Sunday, June 7, 2020

Mo Honey, Mo Problems - Shake Your Honeymaker 5k Race Report

So, the WuFlu takes its first victim, my 5k.

I signed up to do a new race (new for me), the Shake Your Honeymaker 5k. It is either the 4th or 5th year that the Florida Museum of Natural History has done a race (last year had something to do with dinosaurs, I think?), and though I wasn't able to do it last year, I wanted to make sure I did it this year, so I signed up in January!

Well, as we all know, this Covid-19 thing is getting worse around the world, worse in America, and worse in our state and county. So it wasn't a surprise when I got an email on March 12th, stating that the race became a virtual race (which I absolutely HATE!). However, between a virtual or a cancellation, I'll take a virtual any time. The event organizer was also able to open the course so if we wanted to run it (while social distancing, of course!) any time race weekend, we could do so. All we had to do was send in our race time, or a link to our Strava/GPS program etc, and we'd get our bling. She even promised that anyone who sent in their time would still be eligible for the raffle prizes (spoiler alert: I didn't win anything).

So, I hopped on my treadmill, turned on the TV, and watched most of Wall-E while I walked my 5k.

After everyone had a chance to submit their time and their photos, Amy (the event director) took the time to put together a slide show in lieu of traditional finisher photos. I was touched that she took the time to do that, and it was fun to see everyone in their own environments.

Originally, we were told that Amy planned on handing out swag on April 1, when things calmed down a little bit. Well, as we know now, it didn't calm down; it got crazier.

April came and went.

May came and went.

Finally, last week, we got an email sharing that it was finally "safe" to pick up our bling, so I hopped in the car to go get my cute little medal and my tee.

What a weird experience, this race was!

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