Are you tired of this yet?
I am.
Are you mad yet?
I am.
Are you still listening to the CDC and the government to tell you what they think you should do?
I'm not.
When we finished September, Florida Governor DeSantis reopened Florida to Phase 3, which banned local governments from fining or otherwise punishing citizens for not wearing masks. To circumvent this wrinkle, the County decided to fine businesses instead. Now they will fine the business if one of their employees are not wearing a mask at all times while in the location.
I realized a few days before September ended that, historically speaking, Gate River Run opens up for registration on October 1st and I'd yet to hear anything from them. I did some sleuthing and found out nothing. No updates on their website, nothing on their Facebook page either. Hmmm... I also checked on Celebration Half Marathon (the only race I'm a streaker for), and apparently it was full-on CANCELLED in June.
I really just don't know if there will be ANY actual races for the rest of the year. And if there are... do I want to do them? I think it's just time for me to accept that there are NO races to be done. My 2020 is a complete wash, and I'll start looking forward to 2021.
On a national level, President Trump and Melania Trump both tested positive for Covid on October 2, with him returning to the White House after a 3-day stay at Walter Reed.
During this time, the howling of snark and hate from the Left was obnoxious. People were pissed that, "Oh, he gets the GOOD drugs, because he's the President and can afford it, while us 'little peons' have to suffer!!" The Party of Tolerance and Love wished death threats upon him over and over.
On October 7th, the Vice-Presidential Debate between Harris and Pence was held live (there was a tiny audience, and the two candidates sat 12 feet apart, utilizing the Magical Plexiglass of Safety). He demolished every single point she made, but of course, all anyone could talk about was that a fly landed in Pence's hair.
Julie Nolke released her third "Explaining the Pandemic to My Past Self" video on YouTube. Again, it's getting more political than funny, but I'm nothing if not a persistent "completer" so I put it up on the blog, since I shared Parts 1 and 2.
On October 9th, Speaker Pelosi announced she would attempt to create a "Commission on Presidential Capacity to Discharge the Powers and Duties of Office" by using the 25th Amendment. This would give power to Congress to evaluate the health and mental stability of the President. Idiots on the Left began drooling over the idea of booting Trump with this trick, but many of us on the Right have a clearer idea of what may be happening... stick with me...
On October 9th, Speaker Pelosi announced she would attempt to create a "Commission on Presidential Capacity to Discharge the Powers and Duties of Office" by using the 25th Amendment. This would give power to Congress to evaluate the health and mental stability of the President. Idiots on the Left began drooling over the idea of booting Trump with this trick, but many of us on the Right have a clearer idea of what may be happening... stick with me...
Anyone who has seen Biden in the past 3 years has noticed a steep and drastic decline in his speaking abilities, his mobility issues, and his physical abilities. 2020 Biden is NOT the same Biden as 2016 Biden. This is also why I believe he (ahem... "he") chose Kamala as his running mate. Soon, Biden won't be fit enough to lead this country (in my opinion, he's not now, but still....) My belief is that at some point after January 18, 2023 (which would be 2 years + 1 day), Biden will, with 'great personal sadness', finally acknowledge his physical and mental decline, and, for the good of the Country, choose to step down and turn the Presidency over to Kamala. Why the weird timeframe, you ask? Well, there's some strict wording that goes along with the 25th Amendment. In Section 1, it simply states that if a President is removed from office, dies, or resigns, the Vice President immediately becomes President (not "Acting President"). Okay, so why is that a big deal? Well, let's look at the 22nd Amendment. In this amendment, a person is limited to being elected twice, or once, if they have already served more than two years as President. So... 2 years + 1 day will mean that she will serve less than two years as President if Biden steps down, thus paving the way for her to be elected as President twice (serving a full 10-year term). Not that I think she has a chance in hell of being elected to a full term (since she couldn't even win her own state in the Democratic Primary election, but...), but I won't put anything past Democrats at this point. They play dirty.
Of course, Biden has to WIN first, right?
Back home, I did a Doobert run on October 11th, running a cutie patootie dog from Lake City to Ocala. And thanks to a "Come to Jesus" moment with Hubby, I started finally hitting the gym again (my mental state is very thankful for that talk).
