Monday, March 15, 2021

I Need Magnets! - Wisconsin Road Trip Day 7

After a harrowing drive from New York last night, and a restless night, I let Hubby sleep in until around 10am. 

Once awake, I left him to get ready, and I headed back to New York, to Sassy's Truck Stop, to hopefully find a NY magnet. While I didn't get an actual magnet, I was able to pick up both a New York and Pennsylvania keychain that could be turned into magnets once I got home. It felt like cheating, but when all is said and done, I'm okay with it now. 

On my way back to New York
Snowmobile Crossing Sign... huh
Welcome to Pennsylvania
Back at the hotel we packed up the car and headed toward Roanoke, Virginia. The plan for the day was to avoid "windy backroads" as much as possible, and to get back on the interstate. Unfortunately, for the first few hours, we ended up on US-219 again; luckily it wasn't too bad for him, especially since it was daylight and he could see the curves. 

Take me home, country roads
Interesting Fact from Garmin – highest elevation reached on this trip was 2,289f above sea level, while driving through Allegheny National Forest (recorded at 12:30pm)
Still some snow on the ground
Snow runoff in a nearby creek (look to the left)
A few hours into the drive, we came across a Sheetz. I'd been wanting to check out a Sheetz, since they are considered the biggest competition to Wawa, which is my beloved convenience store. 

Upon first experience, it came across as a 2nd-rate Wawa. It was small (compared to a large store) and awkwardly laid out. Their ordering area was tiny and felt cramped. I decided to try the $5 App Sampler with Chicken Bitez, Totz, Cheese Curds, as well as some French fries. We also picked up sodas, some Lofthouse Cookies (in a 2-pack? I see you!), a bag of Slim Jim Inferno Fries, and a tube of Sheetz Hot & Spicy nuts (OMG, they were so good!). 

This makes my Fat Girl heart so happy!
But talking about good... Fried. Cheese. Is. AMAZING. I'm a little ashamed that we never got some Fried Cheese Curds while in Wisconsin, but at least I've tried it, and OMG, I love it! The Chicken Bitez were nothing fancy, but the Totz were nice and crispy. The overuse of "Z" in place of "S" is obnoxious, but whatever. 

It's all so ... brown! Chicken, Tots, and Cheese
A few hours later, we saw a billboard for Boyer Candy Outlet and Factory. Neither Hubby nor I had any idea what Boyer Candy made, but we thought it would be a fun side adventure to check out a candy factory! We went to Altoona and found this tiny little place... Okay, so Boyer makes Mallo Cups! I've never had a Mallo Cup. All I knew is that it was similar to a Reese's Cup, but made with marshmallow instead of peanut butter. 

This way!
Five. Pounds. of. Marshmallow.
We couldn't tour the factory, and the Outlet store was smaller than my living room! There was lots of Mallo Cups, as well as Clark Cups, and Smoothie Cups. If we wanted, we could have even bought a bucket full of marshmallow filling! We picked up a 6-pack of each type of candy so we could try them when we got home. 

After leaving Altoona, we headed into, and then out of, Maryland, within 3 minutes, and then into West Virginia. Because it was such a quick drive, we didn't have anywhere to get magnets. We ended up at a Liberty gas station in West Virginia, and I was able to pick up West Virginia, Virginia, and a slice of Godfather's Pizza. 

Welcome to Maryland... Now Leaving Maryland
Welcome to West Virginia
From there, took I-81 to Roanoke and checked in to our hotel for the night. 

But why is Virginia for lovers

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