Monday, December 20, 2010

Pringles Sizzlin' Sweet BBQ

I got these for free when I "liked" Pringles on FB. I think.  All my frugalness runs together sometimes.
Anyway, they sent me a Q (coupon) for a free can, so I got this flavor.  I don't like Dill Pickle or Buffalo (two other flavors I remember), so I went with BBQ.

It has a great zing to it, but it's not OMGsoHOT.  If you wnt OMGsoHOT, get some Golden Flake Hot Chips - those'll clear out your sinuses! Anyway, I took these to work with me to munch on (and to dispose of if I didn't like them - isn't that what breakrooms are for???).  I love them! I can't pinpoint one flavor that makes them so good, but all of the spices together make it just right.

On the side of the can is a Hot Meter - from one to four, this flavor is just above two.

I give it a 3 out of 5 (hmm, stars? thumbs up? I can't decide).  It's got a good beat and you can dance to it, as well as eat it at lunch without coming out of your office looking like you just made out with the snotmonster.

(Oh yeah, I don't know what the rules are, but I was not paid or endorsed or tortured by Pringles to write this review - I used that awesome power of Free Will!)

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