Saturday, October 14, 2023

Lasik Pre-Op

After finally thinking about it for more than two years, I am FINALLY getting Lasik this year! I had my consultation back in March, and because 2023 has been an absolute bitch, it got postponed until fall, mostly because I had to move it to the new fiscal year, to be able to use my FSA money. 

The consult back in March was a very basic exam, but the pre-op, which I had done yesterday, was a much more in-depth kind of exam. I had to remove my contacts a week ago, so that my eyes could go back into a natural resting state. I've had to wear some old glasses, which has been frustrating, especially while driving. Reading has been great though... don't need readers! 

Hubby came to the pre-op with me, so that he'd hear all the instructions. I did all the tests again, like looking at the red balloon, reading the letters on the wall, getting stared at with that "chin in a strap" machine (that's called a Slit Lamp, apparently... I looked it up later). Doc said that I have a lot of Keratitis Scarring from my years of irresponsible contact lens wearing. Oh, but then....

He asked me how old I was. I said I was 46. He made a little hmmph noise, then asked me if I knew I had a cataract. 

I'm sorry, what now? I have a WHAT? You must be mistaken... old people have cataracts. I'm not old. I'm... I'm... middle age!!!

But apparently I'm middle age with a cataract in my left eye. He did a few more tests while I filled out some forms to see if we could get Blue Cross Blue Shield to pay for the surgery (instead of out of my pocket), but after the additional tests, he thought it best that we wait; cataract surgery on someone under 50 could result in retinal detachment. Currently, my cataract is very small, so he suggested we take a wait and see approach - if it gets worse, we fix it. If it doesn't, yay for me. At the end of the exam, he deemed me good to go for Lasik. Awww, yeah, let's go! 

So, for now, I can put my contacts back in until the week before my procedure. At that point, I'll need to take them out (forevah!) and use two different types of eye drops to get my eyeballs nice and healthy and juicy and ready to go. 

I'm so stoked, I can't wait!!!!! 

But until then, I'll leave you with a joke: 
After my eye exam, my doctor had a concerned look in his face. 
I asked him, "What's wrong?"
He said, "Your test results don't look all that good."
"Oh no," I exclaimed, " Can I see them?"
He replies, "Probably not." 


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