Monday, September 8, 2014

Beware the Blerch! He comes with goodies!

I got my Blerchual Marathon stuff!  

 Matt Inman (The Oatmeal) didn’t skimp on the fun, either!  I got a shirt, a medal, a bib, some stickers, a Blerch stress ball, and even a lip balm – cupcake flavored, of course. 

 I basically took everything  out of the package so that I could photograph it, and then I put it all right back in. I haven’t earned it yet.

How it came to me in the mail - I peeled off that sticker, too!
Blerch stress ball (with nipples), gummi bears and lip balm
This is my second one of these - now I can have one at work and one at home!
"Running Sticker" - I can't bear to actually STICK it anywhere!
Running sticker
Rectangular bumper sticker
A real bib!
Front of the race shirt
One arm of the race shirt
And, of course, the MEDAL!

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