Sunday, July 25, 2021

Chug-a-Lug, Chug-a-Lug - Tasting our Road Trip Drinks

Welcome back to my Wisconsin Road Trip wrap-up. If you missed anything, check out my Post-Trip Thoughts post (which also has links to each day's adventures), and the All the Snacks post, which covers tasting all of the random snacks and sweets we picked up along the way. 

But today, we're covering the drinks we picked up at Mars Cheese Castle in Kenosha, Wisconsin! All of these drinks, we discovered, are made right there in Wisconsin, too, which was cool!

Point Premium Root Beer
It's made in Wisconsin, with real Wisconsin Honey. Was a standard size 12oz dark brown bottle with a screw-off cap (good thing we spent six bucks on a bottle opener when we were there! LOL). This was heaven. It is what I want my root beer to taste like. Smooth, buttery, sweet, bold, and rich. I could easily put a few of these away while curled up on the couch reading a book. I'm sad that we only got one!
Hubby - 4 Stars
Me - 5 Stars
Average - 4.5 Stars

Sprecher Root Beer
This was a bigger bottle, at 16oz, which made it feel beefier, more fuck yeah... I don't know how to describe it... Most bottles are 12oz and I can wrap my hand around them easily, but this was like XXL thick and manly. Also made in Wisconsin, it states it uses Wisconsin honey 'directly from the comb.' It smelled like a delicious root beer and I had my hopes up, but it wasn't as good as Point Premium. On its own, it's perfectly fine, but when compared to others (even "average" root beers like A&W or Stewart's), it seemed weak. 
Hubby - 4 Stars
Me - 3 Stars
Average 3.5 Stars

Dang! That's Good Butterscotch Root Beer
I was leery of this one, because I've had oddly flavored root beers before and they've been terrible, but I love root beer (obviously) and I love butterscotch, so I decided to give it a try... This was so strange, but in a good way. It smelled normal, maybe just a tinge sweeter? But the flavor? Oh, yes ma'am. It's smooooooth butterscotch as it goes down, and lovely butterscotch flavor blooms as you swallow. Imagine having a Brach's Butterscotch candy in your mouth while you drank delicious cold root beer. That's a good way to describe it. Hubby liked it more than Sprecher, while I felt it was of equal quality.
Hubby - 4 Stars
Me - 3 Stars
Average 3.5 Stars

Sprecher Maple Root Beer
The other specialty flavor root beer we chose, because just like butterscotch, I'm a sucker for anything maple. When you open it, you don't get any maple smell, but the flavor is amazing. It's a lingering aftertaste, but not heavy at all. This one has only 6 all natural ingredients, with the maple syrup as a sweetener. It was definitely my favorite of the four we tried. 
Hubby - 3.5 Stars
Me - 5 Stars
Average - 4.25 Stars

Last up is the only non-Root Beer flavor we picked up. I've grown fond of Ginger Ale over the past few years (Canada Dry Ginger Ale & Lemonade is amazing, by the way), so I was stoked to try a local mix. 

Sprecher Ginger Ale
We tried this one on-camera after making a separate video blind taste-testing Hot flavored chips (may or may not post eventually, because it's pretty bad, but we're new at this!) Our thoughts are plain as day in the video, but I'll give you the highlights - It smelled good, and I was looking forward to drinking it. Hubby even said it smelled like his childhood, when his grandma drank Canada Dry. Then things took a turn for the worse... Really, just watch, it's worth the 4 minutes of my awkwardness!

No Stars. 
Negative stars if I could. 
Can I drive back to Kenosha and get a refund? 

Well, there you have it! Those were the fun drinks we brought back from Wisconsin. 4 out of 5 were winners. Two outstanding MVPs. Next time we're up to see the Kiddo (or when she comes down to us), there will be some more root beer involved. 

Until then, it's back to Stewart's for me!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

She Got Swaggah! - Bridge of Lions 5k 2021 Race Report

Click to Register for 2022!
Yesterday was my second in-person race of 2021, the Bridge of Lions 5k in St. Augustine. Lord, how I've missed real races! 

Hubby took the day off so he could come with me (but I think mostly he took the day off so he wouldn't have to sit at work when I dropped him off 2 hours earlier than his shift, lol). The drive was easy, though I had to stop at a convenience store in Palatka to tinkle and pick up a bottle of water since I forgot my personal water bottle (I'm so out of practice!).

