Monday, March 15, 2021

Let's Get This Show on the Road (Wisconsin Road Trip Day 1)

 And so it begins! Today is Day 1 of our Epic Wisconsin Adventure. 

I was up at 6:45, so I had plenty of time to deal with Uber. Hubby was suffering from stomach pains. When I left the bedroom, I was surprised to see The Kiddo was already awake, waiting for Jo and Mimi so they could go to breakfast. She called an Uber for me before she left, and he ended up at the house by 7:30am, which was way too early, but after yesterday it's better to be early than late!

I got to Penske around 7:45, and had to wait outside. And, just my luck, it started to rain. Luckily, after about 10 minutes, the Service Technician opened the door early so that I could sit inside, out of the rain. After I got my truck, I headed home (Truck Rental Tip: Adjust your mirrors before you drive away!) My original plan was to back the truck up to as close to the front door as possible, but a 12' truck was harder to maneuver than expected, so we had to leave it in the middle of the yard.

Back in the house, Hubby was still in bed, still in pain. And, of course, I'm still miserable, with migraine leftovers from last night. Once back from breakfast, the girls loaded up the truck and the car. 

At one point, I happened to see that her purse and Nintendo Switch were on the couch, which told me that they were close to being done, and I had to just go hide in the bedroom for a minute and lose it. As I told Hubby multiple times that morning, I hadn't gone over the hill to "this is a great thing for her," I was still stuck on "this is a loss for me."

And, finally, they were all packed. I went into our room to get Hubby (still in pain), and we both had a good cry and then we said our goodbyes. Our "see ya later"s, actually, since we'd see them again on Monday, I guess. 

The Kiddo, Mimi, & Jo
And then she was gone. The house seemed quieter. Emptier. The cat was confused. 

I had one more moment of sad, and then switched into Get Shit Done Mode. Took a shower. Finished packing. All that stuff. Hubby was still feeling like crap, but I was doing a little better (I downed a warm Pepsi earlier, that's how desperate I was for sugar and caffeine.)

It took much longer than expected for him to feel good enough to leave, but eventually we headed out and were on the road by 1pm. 

We drove north to Lake City and then caught Interstate 10 and headed west. After an hour or so, we were in uncharted territory, and I was a little giddy. We were actually doing this! (Granted, differently than originally planned last year, but still...!)

Our first pitstop was a Raceway in Slocomb, at the Florida-Alabama line. There were two main reasons I wanted to stop there. One was because it was right by the "Welcome to Alabama" sign (I originally thought it was in the parking lot, but it was actually across the street), and two was because I planned on getting a big ol' soda from every single place we stopped at. This was no exception. 

The first of many... questionable... photos Hubby took with the camera
However, once inside (and this place was janky), I spotted some chips called Rap Snacks. Hmmm, never heard of those before. I decided to pick them up so we could try them.
Is Migos a person? A group? I'm old, I don't know shit about fuck.
This led to an obsession over the next ten days that I wouldn't have even thought of when I was planning this trip! Stay tuned for more!

Hours into this leg of the journey, hubby is still miserable, which is putting a damper on my day. I'm over in the driver's seat stuffing my face with Slim Jims, potato chips, and big ol' drinks, and he's positively green around the gills. He crossed over to miserable and pissy by the time we got to Montgomery, Alabama, which sucked. I understand that you're in pain, but dude... (it felt like he was verging into Man Flu territory.)

Also by the time we got to Montgomery, it's too dark to see anything fun, but luckily, our hotel was just up the road. Tonight we're staying at a Red Roof Inn. I booked a King Room, but upon check-in, I was informed that all of their king rooms were unavailable. The clerk mumbled something about there being an electrical problem with one wing of the hotel. She gave us a Two Queen room on the ground floor instead. 

Goodnight sunshine

Love Stuff... Um, maybe next time?
Oh but wait, it gets better... I told Hubby to go ahead to the room while I parked the truck, and when I got to the room, something seemed off... Oh, I know what it was; the fact that the room was used!!! Seriously, the beds were both used, there were wet towels in the bathtub, there was trash in the trashcans. What the actual hell? So, I went back to the lobby, and she gave us an upgraded room in "the interior wing" (which actually had an elevator, I might add). This room was clean and turned, and it was pretty, but let me tell ya... those were NOT queen beds. Those were doubles. My fat ass and his fat ass were rubbin' together all night long. I guess you get what you pay for when you get a $50/night room... 

What a crazy long day! Hopefully Day 2 is a little better than today!

Bonus Video: If you're a fan of Safiya Nygaard on YouTube, she and Tyler recently did a cross-country move and vlogged it on YouTube. These two (and their awesome cat, Crusty) are my #TravelVlogGoals! Check it out! 

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