Saturday, April 13, 2013

Three Generations Hit Disney World

Early in the year, my mom started asking questions about Disney. When’s a good time to go. How much are annual passes. Things like that. Turned out that she and my aunt (her sister) were planning a Saturday trip.  I don’t want to say we weaseled our way into their day, but we did get invited, so we all ended up heading to Disney on Saturday.

We planned on meeting them there, so we grabbed our donuts (we got a whole dozen, but that is WAY too many for the drive down, FYI!) and got to the TTC around 9.

Finally got a photo of the Other Mickey - we never walk on the left sidewalk
Our first stop was to renew our Annual Passes, which took forever. The CM we got was very slow!  Finally, after a bajillion texts from mom (she was texting quicker than I could reply!), we met them near the ferry docks and there were hugs all around! We haven’t seen Aunt L since her 60th birthday in (I think) 2009. 

This is how much I love my family - it is so crowded today!
We got our obligatory Castle Shot and made our way first to Buzz Lightyear. 

My head is so shiny sun bounces off of it...
Aunt L has been to Disney a lot, with her grand-kids, but this was the first time she’d been as a ‘Grown Up’, so she was wanting to really show off Disney to Mom. 

Being a group of 5 makes rides hard sometimes. On Buzz, Mom and Aunt L rode together, and I think the three of us all rode solo.

Sisters united in defeating the Evil Emperor Zurg!
Our next stop was the Carousel of Progress, one of my faves.  Mom hasn’t been to Disney since *I* was a kid, so it was fun for ME to watch her experience Disney as a ‘Grown Up” too!

After CoP, we all rode on the People Mover. Mom commented on how you can’t really see Space Mountain anymore. Hubby and I pointed out the new work on New Fantasyland and the special ‘back walkway’ behind Tomorrowland to Storybook Circus.

By the time we got off of the People Mover, it was close to lunch time, so we headed to Columbia Harbor House. Aunt L’s favorite (after Cosmic Ray’s) and, as I learned, MY favorite since the first time I came here (who knew?).  Aunt L and the Kiddo grabbed a table upstairs while the rest of us ordered lunch.  I got a large ice water as well.

Eating was great – I really miss Aunt L, and we really need to get together more often! One thing that was really funny was teaching Aunt L that ice water was free. She seemed to be so amazed at the fact that there was something FREE!

After lunch, it was “let our meal settle” time, so we rode the Haunted Mansion. I rode with Aunt L again, and she said that, out of all her nieces and nephews, she was surprised that *I* was the one who loved Disney. She asked why, and I told her it was because I loved the Magic of it all, how it made me feel. I love the secrets, the behind the scenes knowledge and tricks Disney uses to create everything. I love the music and the dancing and all the wonderful photographic opportunities. I just love it.

Mom had mentioned that she wanted to ride Big Thunder while she was here. Aunt L didn’t, but we made our way over to the Mountain to pick up some FastPasses anyway.

We walked over to New Fantasyland next, hoping that we would be able to tour Be our Guest. Unfortunately, it was already closed for lunch, and they were setting up for dinner, so they weren’t letting anyone in. 

We headed to The Little Mermaid instead, riding that before deciding to head back to Fantasyland for some ice cream (Aunt L and Mom like food even more than I do, I think!)

When we left New Fantasyland, we looked like all 3 of us were together, but apparently I was mistaken and I left Hubby at Gaston’s!  He called my cell, frantic to find us (really?) and then was angry that I made a mistake and left him. Really, bro? Next time, I’ll do it on purpose! Not really…

Aunt L and Mom had already found Storybook Sweets and were eating their ice cream while we waited for him, then it was off to Peter Pan, and then Enchanted Tales with Belle.

(I have to point out, that by now, you see that they have a very inefficient touring strategy! We walked back and forth all day with them J )

Anyway, after Belle, we headed to Dumbo and Mom sat this one out – she gets sick on spinny rides (more so than me!).  I sat with Aunt L and Hubby rode with the Kiddo.  I don’t remember a single thing from that ride, except for the fact that it was two of the most memorable minutes of my life with Aunt L because we had so much fun! I remember laughing a lot, and smiling, but lord only knows what made us that way!

Night was quickly descending on the Magic Kingdom, so we made our way to Frontierland for a spot to watch the MSEP. (I think at some point after Dumbo we ate dinner at Cosmic Rays, but I can’t remember) Mom had been getting tired back during Ice Cream time, but she kept soldiering on, and I figured this would be a good way for her to relax for a bit.

We took up a spot outside the Diamond Horseshoe and while we waited, I walked over to one of the Glow Stuff vendors to see if they had any bubble guns.  Clover, our cat, LOVES bubbles, and I thought that getting a gun would be easier on my lungs than just a bottle of bubbles! Unfortunately, they didn’t have any in stock, but he was able to tell me that the gun was $18.

Finally, MSEP came through and I think I had more fun watching Mom and Aunt L – they were clapping, smiling and bouncing around to the music like little girls.

We waited for the crowds to disperse and I asked if they wanted to see Wishes, and they said sure, so we parked it again, near The Crystal Palace and watched the Castle Show as well as the fireworks. 

Sadly, our night had come to an end, and we all piled onto the ferry back to the TTC and went our separate ways.  It was great to visit with family, and definitely shouldn’t be so few and far between!

We piled into the car, and – as we always do, ti seems – we got lost on the way home.  We have to remember that we need to leave property via Coronado Springs!

I think we finally got home around 1:30 a.m. or so – I was sleepy and ready to crash!

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