Monday, December 20, 2010

Quaker High Fiber Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal

Ah yeah, this was the other thing I wanted to review.

I love Cream of Wheat. I REALLY flove Maple & Brown Sugar Cream of Wheat.  However, my local Walmart doesn't carry this flavor, and it's expensive everywhere else, so I only get it when there is a great sale (I'm waiting, Publix!).

A few months ago, there was a great $2/1 (Two dollars off of One Package) Q for Quaker Instant Oatmeal.  I printed that Q and sat on it until there was a BoGo Sale at Publix.  The two Qs make the oatmeal free. I grabbed two boxes of High Fiber oatmeal, thinking that if I ate it at work, it would keep me satisfied until lunch time.

Well, I finally got around to opening the box about 2 weeks ago.  I poured in the 1/2 cup of water from my nifty electric kettle (don't even have to leave my office!) and let it set. I added some cinnamon and brown sugar and stirred.  When I looked into the cup, I gotta say, it looked like chunky snot.  Vaguely grey-brown snot.

I gave it a chance to soften and then I only got through about 1/2 of it before I had to toss it.  It smelled weird and it wasn't super tasty.

I tried it again this morning (it's cold today and I forgot to eat breakfast!) with a little less water, more cinnamon and more sugar.  it was better (or I was hungrier).  I ate all of it, but I didn't feel like licking the bowl when I was done.

4:45 PM - I had to come back to add that not only did the added fiber NOT fill me up, it also, um, made me have to go, really bad.  You know what I'm sayin'. I think I'm gonna skip the added fiber from now on. 

I give it 1 out of 5 whatevers.

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