Monday, September 14, 2020

Sangria Dash Goes Virtual

I really had high hopes for my winter races... but today I got notice that the awesome Sangria Dash 5k has switched over to a virtual race. 

Their reasons are valid (tough on farmers, lack of manpower, etc) and I am certainly not mad at them for the swap. I'm just disappointed. I'll save you more complaining, but you know what I would say. It's bullshit, and it needs to end.

I'm just going to put on a happy face and do it when I can. I still haven't done the Bridge of Lions virtual from 5k, so I have to complete that one first, but then I can do this one. 

 Another up side is that packet pickup is in person, so I can treat myself to a tiny adventure that day, and go out to lunch or something afterward.

So I guess now we wait to hear if Santa Suits on the Loose (December) will go virtual or not... at this point, what does it even matter? 

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