Monday, March 15, 2021

How Do Photogs Get Those Shots? - Wisconsin Road Trip Day 8

Enjoying our stay in Roanoke, we went to bed early last night so we could be up by 8:30am today. We had zero plans again, though we learned yesterday that it didn't really work as well as we'd thought...

I picked up some hotel breakfast as we headed out (bagels, muffins, etc) and tucked them away for snacking, then got some gas and more McDonald's sausage biscuits. 

We headed down the road and soon saw a sign for the New River Trail State Park; well, of course we had to go check it out!

Or.... not.

Once we'd turned off the main highway, we ended up turning left onto Dora Highway, instead of continuing down to Xaloy Way, where we could park. 

I think our hike was better (and parking was free)
We drove a few miles before realizing that we were in the wrong place, but found a small parking area, so we decided to get out anyway and check out the tiny creek nearby. It was lined with a gravel path, which was nice. We walked about half a mile to a small bridge that crossed the creek, all the while taking some photos, before returning back to the car. 

Peak Creek
Never saw any trout though
So pretty, but cloudy
Hey, Photographer, how do you get them cool photos?
Change your perspective for better shots
Can't forget to get another rock!
Back on the road, we didn't do much more exploring, except to explore lunch options. We stopped in Elkin, NC and picked up a magnet (of course), as well as lunch. I wasn't feeling more McDonald's so I literally mobile-ordered Chick-fil-A while waiting in line for Hubby's order at McDs!  Once he got his, I got mine, and we were back on the road. 

Welcome to North Carolina (...eventually...)
In South Carolina, he wasn't a fan of the roads, as they were travelling through the Blue Ridge Mountains. Sadly, he couldn't enjoy the beauty that was right out the window! I attempted, and failed, to capture some photos while I drove.

Welcome to South Carolina (...eventually...)
The photos don't do it justice - the Blue Ridge Mountains are so pretty!
As anyone who drives along interstates and highways knows, there's always an abundance of "sexy" store billboards. I jokingly told him that if he told me to exit, I'd buy whatever he wanted. 

So we did. 

...and Often!
We stopped at Lion's Den Superstore in Bowman, and I was surprised at how... non-skeevy it was. I've been to adult stores before; many feel skeevy. I was expecting one on the side of an interstate to be extra-skeevy, but it wasn't. There were about 5 other people there (plus staff), 4 of whom were couples. It was very well organized. "Regular" lingerie was in one area, whereas "Fantasy" or "BDSM" lingerie was in another. All the toys were sorted by type. There was a good variety and supply of lubes, lotions, and potions, and even a small table for those disgusting incense sticks. We wandered for about an hour (mostly because I was making fun of so many of the items, because, wow...), but we ended up with a few items, most of which I'll not share with you, but I will share that I got a fun pair of socks that I can't wait to wear to work beneath my Business Outfit pants and Business Appropriate shoes:

Yeah I would
Anyway, it was a fun adventure that I know will pay off for me later. 

It did. 
Both of us were still somewhat full from lunch, but Hubby had been seeing signs for some place called Cook-Out that touted 30 flavors of milkshakes, so we had to go check it out! The menu is immense, and we kind of just stared at it for a few minutes in awe. 

I would like... one of everything please!
Hubby went with a Peanut Butter Fudge shake that tasted just like a No Way Jose from Disney World. I chose a Mint Chip shake that was a dead ringer for Andes Candies. Oh, and together, they were only six bucks! 

16 ounces, thicker than concrete!
There is no way you can actually suck these things through a straw, so we happily shoveled them into our faces with spoons until we were about to burst. He got through about half of his, and I was almost there. Since we were close to the hotel, we figured we'd bring them with us; by the time we checked in, they'd be actual shake consistency. 

As we drove south toward the state line, I had about a third of a tank of gas; I wanted to push into to Georgia before stopping so I could fill up and pick up a magnet at the same time. 

This was stupid. 

The "Get Gas, Dumbass!" light came on about 25 miles from the state line, but I pushed it and won. We stopped at an EnMarket for gas and then headed to our hotel in midtown Savannah.

You'll notice something here...

I didn't buy a magnet. 

And why not? 

Because... duh... we'll still be here tomorrow! I played a stupid game, but at least I didn't win a stupid prize. 

Anyway, the hotel was tucked away on some weird side street that was hard to find, and check-in was way more "we're a high class hotel" than was warranted. We were told that our room was in the North Wing and we had to go in a separate entrance. After we parked and got into the North Wing, the elevator was broken, and we had to haul our stuff up two flights of stairs to the third floor. We called down to the desk to alert them that the elevator was broken, and I was told that they'd give me a $20 credit for the hassle, but it's been three months and no credit. 

The room was nice, small but clean, and laid out weirdly with a funky loveseat/ottoman set-up that took up a lot of space in the room. Luckily, thanks to our earlier stop, we were able to put it to good use. 

Yes, yes it is.
Goodnight to our last night on the road; tomorrow, we finally make it home!

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