Monday, March 15, 2021

No Fairytale Ending for This Family - The Night Before our Wisconsin Road Trip

A few weeks ago, I oh so selflessly offered my driving skills to The Kiddo for her big move to Wisconsin. Since then, I researched all the states we'd be driving through, booked nine hotels, found a myriad of gas stations and fast food joints to stop at (as Pit Stops to break up the monotonous driving). We came up with a daily itinerary to make this one epic road trip!

But today... Today was the last night that we'd all three be together as a family. 

This morning, I was up early, getting some last minute stuff done, both for work and for the trip. I had about 95% of the trip finalized, but I still needed to put the information into the Garmin NĂ¼vi. 

At 2pm, I got the Kiddo up for her last day of work, and she scheduled an Uber for me, which I was going to take over to the Penske rental place (if I'd taken the bus, I would have had to walk another mile along a busy road). 

An hour later, I'm standing outside at 3:30, waiting for the Uber, waiting, waiting, waiting, and after about 15 minutes, I check in with the Kiddo, and she informed me that the Uber had been cancelled! 

Well, fuck. Oh, and worse, there were no other Uber drivers available. She reached out to Jo to see if either her or Mimi could come and pick me up. While she did that, I called Penske, only to find out that they closed at 4pm (it was about 4:15 at this point), and I wouldn't be able to pick up my truck until the next morning. Because of this, our entire evening had to change. Originally, the girls were going to pack the truck and car tonight, and then get on the road right after, while traffic would be lighter. And Hubby and I would leave first thing in the morning. Now, everyone's schedules were shifted by about 18 hours. 

Right before the Kiddo got home, a close friend of ours came over to say goodbye, and he ended up staying for over three hours (I'm not mad mad, as he really needed some human contact after suffering a personal loss recently, but, well, I was definitely irritated, because I had SO MUCH left to do!)

Because of all the stress, and the fact that I'd not had anything to eat since an early lunch, I ended up with a horrendous migraine, which of course, made everything even worse. I was able to push through it and get everything packed up and ready to go, but I ended up eating some very unsatisfying McDonald's in bed for dinner (and I took a hefty dose of Unisom to knock my ass out!)

So, that's it. Not the way I wanted our last day as a family to close, but it wouldn't be us if there was some sort of perfect ending... 

Here's hoping for better days the next week and a half!

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