Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Roadblock - We're Postponing our Road Trip

I have been so psyched over the past year and a half, since hatching a plan in 2019, to go on an epic road trip with Hubby. We were going to go see a hidden lake, and Nashville, and Memphis, and the Big Muddy and the Big Easy, and everything in between!!

And then...

COVID happened. 

Like all things in my life, this trip and all its planning have come to a standstill. 

We really hopped that by summer 2020, shit would be on the upswing to normalcy again. 

And it wasn't.

So then we really really hoped by fall 2020, it would be.

It wasn't.

Thanksgiving and Christmas came and went. 

And it's not back to normal. 

If it ever will be, I have no idea. But I can say that I don't want to have this epic road trip spoiled by asshole mayors and governors keeping their cities and states locked down. I want to go out and be free to enjoy everything a city has to offer. I want to walk their sidewalks without having to worry about wearing masks, about social distancing, about not being ABLE to walk their sidewalks because said mayors have their cities tied up tighter than a fat woman's girdle at an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. 

So, we're pushing it back from June 2021 (original plan) to September 2021. 

Why September? Well, Hubby can't go in October/November/December, because of his work. I can't go in most of October because of my work. So, September is really the latest we can push it, if we want to keep it in 2021 for our big anniversary. This may give the USA some time to get back to normal, too. 

We may very well have to move it into 2022. We'll be weird and celebrate our 26th anniversary, I suppose. Nothing says we HAVE to do it for our 25th.

But it sure would have been nice...

(ETA: Yes, I know people are miserable and suffering and dying because of COVID. I'm not downplaying an actual virus that is doing these things. I'm complaining about the draconian measures being taken to "fight" a virus that does what it does DESPITE any of those measures.) 

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