Thursday, December 31, 2020

China Lied, People Died - Final Covid Update of 2020

I'm so tired of doing these... I want my country back. I'm angry that so many places are still locked down or forcing their citizens to wear disgusting cloth masks on their faces. I'm enraged at what mental issues our children face because of this year. I'm angered at every single story I hear about an elderly person dying alone because The Powers That Be won't let their family members come see them in their final days. 

I'm just so. fucking. tired.

On December 1, Florida exceeded one million cases (not deaths, cases) of Covid. We were the third state to do so, after California and Texas. Know what else we're 3rd for? Being the 3rd largest state in population, after ... you guessed it... California and Texas. 

On December 3rd, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Kyle Rittenhouse is ordered to stand trial for two (!) First Degree Murder charges, as well as Possession of a Firearm by a Minor, and two charges of Reckless Endangerment. If you recall, this is the kid who went to WI to help a friend clean up and protect his business due to citywide riots following the (justified) shooting of Jacob Blake. Multiple rioters came for Kyle, and he acted in self-defense. Now he's on trial for murder... 

In race news, Disney switched Star Wars Weekend, held in April, to a virtual race. This will be the fourth race that went virtual for them (the others being Star Wars Weekend 2020, Wine & Dine, Marathon Weekend 2021, and Princess 2021). Most people at this point are fed up with shit like this. I know I am. 

On December 11, SCOTUS denied a lawsuit to overturn Biden's victory in four battleground states, and Pfizer is granted FDA authority to distribute the first Covid vaccines (the first does are administered a few days later, on December 14). 

At a Stop the Steal rally in Washington, DC (which drew between 12,000 and 15,000 people), four people were stabbed, one was shot, and 33 were arrested. It's still not 100% clear why one person was shot (but his post, from Liberty or Death AC shows in detail what happened and that it was most likely defense of another person. Mr. Machala's charges were dropped a few days after his arrest, as well. CNN won't cover that, of course!) 

(Screenshot of a CNN article about the violence)

On December 14th, a sad day for our nation, it is declared that Biden won the Electoral College 306-232. I don't care what judges or SCOTUS say, we all have eyes for god's sake! We saw video on Election Night from numerous states of blatant violations. Cases were only thrown out because the lawyers (I'm lookin' at you, Powell, Lin, and Giuliani...) didn't do their work and build a rock-solid case. Many of the cases were thrown out solely because the evidence was weak. Not because there wasn't fraud! (But that doesn't stop Liberals on social media from crowing about being right). 

Julie Nolke put out her fourth installment of Explaining the Pandemic to my Past Self on YouTube. Again, more political than previous versions (but then isn't everything at this point?)

On December 18th, the FDA authorizes the use of the Moderna vaccine. Vice President Pence and his wife, as well as Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell all receive Pfizer shots. 

It was first reported on December 20th that "a highly infectious new strain of SARS CoV2" is spreading throughout Europe and Australia. Great. Just what the media and government need... a new strain to lock us down further!

On December 21st, Congress passes the Consolidated Appropriates Act 2021, which is a 2.3 TRILLION DOLLAR Pandemic Relief AND Omnibus Spending bill. It is a whopping 5,593 pages, the longest ever passed by Congress. Oh, and only 900 billion is for Covid relief. (Meaning 1.4 Trillion Dollars is for pork projects and other governmental bullshit). Also on this day, President-Elect Joe and Doctor Jill Biden got their Pfizer vaccine shots. 

On Christmas Day, a suicide car bomb exploded in Nashville. Some guy detonated an RV bomb, killing himself and injuring 8 people, also damaging multiple buildings in the surrounding area. The RV showed up around 1:30am and for almost five hours, witnesses claimed to hear gunshots followed by a female voice on loudspeakers on the RV warning them to evacuate before the bombing. Odd. Because the bomber died with the bomb, a motive can never be confirmed, but he seemed to be a whackjob conspiracy theorist, at least according to the Mainstream Media, and wanted to kill himself because of "life stresses."  (Interestingly enough, it was near an AT&T Network Hub that some say was being used to audit the Dominion voting machines from the election.)

Worldwide, the number of Covid cases (not deaths, just cases) reaches 80 million on December 27th. 


So, as I said at the beginning... I'm tired of this shit. This will be my last Covid monthly update. The more I do this, the less it becomes about Covid and the more it becomes about how much I hate my local and federal government.

I am tired of letting it cloud my otherwise sunshiney days… Nothing I write will change things (there are many other awesome Conservative voices out there). I may continue to make a specific post, if something extremely newsy happens, but that’s about it. I’m going back to being lazy, going to the gym, and (eventually) running races really slowly. Bring on 2021!

(Oof, if you know, you know)

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