Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Winner is ME!

Holy shit, you guys! 

Have you ever entered a contest, never thinking that you would win? I did that the other day.

And I won!

St. Augustine Half Marathon Weekend’s Facebook page put out a contest for the SLOWEST male and female half-marathon times. I entered with my first Princess time of 4:12:32.  

And I won!

It was posted the next day on their Facebook page that I was the winner!

I'm a winner!!!
I signed up as soon as Miami Tri Events emailed me the secret code, and then began to freak out.  

The Course Limit for the race is 3:30! I can’t do 3:30! I can hardly do 4:00! I shouldn’t have registered. I should’ve just registered for the 10k (I’ve done that one). I’m slow, I’m fat, blah blah blah.

However, I asked them on Facebook about the time limit and they said that although I may be asked to get on the sidewalk, they would wait for me; “No runner left behind”.  I’m in good hands for this race, I feel. 

No Runner Left Behind
However, now to commencing the freak-out... Holy Shit, I have THREE weeks to get back up to par for a half-marathon. After screwing around all summer. 

As long as I’m not last, I’ll be fine… I think.

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