We parked at Oglethorpe Park and walked across the bridge to the start line. Packet pickup was easy and quick, and I heard that there were 1,2000 people registered! Apparently, I'm not the only one who was happy to get back to in-person racing!

As as become tradition, the crowd sang the National Anthem and then we took off. Hubby walked with me until we got to the grassy area in Davis Shores, where the two lion statues are. He headed back to the car, whereas I put in my earbuds and started running. 

I preferred the mini bottles (St Augustine water is sulfurous!)
I ran until I got to the car around Mile 2, where I swapped out my water bottle for an icy Gatorade. And a kiss from Hubby, awwwww.

Woo hoo, 2/3 of the way finished!
I prefer Glacier Freeze, but this was fine
I finished with a strong-for-me time of 57:13. I was 1021st out of 1074 total finishers, finishing 76th out of 82 in my Age Group, and 604th out of 642 in my Gender Group.
She got some swaggah comin' across that finish line!
I picked up my medal, then got some water, a few snacks, and made our way across the park back to the car. 
I'm happier than I look... The humidity is killing me!
I stopped at the 7-eleven on Pope Road to change clothes and get a drink. When I got back to the car, Hubby suggested that we do Long John Silvers for lunch (even though it was only 9am at the time), but he forgot that there wasn't one in St. Augustine. And it was too early to go to Schooner's (which was my original lunch plan). 

Usually when I'm in St. Augustine, I'll go shopping, or go to the beach, but neither of those are his preferred ways to spend a day, so we kind of just looked at each other, like "I dunno... what do you wanna do?"

He pulled up the Garmin and discovered that there was a Long John's in Daytona Beach, and it was only about an hour away (I always forget that Daytona is so close!), so...... What the hell, let's adventure!
The drive was as quiet as a drive on Interstate 95 could be on a Saturday morning, but we found our way to Long John's, only to discover they were closed when we got there, and when they did open for lunch (more than an hour from when we arrived,) they'd be Drive Thru only.

Fucking Covid Stupidity!
Well, how about Dairy Queen?
Nope, they're closed. 
We ended up at Huey Magoo's, and we gave it a second chance. Again... I don't see the appeal; it's just a Zaxby's. It was fine. Nothing to write home about. Lemonade was good, but so sweet it gave me a stomachache for the rest of the afternoon. 
We also checked out the second Buc-Ee's in Florida (much smaller than the one in St. Augustine), and eventually just came home... Not a big adventure, I suppose. 
Smokin' Nacho Puffs are the BEST of of these flavors!

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Gee, Honey, How Did I Gain Five Pounds? - All of our Snacks

So, if you read the entire multi-post thread about our recent trip to Wisconsin and back, you'll notice that there were a lot of snacks that got purchased, but never eaten. After I picked up either the second or third bag, we thought it would be fun to save them all and try them once we got home. After that decision, it became a quest to find snacks we'd never heard of down here in Florida, or at least to get snacks we've never tried. Hindsight being what it is, I love that we did this, but I sure wish we made a note of where we bought these things! 

It's a lot of snacks! The drinks will be in a separate post.
(Bonus Ziti recipe if you can read it!)
I think we succeeded.

