Monday, September 20, 2021

And We're Off! - Anniversary Adventure Day 1

I woke up this morning around 6:30, too excited to sleep. It was finally time for adventure! I hopped in the shower, then drank my juice while I twittered for a bit. After waking up the Hubby, we packed up The VW Lovebud (our stanky rental car) and hit the road. 

Found these in the arm console... thanks, Previous Renter!
Until about 10 minutes after we left, when we couldn't remember if we locked the doors of our personal car! So, we turned around, drove back home, hit the "lock" button on my key fob, then left the house again. At this point, it was almost 10:30am when we finally got onto the Interstate. 

Due to all the issues, we forewent our planned lunch in Chipley (which would have ended up happening around 2pm at this point) and stopped instead for McDonald's and Chick-fil-A in Lake City, Florida. While we sat in the drive-thru, we heard on the radio that Interstate 10 was closed at the Interstate 75 connector (which was exactly where we needed to go). Rather than get on I-75 anyway, and following whatever detour was available, we instead hopped on US-90 and headed west to Madison, FL. We picked up some Uncle Ray's hot chips, and two mini Blizzards at the DQ inside a Fast Track Truck Stop in Madison, then watched some weird-ass people while we sat in our car (slightly stoned out of our minds from the stank of this vehicle). At one point, we saw a rather questionable-looking woman, who I dubbed "Tallahassee Trashy." She may or may not have been strung out on meth. 

Back on the road, we drove until we hit Alabama before we took a pit-stop for gas, snacks, and potties. I picked up a few bags of Golden Flake chips this time. 

Do you see it? 
I had to turn around and take photos! 
Jesus approves of this message!
Once we left the interstate, we were on US-84, a two-lane road, and stuck behind log trucks... welcome to the South! Finally, though, we made it to Mississippi, woo hoo!

Back Roads = Less Traffic (not a car in sight!)
Once in Laurel, we did a quick drive around to acquaint ourselves with downtown and the historic district before heading to our hotel, which was only 5 minutes away. 

Check in was smooth, and we got an "Accessible Room" with a bathtub. The room was nice and big, too (maybe because it was "accessible?") I unpacked a little bit, went and grabbed some ice, then celebrated with some Naked Time. Afterward, we planned on going to Phillips Drive-In, but sadly, it was closed when we got there. We picked up a sub to share from Subway and took it back to the hotel. I soaked away the miles in a hot bubble bath, tweeted while I ate dinner, and fell asleep pretty quickly after that!

If you are interested, I'm going to link to my Shirt of the Day every day. If you're not interested, well then... whatever!  

                                                 Shirt of the Day                                                 

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