Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve 2013 Wrap Up

Today I did my final run of 2013.  Going back over my Nike+ activities, there were a handful that were wrong (like recording .8 miles for 3 miles, etc).  After adding up my actual hours calculated by Nike+, it brought me up to 252.6 miles for the year.  I did a final run of 2.4 to bring my final mileage to 255 miles. 

Sure, that's not a big number.  It really only averages out to .7 miles per day, or 2 miles for each of my 3x a week runs.  Plenty of other runners have annual mileages in the THOUSANDS! 

But you know what? I'm not them. They are not me.  I am not the me who was, even last year. 

This year, I ran a half-marathon. 

This year, I RAN. 

It's cliche, but if you told me a few years ago that the fat, lazy-ass girl that I was would become this girl that I am today, I would have laughed at you (and probably would've gotten some chip crumbs on you). 

It's amazing what time and patience can do for a person. 

So, what's ahead for 2014? I don't know yet, but it won't be going back to a fat, lazy-ass girl. 

Stay safe tonight everyone! New Year's Eve can be dangerous. 

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