her loved ones. But she stuck around, and after Obama won the White House for the second time, I thought for sure she'd step down then. But then...
Hillary Clinton entered the picture; she ran for president, and soon it became apparent that Ginsburg was sticking around for Hillary. My belief at the time was that Ginsburg would step down after the election to allow Hillary, the First Female President, to nominate a new SCOTUS judge, who would be - of course - a strong female voice (i.e. liberal seahag) for Ginsburg's seat. When Trump won, Ginsburg inadvertently put herself, and her health, into a game of Chicken with Donald Trump. If Ginsburg retired, Trump would install a Conservative justice, changing the power of the SCOTUS from liberal to conservative. So, she tried to run out the clock. And damn, she sure came close... She let her ego and her hatred of Conservatives (Trump) cloud her (or, even more likely, she was used as a pawn), and ruin the last few years of her life. Years that could have been spent peacefully with her family at home.
Upon the news that Ginsburg had passed away, there was massive screeching from the seahags of the left, scared that they're going to lose body autonomy, that everyone is going to lose their health insurance, and that women everywhere will be forced to be Handmaids for men.
A random RBG family member (it was really a "someone said that someone said that they overheard..." situation) reported that Ginsburg stated her last wish was that she" not be replaced until a new president is installed." Sure, honey. And my last wish is that my daughter wins the lottery. Nice, but probably won't happen. But that doesn't stop the Woke Liberals from calling Conservatives heartless for trampling a dying woman's last wish. Bitch please...
Closer to home, Disney announces that they are closing both Blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon water parks until March 2021 (pending approval to reopen from the local government). Usually in the winter, one park closes for a lengthy maintenance period, but to lose both for 6 months is drastic. And only one will reopen at that time (the other will stay closed for longer).
With election season in full swing, our Vote by Mail ballots were sent out on September 24th.
Per the USPS Informed Delivery email (great service, you should definitely
use it!), it was scanned by my local office on September 26th.
Because I sometimes don't leave my house for a few days at a time, I did not check my mailbox until September 30th. Guess what wasn't in my mailbox? Yep! You guessed it... all three of our Vote by Mail ballots were missing. I don't know if they never even got delivered, or if someone took them out of our mailbox, but we are missing three ballots. I gave the post office until the end of the month to deliver them (sometimes things are scanned on one day but don't end up in the box until a day or so later for some reason), and then I reported the missing ballots to my elections office. It seemed like no one ever responded to me, and it pissed me off... until I pulled up my Spam folder and there it was. They offered to spoil our ballots and send us new ones, but by this time, it was too late (I'd given up on them, and I only access my spam folder every few months... oops). We'll go ahead and vote in person this time. With my awesome Women for Trump hat and American flag tee shirt.
On September 25, Governor DeSantis put Florida into
Phase 3 reopening, and also limits local governments' ability to restrict businesses. This means that restaurants can have ANY capacity they feel comfortable with. Local governments can limit capacity to anything above 50%, but if they do so, they have to quantify the economic impact of each limitation and explain why the limitation is necessary (in other words, you need to tell Big Daddy Ron what the fuck you're doing, you whiny bitches.) More importantly, the new order suspends ALL outstanding fines and penalties against individuals, as they relate to Covid, and suspends them moving forward as well. So, in our town, where the County Commission put in place fines for anyone caught not wearing a mask, they can't fine us anymore, so basically, their Mask Mandate has no teeth anymore. Fuck your mandate!
As you can imagine, the local gestapo is NOT happy about this new order! Both Mayor Poe and Commissioner Hutchinson pen a
letter to DeSantis, "resolutely urging {DeSantis} to reconsider the extent of your executive action..." They cry about local college kids driving up the case numbers and how they've only fined a few violators in the past six months. They believe that their insane mask mandates have kept the case numbers down (despite saying a paragraph earlier that students were making it worse) and they 'beseech {DeSantis} to allow more flexibility in the continuance of local control." Yeah... fuck you in the ass, Poe.
Len Cabrera of the Alachua County Chronicle pens back an open letter to "counter the letter from the self-absorbed, tyrannical rulers of Alachua County and the City of Gainesville...who know nothing about Covid-19 and make policy based on their feelings and party talking points." It's such an amazing letter that I had to copy it word for word in all its glory...
