Tuesday, May 30, 2023

An Upside of Appendicitis? I Can Run This Race! - Memorial Day 5k 2023

It's been a weird spring, y'all! Right now, I'm dealing with Steve the Cyst and a Hubby recuperating from having an appendectomy. He's doing much better now, thank you to everyone who has reached out to ask about him. 

I realized a few days after his surgery that, since he would be off of work, I would be able to run the Orange Park Memorial Day 5k this year! Usually I either have to skip it (since it starts so early) or he has to take the day off. But he's already off! So, yes, I paid the whole $45 race fee, donned my most patriotic gear, and drove up to Jacksonville to run with a thousand of strangers.
Ready to run... well, walk!
Really an uneventful 5k. Seriously, I went back through my camera roll and it's just a bunch of crowd shots, and then a cat in the middle of the road. Everyone stopped to pet the cat, who refused to move. 

Pet here for power
I finished, sweaty, with a time of 56:06. I was 662nd out of 688 total runners. And look what I got!!!

Something looks... off?
Yes, that says Finiser. It's a Finiser medal. 

Row after row of Finiser Medals
The thing that's so funny is that I never noticed it at the time. Held it up, took photos. Took a photo of the table full of medals. Hung my medal from my rearview mirror as I drove around town. Nope, didn't notice it until later that night when I was cleaning up my camera roll. 

Anyway, me and my finiser medal headed over to a local donut shop, Daily Donuts, for a half-dozen donuts. The Maple Donut was delicious, with a good yeasty chew to it. 

Blueberry Cake, Maple Frosted, White Cream Filled (x2)
Chocolate Frosted, Glazed
I popped over to Sam's Club for some groceries, then wandered around JCPenney at Orange Park mall for a while, but I was starving so it was time for lunch. I'd heard good things about Brewer's Pizza, which is a part of Pinglehead Brewing Company. It was dark inside, and felt like a good "hole in the wall" pizza joint. There was a large group in the middle that had just played in a Pickleball Tournament nearby, and listening to them chit chat just really annoyed me. I hate to say it, but they all sounded so rich, entitled, and overly "we're better than you." Every one of them seemed to have a special request for their pizza, or demanded something extra during their meal. Like, come on people... I just want to order my pizza before I eat my own foot over here! 

I ordered something called a Florida Smacker; a personal deep-dish pizza, with pepperoni. Because of the large group, it took a while for my Smacker to get to me, but damn, it was worth it! It looked similar to a Little Caesar's lunch pizza, but it was worlds apart, in terms of taste and quality. It had that delicious greasy, tomatoey, spiciness to it that a good pepperoni pizza should have, with a thick and chewy crust, with toasted cheese edges. I was able to eat 3 of the 4 pieces, and I cannibalized the final slice, eating the toppings, because I needed the calories. 

Pepperoni Florida Smacker... sooooo good!
(ETA: Sad to hear, they closed in November 2023... They just couldn't recover after stupid Covid restrictions and the aftermath).

On the way out of town, I hit up Old Time Pottery, grabbed a soda for the road, then headed home. 

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