Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oops! Always double-check the calendar!

Now that a ginormous weight has been lifted from my shoulders (the layoff that didn’t happen), I can focus on more important things – training!

I already signed up for a 10k in St Augustine on November 17.  I am going to use that for Proof of Time to submit to Disney.

BEWARE - It starts playing music as soon as you load the page!

However, I saw a race on today that I thought I wanted to do. It’s a 5k on Veteran’s Day that benefits the Gainesville Fisher House. A Fisher House is kind of like Ronald McDonald House, but for Veterans and their families, while they (the Vets) are receiving treatment at the Veteran’s Hospital.  How can I NOT do this one?  As a daughter of a Vietnam Vet (who never talked about it when I was a kid), I try to always honor our Men and Women in uniform.

I read the description of the event – tee, route, time, etc, and my eyes about bugged out of my head when I saw that JEFF GALLOWAY – yes THE JEFF GALLOWAY – will be there to give out the awards!!! OMG, are you kidding!?!!  I quickly shot off an email to the race director, and he confirmed that yes, JG will be there. I signed up ON THE SPOT and was on cloud 9 the rest of the day. I’m gonna be able to meet Jeff and shake his hand!!!  I can’t describe how awesome I felt!!

Jeff Galloway!!!!
I grabbed my Sharpie and turned around to add this race to my calendar in my office and realized…There are only FIVE days between this race and my St Augustine 10k….


I was so blinded by the awesomeness of the Galloway that I may have just screwed myself.  The 10k is for Proof of Time – I want to be able to kick ass on this race. Will the 5k slow me down? 


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