Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Generosity of the Beck Team Shall Not Go Unnoticed - Angels for Arc 5k

 And down goes another one...

The Angels for Arc 5k for 2020 was supposed to run in June, but since Covid is still ruining everything, it was cancelled at the end of April... kind of.

Heads up email about cancellation

Unlike other races that went virtual, Beck actually refunded everyone's entries, and allowed everyone to run and earn their medal! They'd already ordered their medals, so it would have been a waste of money to throw them away I guess!
Official Cancellation Email


Hi! Future Lazy here... As you can see, there was no actual Race Recap up there... That's because around the end of May (a few days before the race would have been run, actually), my back was killing me. I struggled with some intense pain for almost a month, and then I kind of was scared to do anything strenuous, in fear of re-injuring my back... so I sat on my ass a lot (which, ironically, only made my situation worse in the end.)

On July 16, they were still able to donate $5,000 to Putnam ARC!

I started feeling better around mid-July, but kept putting it off and putting it off. In fact, I didn't actually finish 3.1 miles until September 20!

I tried to bribe myself with a virtual half-marathon (more on that in a different post), hoping that a simple one mile a day would get me back in the habit of run/walking, but no luck. Thankfully, the Race Director of our local parkrun kind of gave me a kick in the pants, reminding me that they were doing something called (not)parkrun, where you could virtually parkrun throughout the week and post your times to the leaderboard.  

So finally, on September 20, after a few trial days at the gym, I laced up my shoes, put on my Sparkle Skirt (which, whoa, is much tighter than it used to be) and very slowly banged out 3.87 miles on the treadmill while watching some Parks & Rec on Netflix. 

My time? Over 90 minutes (though I didn't stop my watch for potty and stretch breaks). Am I happy I got my ass back on the 'mill? Yep. I'm going to do it again this weekend, and earn my Bridge of Lions 5k medal (hopefully...) 

I commend Beck Motor Group and their Race Director for their generosity and their compassion. I feel that it will be repaid tenfold next year when we can all run in person again!

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