Without further ado, take me to the snacks!!!!! 
Rap Snacks Sour Cream with a Dab of Ranch
This was the purchase that really started the whole thing. We found them at the Florida/Alabama state line when I used the bathroom and wanted to pay the Tinkle Tax™. Unfortunately, neither of us liked these chips. We felt they were too sweet, and Hubby called them "Crap Snacks." They were bad enough that neither one of us wanted to finish the bag. 
Hubby - 1 Star
Me - 2 Star
Average - 1.5 Star
They could have been a lot better
Grippo’s Bar-B-Q Potato Chips
This brand of chips started in Cincinnati, Ohio, so chances are we bought them somewhere in that area, either when we were nearer to Metropolis, or up by Lake Erie. 
My first thought is that they are very brown. But it didn't seem like it was the seasoning that made them brown. The texture felt natural, like a less-processed chip. And there was a weird flavor at the end I couldn't ascribe to BBQ; possibly the type of oil it was fried in? I liked them enough to finish them with lunch a few days later. 
Hubby - 3 Star
Me - 3 Star
Average - 3 Star
Brown doesn't always equal more flavor
Old Dutch Onion & Garlic Potato Chips
I'm about 95% sure we picked these up at a Kwik Trip while still in Wisconsin. They sounded good, because it was similar, but different, from Sour Cream & Onion type potato chips. Unfortunately, it's very garlic forward and light on the onion. Ironically, it needs sour cream or something similar to lend a "creamy" flavor. Neither one of us wanted to finish the bag. 
Hubby 2.5 Stars
Me 2 Stars
Average - 2.25 Stars
Maybe dipped into Dean's French Onion dip?
Urge Barbeque Potato Chips  
These are Kwik Trip's store brand of chips, so obviously we picked them up at a KT in Wisconsin (maybe on the way back to snow tubing?) They were okay, but had an odd aftertaste we couldn't get over. Texture was also good. 
Hubby 3 Stars
Me 3 Stars
Average 3 Stars
If meh could be summed up in a photo
Casey’s Cheddar & Sour Cream Ridged Potato Chips
Another store brand, from Casey's convenience stores. Of the states they're located in, these could have been picked up in Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, or Wisconsin... As for the snack itself, it's hard to describe. There was too much chip and not enough flavor. The chip itself is bright orange, but it's extremely under-seasoned, and very potato-ey. Neither one of us finished the bag. 
Hubby - 2 Stars
Me - 2.5 Stars
Average - 2.25 Stars
Looks can be deceiving
Utz Kettle Classics Smokin' Sweet Potato Chips
Surprisingly, these kettle chips were not teeth-breakingly crunchy, and I am so happy about that! I love a crunchy chip, but I've put $10,000 worth of dental work in my face over the years, and I don't want to jeopardize any of that! It was too sweet, and neither smokin' nor spicy. The label promises "Spicy Heat with a Kiss of Sweet," but all we got was the sweet. I'd pass on these and stick with Utz Red Hot chips if I'm craving something hot. 
Hubby - 2.5 Stars
Me - 2 Stars
Average - 2.25 Stars

Easy to eat, for a kettle chip
Uncle Ray’s Chipotle & Jack Cheese Chips
These were amazing. So yummy and different from other spicy or BBQ chips. The Jack cheese gives it a creamy quality that I've never gotten in another chip. There is no spiciness to the chip, despite the chipotle (Hubby could eat it, and he's a notorious Spicy Wuss). I devoured these with lunch the next day. 
Hubby - 3 Stars
Me - 3.5 Stars
Average - 3.25 Stars
Can I have more of these, please?
Slim Jim Fire Fries Inferno
Per the Slim Jim website: On the prowl for a spicy snack full of sass? Then you'll love the bold flavor of these... Toss one back and yell 'Fire in the hole!' 
How about we just toss them all out? They were TERRIBLE!!! Hubby literally spit his out in the trash can. I finished mine... somehow. I get that they're trying to enter the Hot Fries market, but all I could think of was what the actual fuck IS this??? while I ate it. The flavor was horrendous - we wondered if there was supposed to be meat in it (there's not), the texture was indescribable. For being described as "Inferno" and supposedly the hotter of the two options, it was only mildly spicy. I was so offended by how disgusting they actually were that I threw the entire bag and plate directly into the trash can. 
Hubby - 0 Stars
Me - 0 Stars
Average - Negative One Million Stars
No, nuh-uh, never, no thanks, no way
Martin’s Red Hot Potato Chips
This is another snack with roots in Pennsylvania, so we most likely purchased these after we left Niagara Falls on our way home. The bag reminded me of a Hot chip I used to eat as a kid (like in the early 80s) while I was at Dance Camp (yeah, dance camp, what of it). But I think those were Tom's... If it was Tom's, they don't make hot chips anymore, and I can't find anything about them online... Oh well. The nostalgia factor is what made me pick up this bag, plus the fact that I'm always on the lookout for good Hot Chips. Sadly, these weren't even a little bit spicy, when compared to other hot chips. They also tasted bitter, and had an odd aftertaste. I didn't finish the bag. 
Hubby - 2 Stars
Me - 2 Stars
Average - 2 Stars 
Hot, but not red hot
Route 11 Mama Zuma’s Revenge Hot Habanero
Route 11 is a relatively newcomer to the world of chips, only starting in 1992. I was stoked to find these because I could have sworn that Rhett & Link (from Good Mythical Morning) tried and loved these, but I can't find that video anywhere. I was looking forward to these because I could have sworn that Rhett & Link did a show of spicy stuff, and he was blown away with these, but I can’t find it anywhere… Anyway, when we did our snack testing, Hubby was most worried about these, but they weren't too bad for him. They were too kettle for me (way too crunchy) and disappointing in their spiciness level... I mean, if they aren't too bad for Hubby, then they definitely aren't spicy! Neither one of us planned on finishing the bag, but I think I ended up eating them later in the week with my lunch. 
Hubby - 1 Star
Me - 2 Star
Average - 1.5 Star