About this time in October (I forgot the date...), a bombshell of a discovery was announced - Data from Hunter Biden's laptop was shared. Apparently, last year, he took his computer to Mac Isaac to have his data recovered. He never came back to pick it up. After 90 days, Isaac treated the laptop as "abandoned" and looked through the laptop. Data recovered included porn, sexual videos and photographs, proof of drug use, and multiple emails tying his father (one Joseph Biden, aka the old man running for president) to various scandals in China. Isaac made copies of the hard drive, and turned over at least one copy to the FBI, while keeping multiple copies to himself (for his safety). The FBI sat on it for a year, until Isaac handed over another copy to Rudy Giuliani. As with all things Biden, it was downplayed in the Mainstream Media as a "last gasp attempt" to get Trump reelected, and many argued that it wasn't relevant because "we aren't electing his son!" (*Edited to add, that, as of today - January 17, 2021 - there is still NO reference to Hunter Biden in the "2020 Timeline in the United States" Wikipedia page. NONE.)
On October 16th, USA tops over 8 million cases (not deaths, only cases).
On October 21st, I received GREAT news! Gasparilla is ON, baby!!! There's a hell of a lot of restrictions, like fewer racers, social distancing, masks, and the whole 9 yards, but man! It feels great to have a race on the calendar again! (ETA: Future Lazy here, live from December with some sad news... Gasparilla is still on, but it has been moved to May 2021. I'm not sure yet how I feel about this... Yay that it's still an in-person event, but boo... it's gonna be hot!)
The next day, though, I got heart-stopping news... Mom had Covid. She messaged me on Facebook that she tested positive. She said she was "pretty sick" for a couple of weeks, but thought it was the flu. She felt like crap when she went to the doctor, still thinking she had the flu, and by the time she got the results (October 21), she was already beginning to feel better. For information, my mother is 68, lightly active, and now skinny after being obese for decades. In a word, she's awesome.
On October 24th, we all went and voted.
We would have done Mail-In voting, but our ballots were lost (ahem... stolen, or just not delivered) at some point after being scanned at the Post office. (Pro Tip: if you haven't signed up for USPS Informed Delivery, you need to go do it right now! It gives you pictures of what mail is expected to be delivered that day, so if you're waiting for a letter or package, you'll know it's on the way.) I'm disappointed to say that our daughter chose to vote for Biden. When we asked why, she said that she didn't like Trump's handling of Covid, and that he's taking away Trans and LGBT rights.
I looked at Hubby, and he looked at me, both of us dumbfounded, and then saddened. She has found a large group of friends online, and I fear that many of them are extremely liberal-leaning individuals who, like many in their 20s, don't do research and just parrot what others tell them on TikTok. So as to not get on my soapbox, I chose to just let it go. I could give her examples all day long of why she's wrong, but right now, she values their input moreso than some Middle-Age Conservative Mommy... I just hope that Trump wins, or in the off-chance that Biden wins, I hope everything we fear that the Democrat Party has been threatening to do, doesn't actually happen.
I finally did the Bridge of Lions virtual 5k on October 25th (only 4 months late). It took me over an hour (to be fair, I detoured to take photos of an alligator), but felt good to be out there again!
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July 11th... October 25th... eh, whatever! |
In other election news, SCOTUS decided on October 26th that Wisconsin cannot count any mail-in ballots received after Election Day. Also on this day, Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed (52-48) as the new Associate Supreme Court Justice (the third to be seated by President Trump, after Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh).
Liberals over the past weeks have, as usual, been smearing her and attacking her and her family, in the news and on social media. One of the more obnoxious ones is that they basically adopted black Haitian children to be "saviors" or to simply use as props. For instance, this race-hustling asshole Ibram X. Kendi said this last month:
On October 29th, the US reached 9 million cases of Covid (again, not deaths, just cases). I also was in the office for a few hours, to cover Temp Checks and do some filing. Putting on actual jeans felt weird.
At about :06 in the video above, you can see that the bus is in the center lane, while there is a white truck with a big Trump flag, and a black truck behind, pacing the bus (with plenty of space in-between). At some point (the video from YouTube is actually multiple videos), you'll see that the Biden Bus has moved over to the right lane, in front of the black truck, and at :30, a white SUV is trying to "shove" into the space between the bus and the truck. The black truck does not move to allow the SUV into the space, even though the SUV is clearly in the wrong. At one point (4:20 in the video below), the SUV forcefully moves over, causing the black truck to swerve and over-correct, hitting the side of the SUV. The SUV drives on like nothing happened! (The black truck DID call in the police report, with the plates and description of the SUV). Oh, and the best part... the SUV was being driven by a Biden/Harris staffer.
Liberals and the Media being what they are, they made this entire event some sort of MadMax situation, alleging that the Trump supporters ere surrounding the bus in an attempt to run it off the road. Later that day, it was announced that the FBI was going to launch an investigation into the "hateful incident." After it was shown multiple times on Social Media that the SUV (and the Biden/Harris staffer) was at fault, the story quickly disappeared.
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