This is an open letter to counter the letter
from the self-absorbed, tyrannical rulers of Alachua County and the
City of Gainesville, who claim to speak for us when one of them was
elected by a very small percentage of the populace: Mayor Poe’s election
had 13% turnout;
he was elected by only 7K people in a city with over 113K people of
voting age. If you watch their meetings, you’ll quickly realize that
they know nothing about COVID-19 and make policy based on their feelings and party talking points.
These politicians have so little regard for representative government
that they continue to push at-large elections for all county
commissioners and two of seven city commissioners. The hand-picked
County Charter Review Commission refused to put
a proposal for single-member districts on the ballot without even
debating the matter, even though it was the most requested ballot
measure and a lot of residents showed up to speak in favor of it. This
action was the primary impetus for several outlying, rural cities, which
are ignored by the county (except to send code enforcement or collect
their taxes), to seek to break away from the county. There is now a petition to encourage the Florida legislature to allow these towns to get away from Gainesville’s corrosive control by creating Springs County.
Commissioner Hutchinson and Mayor Poe pushed for draconian lockdown
measures even when Alachua County was only adding 4 to 8 cases a day and
all our early deaths were from a single skilled nursing facility, each
with multiple co-morbidities.
Commissioner Hutchinson arbitrarily limited businesses to one person
per 1,000 square feet, not based on medical advice, but because the math was easy.
They pushed mask mandates, sent out code enforcement officers to
stand outside businesses and issue citations to individuals without
masks, and threatened to fine businesses who didn’t enforce the County
and City mandates. They threatened to close restaurants during football games. They tried to limit gatherings in private homes, requiring registration and inspections for gatherings of 10 or more.
They kept all these mandates in place while COVID was not really an
issue, then blamed residents for not complying when cases started to
rise after June (clearly unable to admit that their policies were
ineffective against a virus). They spread fear among the populace and
threatened another lockdown with the return of college students,
demonstrating that they’re uninformed about the low mortality for
young, healthy people. They continue to push fear and threaten tougher
mandates and enforcement, even though UF is using less than 10% of its quarantine capacity (9/26-9/29) and only 76 hospital beds
in the county (~4%) are being used for COVID patients. (We have a major
regional medical center, so we have patients from neighboring counties)
These politicians are so partisan and out of touch that the city commissioners bragged that their new zoning laws mirrored laws in Portland… a place with open insurrection. Not surprisingly, they just moved to close some streets to allow more outdoor dining space, making convenient targets for violent protestors as we’ve seen all over the country, including St Petersburg just last week. (Mayor Poe even encouraged a protest from City Hall on May 29 and said he would take his kids to march.)
They are so backward that they need grant money to run the basic
functions of government because they spend their tax revenues on
political propaganda programs like race and equity training. At the same
time the president is removing critical race theory from federal
training programs, Gainesville is embedding political officers (“equity officers“) at all levels of government. Mayor Poe is even pushing White Fragility in his book club.
Alachua County and Gainesville have suffered under their single-party
rule for nearly 20 years. As a result, we have crumbling
infrastructure, rising taxes and utility rates, among the highest
poverty rate in Florida, and the worst income inequality and educational
disparities in Florida. The homeless problem has been increasing in the
last few years, so parts of Gainesville look like California. The
system is so corrupt that the state’s Joint Legislative Auditing
Committee unanimously passed
a motion to “direct the Auditor General to conduct a comprehensive and
in-depth audit of the operational practices and managerial oversight of
the City of Gainesville.”
Please do not feel obliged to even consider the ramblings of these
politicians. After all, our local commissioners claimed they don’t need
to listen to you because “the state is in line with Donald Trump.” One of the commissioners also accused the state and federal governments of “actively trying to kill people.”
Mayor Poe calls himself a local leader, apparently unaware that his
job is to represent the people. He’s our employee, not our ruler. The
residents of Alachua County have to take these partisan zealots
seriously because of the damage they can and have done to our homes and
communities, but you don’t need to listen to them… although you can save
us from their arbitrary rules by ending the state of emergency.
After DeSantis' new order hits the ground, I began to notice that a lot of businesses that were requiring masks only because of the county mandate no longer gave a shit. I'm frequenting those places a lot more now. They should be rewarded for their refusal to bend a knee.
I've seen a lot of these memes, but this one is the best!