+5 Points for awesome package artwork though!
Middleswarth Bar-B-Q Potato Chips
Another Pennsylvania snack chip, sold only in Pennsylvania, too, this chip had a very light texture and a good generic BBQ flavor. Like, remember back in the day when BBQ chips were just BBQ, not Hickory, or Sweet Heat, or Kentucky, or anything... just BBQ? The orange bag of Lay's BBQ is what I grew up on. This was reminiscent of generic BBQ chips. Hubby called them "LaCroix" spicy - if you close your eyes and think spicy, they might evoke the idea of being spicy, without actually being spicy. I thought that was the best description, because they certainly weren't heavy on actual flavor. However, I did eat them with lunch a few days later. 
Hubby - 3 Star
Me - 3 Star
Average - 3 Star
Might as well have been plain
Martin’s Bar-B-Q Waffle Potato Chips
Oh, you lied to me, Martin's! I was looking forward to a cool looking, waffle-cut potato chip, lookin' like a Chick-fil-a Waffle Fry, and all I got were some basic ruffled chips! Unevenly coated, some darker than others, they were again the LaCroix of BBQ chips. I told hubby that if I was blindfolded, I would have no idea what flavor it was supposed to be! They were tasty, but I wouldn't call them BBQ. And I certainly wouldn't call them waffle, either.
Hubby 2.5 Stars
Me 2.5 Stars
Average 2.5 Stars 
Waffle-Cut means there's HOLES, people
Buc-ee's Chees-ee Puffs Smokin' Nacho
We got a lot of stuff at Buc-ee's, because we didn't know what would be good and what would be not-so-good. These have a good texture, and we discovered they're baked, instead of fried. However, fried adds a level of flavor that these lack. The nacho seasoning gave them a lingering burn, and a good flavor. Hubby had to drink a little milk to abate the heat (remember, he's a Spice Wuss). 
Hubby - 2 Stars
Me - 3.5 Stars
Average - 2.75 Stars
These were good with my ham sandwich
Buc-ee's Chees-ee Curls Double Cheese
These also had great texture and flavor, and we both liked these as much, if not more, than a typical crunchy Cheeto. One of the two cheeses was Blue Cheese, which gave a nice bit of tang to the curl. Hubby finished the bag with his lunch.
Hubby - 5 Stars
Me - 5 Stars
Average - 5 Stars
I prefer Cheetos Crunchy, but these are 99% as good
Tip Top Pop Popcorn White Cheddar
It wasn't super-crunchy, and while not terribly stale, Hubby said it tasted stale. Lance's White Cheddar Popcorn is the popcorn against which I measure all WCP. This was not even in the same league as Lance. I would maybe say it's comparable to Smartfood (but then again, I'm not much of a fan of them either...). If I saw this on the shelf, I probably would never grab it at the store. 
Hubby - 1 Star
Me - 2 Stars
Average - 1.5 Stars

If I was desperate for a popcorn...
Buc-ee's Bold n Sorta Spicy Nuggets
These are a savory, unglazed version of their famous Beaver Nuggets. After a bite, we nailed down the flavor to be the love child of a Chili Cheese Frito and a BBQ Frito (awww, remember those...). The texture was like a puffy Cheeto with a slightly sweet "underflavor" from the corn puff. I think that "Bold and Sorta Spicy" is dead on... they have a lot of flavor, but no heat. I look forward to eating these with lunch over the next few days (it's a big bag). 
Hubby - 3 Stars
Me - 4 Stars
Average - 3.5 Stars
They're no BBQ Frito, but it'll be okay
Buc-ee’s Chees-ee Puffs Cheddar
These are your basic puff, comparable to a Cheetos Puff. They are a great alternative to Cheetos because they are much less expensive and, dare I say it, more flavorful. Both of us would definitely eat again. 
Hubby - 3 Stars
Me - 3 Stars
Average - 3 Stars
Yeah, I like these more than regular Cheetos!
Buc-ee’s Chees-ee Curls Barbecue
We both really liked these, and even more than the Double Cheese flavor. They're also baked. The seasoning is very reminiscent of a generic BBQ Pork Patty, like the generic McRib patty you'd get in middle school. That's not a slam; I love those things!
Hubby - 4 Stars
Me - 4 Stars
Average - 4 Stars

Crunchy and porky
Buc-ee's Ranchin' Saltines and Sizzlin' Saltines
Both varieties of these are supposed to be like the "crack" crackers that Southern meemaws make for potlucks and fellowship dinners, and I've never had any, but always heard how yummy they are. Well... we weren't impressed. But on the upside, I don't have to lie to anyone's meemaw about how much we liked them!

