Sunday, July 25, 2021

Chug-a-Lug, Chug-a-Lug - Tasting our Road Trip Drinks

Welcome back to my Wisconsin Road Trip wrap-up. If you missed anything, check out my Post-Trip Thoughts post (which also has links to each day's adventures), and the All the Snacks post, which covers tasting all of the random snacks and sweets we picked up along the way. 

But today, we're covering the drinks we picked up at Mars Cheese Castle in Kenosha, Wisconsin! All of these drinks, we discovered, are made right there in Wisconsin, too, which was cool!

Point Premium Root Beer
It's made in Wisconsin, with real Wisconsin Honey. Was a standard size 12oz dark brown bottle with a screw-off cap (good thing we spent six bucks on a bottle opener when we were there! LOL). This was heaven. It is what I want my root beer to taste like. Smooth, buttery, sweet, bold, and rich. I could easily put a few of these away while curled up on the couch reading a book. I'm sad that we only got one!
Hubby - 4 Stars
Me - 5 Stars
Average - 4.5 Stars

Sprecher Root Beer
This was a bigger bottle, at 16oz, which made it feel beefier, more fuck yeah... I don't know how to describe it... Most bottles are 12oz and I can wrap my hand around them easily, but this was like XXL thick and manly. Also made in Wisconsin, it states it uses Wisconsin honey 'directly from the comb.' It smelled like a delicious root beer and I had my hopes up, but it wasn't as good as Point Premium. On its own, it's perfectly fine, but when compared to others (even "average" root beers like A&W or Stewart's), it seemed weak. 
Hubby - 4 Stars
Me - 3 Stars
Average 3.5 Stars

Dang! That's Good Butterscotch Root Beer
I was leery of this one, because I've had oddly flavored root beers before and they've been terrible, but I love root beer (obviously) and I love butterscotch, so I decided to give it a try... This was so strange, but in a good way. It smelled normal, maybe just a tinge sweeter? But the flavor? Oh, yes ma'am. It's smooooooth butterscotch as it goes down, and lovely butterscotch flavor blooms as you swallow. Imagine having a Brach's Butterscotch candy in your mouth while you drank delicious cold root beer. That's a good way to describe it. Hubby liked it more than Sprecher, while I felt it was of equal quality.
Hubby - 4 Stars
Me - 3 Stars
Average 3.5 Stars

Sprecher Maple Root Beer
The other specialty flavor root beer we chose, because just like butterscotch, I'm a sucker for anything maple. When you open it, you don't get any maple smell, but the flavor is amazing. It's a lingering aftertaste, but not heavy at all. This one has only 6 all natural ingredients, with the maple syrup as a sweetener. It was definitely my favorite of the four we tried. 
Hubby - 3.5 Stars
Me - 5 Stars
Average - 4.25 Stars

Last up is the only non-Root Beer flavor we picked up. I've grown fond of Ginger Ale over the past few years (Canada Dry Ginger Ale & Lemonade is amazing, by the way), so I was stoked to try a local mix. 

Sprecher Ginger Ale
We tried this one on-camera after making a separate video blind taste-testing Hot flavored chips (may or may not post eventually, because it's pretty bad, but we're new at this!) Our thoughts are plain as day in the video, but I'll give you the highlights - It smelled good, and I was looking forward to drinking it. Hubby even said it smelled like his childhood, when his grandma drank Canada Dry. Then things took a turn for the worse... Really, just watch, it's worth the 4 minutes of my awkwardness!

No Stars. 
Negative stars if I could. 
Can I drive back to Kenosha and get a refund? 

Well, there you have it! Those were the fun drinks we brought back from Wisconsin. 4 out of 5 were winners. Two outstanding MVPs. Next time we're up to see the Kiddo (or when she comes down to us), there will be some more root beer involved. 

Until then, it's back to Stewart's for me!

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