First up, the Ranch version reminded me of crouton flavors. The cracker was very thick, and kind of hard. I bet it would be good with chicken noodle soup, though? It'd stand up to the hot broth, and still have lots of flavor. 
Hubby - 2.5 Stars
Me - 2 Stars
Average - 2.25 Stars

The Sizzlin' version was worse. They were very spicy, but not in a flavorful way - Hubby wussed out and spit it in the trash. Again, the texture of the cracker is just so off-putting. 
Hubby - 1 Star
Me - 2 Stars
Average 1.5 Stars 
Ranchin' (for soup) and Sizzlin' (for trash)
Buc-ee’s Meat & Cheese Cup AND Cheese Cubes Cup
I am a hard devotee of Wawa's Pepperoni & Cheese Cups, but recently they've changed the set up (thicker pepperoni, less product for more money), so I was interested to see what Buc-ee's could offer. They have a few different options, and I picked up Peppered Turkey. Unfortunately, the meat was dry and kind of hard. The cubed cheese - Monterey Jack and Cheddar - was good and fresh. But for the price I paid, I wasn't impressed with the Meat Cup. Also, the pretzels were too hard for me. I think I'll be sticking with my Wawa cup if I want meat with my cheese. 
Me - 2 Stars (Meat Cup)
Me - 3 Stars (Cheese Cup)
(Hubby didn't try)
Pretzels on top; Cheddar & Jack Cheese, Peppered Turkey
+5 Points for the OCD Preparation of this container
Sheetz Hot & Spicy Peanuts
This tube is huge, more than double the size of the Lance nuts I usually get from the gas station. Two Lance tubes equals the same cost as these, so this tube is a better value, too! The nuts are nice and firm in my hand, not squishy like some other nuts I've handled. They're spicy and salty and a good size (nobody likes small nuts). I would definitely pick up a few of these again if I were in a Sheetz in the future. 
Hubby - 3 Stars
Me - 5 Stars
Average - 4 Stars
Baby, let me hold these nuts in my hand
Clark Cups
This is my first time trying anything from Clark's, and I'm glad we only spent a buck on these. The chocolate was very viscous; I didn't like it. It tasted like a Butterfinger inside of a peanut butter cup (and looking at the label, well, that's pretty much what it is...) Not a huge fan, but if someone put one inside my trick-or-treat bag, I'd eat it. From the fridge, I liked them more, but they'd be too hard to eat if frozen. 
Hubby - 3.5 Stars
Me - 3 Stars
Average - 3.25 Stars
Glad we only got 6
Butterscotch Smoothie Peanut Butter Cups
Whoa, Nellie! These were very sweet, almost cloying! Hubby loved these. I wasn't a fan, but again, if they were in my trick-or-treat bag, I'd eat it. 
Hubby - 5 Stars
Me - 3 Stars
Average - 4 Stars
You wouldn't think Butterscotch and Peanut Butter would go together...
and you'd be right
Mallo Cup
These have a weird cult-like following, and I've never had them before. All I knew was that it was a chocolate cup (like a Reese's cup) but with marshmallow instead of peanut butter. So I was expecting it to be like those marshmallow Easter eggs that come in a styrofoam egg container (I love those from the fridge, yummy). But color me surprised when the mallo in the middle was slightly runny, more like a "marshmallow fluf" style filling). But then I chewed two more times and almost puked - WHO THE FUCK PUTS COCONUT IN A MARSHMALLOW TREAT?!?!?! Show yourself! Come and get your flogging!
Ahem... Anyway, automatic fail. I despise coconut. I had to spit this out - I cannot handle the texture of coconut in my mouth. Suffice it to say, Hubby gets to eat the other 5 and a half cups. 
Hubby - 5 Stars
Me - Zero Stars
Average - 2.5 Stars
NOWHERE in the description does it say coconut (only in the ingredient list)
Buc-ee’s Banana Pudding Cup and Chocolate Pie Cup
The Banana Pudding Cup was tasty; it's definitely more of a "someone's meemaw's in the back makin' puddin'" type treat, than a "someone opened a can of pudding" type treat. It has Nilla Wafers, whipped topping, fresh sliced bananas layered parfait-like. For me, the pudding part was delicious; very smooth and tasted real. I am turned off by all of the 'extra' stuff, so I wouldn't enjoy eating more of it. Hubby loved it.
Hubby - 5 Stars
Me - 4 Stars
Average 4.5 Stars

The Chocolate Pudding Cup was my favorite of the two. It's delicious chocolate pudding layered with crushed Oreo and whipped topping. The pudding is nice and thick, but I hate having chunks in something smooth. If it were just a parfait of pudding/topping/pudding, I'd like it a lot more, but the chunks ruin it for me. 
We forgot to rate it, but I'd say it's at least 3 Stars (Hubby liked this one over the Banana Pudding, so he'd probably give it 5 Stars). 
Top: Banana Pudding Cup     Bottom: Chocolate Pie Cup
Buc-ee’s  Original Beaver Nuggets
The treat known 'round the world (or something), I was stoked to finally get to try these. First impressions? It's like someone dipped Cap'n Crunch into crunchy caramel coating. The first two or three bites were meh, but as I kept trying them, they got better and better, and I saw quickly how easy it is to just eat and eat and eat... Aesthetically, they're ugly, and reminded me like glazed popcorn shrimp. It's also a big bag, so there's a lot to eat. I might get tired of it before I finish the bag (spoiler alert: I did.)
Hubby - 5 Stars
Me - 5 Stars
Average - 5 Stars

Yes, they are crack. They live up to their reputation.
Buc-ee’s  Cinnamon Sweet Beaver Nuggets
These are like the more refined, high-falutin' cousin of Beaver Nuggets. They come in a much smaller bag, which is actually a win, because these were very sweet, and there's no way I could finish an entire bag in one sitting (it took me about 3 days to finish the small bag). Hubby loved these, as did I; the taste was like the crunchy edge of a Cinnabon roll (not the inside, but the little bits that bubbled at the bottom of the pan). 
Hubby - 5 Stars
Me - 5 Stars
Average - 5 Stars

Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate          Cinnamon Sweet Nuggets
Buc-ee’s Milk Chocolate Caramel with Sea Salt
There is an off flavor here, but I don't know if it was the caramel or the chocolate, but it wasn't good. The texture of the caramel was good - chewy like a Rolo, not runny like a Caramello. Unfortunately the sea salt completely overpowered this treat. 50% less salt and this would be much better. 
Hubby 2.5 Stars
Me - 2 Stars
Average - 2.25 Stars

Buc-ee’s Dark Chocolate Caramel with Sea Salt
OMG!! This one is even saltier than the Milk Chocolate one - it was so salty I had to spit it out because the flavor was so terrible. The chocolate and the caramel were both completely overpowered. 
Hubby - 1 Star
Me - 1 Star
Average - 1 Star

Bucee's Cheesecake Slice w/Strawberry Glaze
Hello, my name is Lazy, and I am a cheesecake Purist. I don't want anything on my cheesecake - no chocolate, no fruit, no whipped topping, no nothing. I don't even want a graham cracker crust! I am in love with Publix's NY Cheesecake, a beautiful round concoction of all cheesecake filling, and no crust. This cheesecake has a crust, and something I greatly appreciated - a tiny cup of strawberry glaze on the side, contained so that it won't in any way violate my cheesecake goodness. The texture of the cheesecake is on point, thick and creamy (not fluffy like a French-style cheesecake). Unfortunately, the cinnamon graham cracker flavor seeped into the cheesecake itself and gave the custard a weird flavor. I kind of picked at it, but eventually gave up; the weird flavor was too much for me to deal with. It's not bad; if you're a person who likes a graham cracker crust, you'll be fine with this. 
Me - 2 Stars

Cheesecake (with crust) with side of glaze
So there you have it! These are all the treats that we brought home*. I think I gained another five pounds just by writing all of these reviews!

Stick around; my next post is a review of the bottled sodas we picked up at Mars Cheese Castle in Kenosha!

*We also brought home Cheese Spread, Cheese Curds, and a Kringle, but we forgot to rate them. They were good, though!